from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import numpy as np from string import ascii_letters def text (text, font='arial.ttf', size=32, colour=(255,255,255), bg=(127,127,127), border=(0,0,0,0), crop_x='text', crop_y='text', align_x='centre'): """Return a PIL image of the specified text, cropped to its boundaries. Keyword arguments: text -- the text to display (str). font -- the .ttf font file to use (str) size -- the font size (int; see PIL docs) colour -- a tuple specifying the font colour in hex, in the form (R,G,B) bg -- a tuple specifying the background colour in hex, in the form (R,G,B) border -- a tuple of pixel sizes for a border in the form (left_x, right_x, top_y, bottom_y), surrounding the crop crop_x -- should be one of the following, specifiying whether the output's width be cropped to the maximum boundaries of the current text or the font: 'text': the width limits of the rendered text 'font': the width limits of the font's ascii characters given the text's length, with centred alignment crop_y -- should be one of the following, specifiying whether the output's height be cropped to the maximum boundaries of the current text or the font: 'text': the height limits of the rendered text 'font': the height limits of the font's ascii characters given the text's length align_x -- how to horizontally align the text (if any white space): 'left': align to the left 'centre': align to the centre 'right': align to the right """ # get font info pil_font = ImageFont.truetype(font, size=size, encoding="unic") pil_fontsize = pil_font.getsize(text) # draw image im ='RGB', pil_fontsize, bg) im_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) im_draw.text((0,0), text, font=pil_font, fill=colour) # find which pixels could be filled by text if crop_x=='font' or crop_y=='font': letter_fontsizes = [pil_font.getsize(letter*len(text)) for letter in ascii_letters] canvas_max_size = (max([tup[0] for tup in letter_fontsizes]), max([tup[1] for tup in letter_fontsizes])) im_lims ='RGB', canvas_max_size, bg) im_lims_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_lims) for letter in ascii_letters: im_lims_draw.text((0,0), letter*len(text), font=pil_font, fill=colour) im_lims_arr = np.array(im_lims) text_lims_px = np.where(np.sum(im_lims_arr==bg, 2)!=im_lims_arr.shape[2]) # find which pixels are filled with text im_arr = np.array(im) text_px = np.where(np.sum(im_arr==bg, 2)!=im_arr.shape[2]) # find non-background pixels # get x crop from either font or text limits if crop_x=='font': min_x = np.min(text_lims_px[1]) max_x = np.max(text_lims_px[1])+1 elif crop_x=='text': min_x = np.min(text_px[1]) max_x = np.max(text_px[1])+1 # get y crop from either font or text limits if crop_y=='font': min_y = np.min(text_lims_px[0]) max_y = np.max(text_lims_px[0])+1 elif crop_y=='text': min_y = np.min(text_px[0]) max_y = np.max(text_px[0])+1 min_x = int(min_x) max_x = int(max_x) min_y = int(min_y) max_y = int(max_y) # get the horizontal and vertical text size info (for alignment & drawing location) min_x_text = np.min(text_px[1]) max_x_text = np.max(text_px[1])+1 min_y_text = np.min(text_px[0]) max_y_text = np.max(text_px[0])+1 text_width = max_x_text - min_x_text # apply crop (create as new image to avoid default black background) im_out ='RGB', (border[0] + border[1] + max_x - min_x, border[2] + border[3] + max_y - min_y), bg) im_out_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im_out) # get the text position adjustment (dictated by alignment) if align_x=='centre': align_adjust = round((max_x - min_x) * 0.5 - text_width * 0.5) elif align_x=='left': align_adjust = 0 elif align_x=='right': align_adjust = max_x - text_width # draw the text in the necessary position im_out_draw.text((-min_x_text + border[0] + align_adjust, -min_y + border[2]), text, font=pil_font, fill=colour) return(im_out)