Information on the experimental setup Location of the setup Inst. de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Mediterranee (INCM), GLM, CNRS - Aix Marseille Univ., Marseille, Francestring Location Used data acquisition (DAQ) system Cerebusstring DAQSystem Setup
Information on the experimental apparatus Full name of person who created the setup Thomas Brochierstring Creator Full name of person who maintains the setup Thomas Brochierstring Maintainer Apparatus
Information on the input/output connector block Type of apparatus input/output connector blockstring Type Name of manufacturer used to build the experimental apparatus NI, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, Texas, USAstring Manufacturer Function of apparatus used to connect devices of the apparatus with the LabVIEW computer and the Neural Signal Processorstring Function NIConnectorBlock setup
Information on the analog/digital converter card Type of apparatus NI 6023Estring Type Name of manufacturer used to build the experimental apparatus NI, National Instruments Corporation, Austin, Texas, USAstring Manufacturer Function of apparatus used as analog/digital converter for the LabVIEW computer, converts analog signal received from the table switch and send to control the reward pump to digital eventsstring Function ADConverterCard setup
Information on the start switch Function of apparatus activates the internal initiation of the start trial event, its deactivation marks the onset of the reach-to-grasp movementstring Function Type of apparatus table switchstring Type Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) analogstring SignalType Names of events extracted from this signal SRstring TrialEvents Sampling rate of data 30000Hzint SamplingRate Target device of apparatus NI connector blockstring ConnectedTo Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring MonitoredBy File in which apparatus signals are saved nevstring SavedIn X position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 5.0cmfloat PosX Y position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 0.0cmfloat PosY Z position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 0.0cmfloat PosZ Origin for x,y, and z position of apparatus midline, waist-levelstring PosOrigin StartSwitch setup
Information on the target object Function of apparatus object to grasp, pull and holdstring Function Type of apparatus stainless steel parallelpipedstring Type Length of apparatus 40.0mmfloat Length Width of apparatus 16.0mmfloat Width Height of apparatus 10.0mmfloat Height Device apparatus is attached to anterior end of a low- friction horizontal shuttlestring AttachedTo Rotation of apparatus from vertical axis 45.0degfloat Rotation X position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 5.0cmfloat PosX Y position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 13.0cmfloat PosY Z position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 14.0cmfloat PosZ Origin for x,y, and z position of apparatus midline, waist-levelstring PosOrigin Minimum and maximum pull range of target object 0.0mmfloat 15.0mmfloat PullRange Minimum and maximum weight range of target object 0.0gfloat 800.0gfloat WeightRange Mechanism to switch weight configuration activation of magnetstring WeightSwitch Sensors providing additional analogue signals to monitor task and behavior FSRSensorstring HESensorstring LoadForcestring Sensors TargetObject
Information on the FSR sensors Function of apparatus Measures grip and pulling load forces by means of force sensitive resistances (FSR)string Function Channel IDs of FSR sensors to measure load forces of side grip 138int 140int SGChannelIDs Channel IDs of FSR sensors to measure load forces of precision grip 137int 139int PGChannelIDs Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) analogstring SignalType Names of events extracted from this signal OTstring ORstring TrialEvents Sampling rate of data 1000Hzint SamplingRate Target device of apparatus NeuralSignalProcessorstring ConnectedTo Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring MonitoredBy Preprocessing software used on signals of apparatus MATLABstring PreProcessedBy Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring ControlledBy File in which apparatus signals are saved ns2string SavedIn FSRSensor setup/daq
Information on the hall-effect sensor Function of apparatus Hall effect (HE) sensor measures horizontal displacementstring Function Number of hall-effect sensors 1int Count Channel ID of HESensor to measure horizontal object displacement 143int ChannelID Names of events extracted from this signal DOstring OBBstring TrialEvents Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) analogstring SignalType File in which apparatus signals are saved ns2string SavedIn HESensor setup/daq
Information on the load force signal Function of apparatus used to detect load force of the target objectstring Function Number of load force signals 1int Count Channel ID of load force signal 141int ChannelID Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) analogstring SignalType File in which apparatus signals are saved ns2string SavedIn LoadForce setup/daq
Information on the cue system Function of apparatus instructing movement configurations of each trialstring Function Type of apparatus visual, LED cubestring Type Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) digitalstring SignalType Names of events extracted from this signal WS-ONstring CUE-ONstring CUE-OFFstring GO-ONstring GO-OFFstring ERROR-FLASH-ONstring EventNames Width of apparatus 10.0mmfloat Width Height of apparatus 10.0mmfloat Height X position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 5.0cmfloat PosX Y position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin 13.0cmfloat PosY Z position of apparatus relative to PosOrigin -1.0cmfloat PosZ Origin for x,y, and z position of apparatus midline, waist-levelstring PosOrigin Number of LEDs 5int LEDCount Arrangement of LEDs 2-1-2string LEDConfiguration Color of the corner LEDs redstring CornerLEDColor Color of the center LEDs yellowstring CenterLEDColor Sampling rate of data 30000Hzint SamplingRate Target device of apparatus NI connector blockstring ConnectedTo Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring MonitoredBy Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring ControlledBy File in which apparatus signals are saved nevstring SavedIn CueSystem
Information on cue codes LEDs coding this trial instruction side gripstring LeftLEDs LEDs coding this trial instruction precision gripstring RightLEDs LEDs coding this trial instruction low forcestring BottomLEDs LEDs coding this trial instruction high forcestring TopLEDs LEDs coding this trial instruction fixation pointstring CenterLED LEDs coding this trial instruction ERROR-FLASH-ONstring FourCornerLEDs LEDs coding this trial instruction ERROR-FLASH-ONstring ThreeCornerLEDs CueCodes setup/daq
Information on the reward system Function of apparatus rewards subject if trial was performed correctlystring Function Type of apparatus reward pipestring Type Signal type of apparatus (digital or analog) digitalstring SignalType Names of events extracted from this signal RW-ONstring EventNames Food used for reward apple saucestring RewardFood Food amount used for reward per trial 0.5ml/200msfloat RewardAmount Sampling rate of data 30000Hzint SamplingRate Target device of apparatus NeuralSignalProcessorstring ConnectedTo Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring MonitoredBy Control software of apparatus LabVIEWstring ControlledBy File in which apparatus signals are saved nevstring SavedIn RewardSystem setup
Information on the experimental subject (animal or person) under investigation Binomial species name (genus, species within genus) Macaca mulattastring Species Commonly used (trivial) species name Rhesus monkeystring TrivialName Given name monkey_Lstring GivenName Short identifier for monkey (e.g., used in file names) lstring Identifier Gender (male or female) femalestring Gender Date of birth 2004-03-19date Birthday Trained hand (left and/or right) leftstring ActiveHand Comment on existing disabilities Middle phalanx of right thumb is missing.text Disabilities Comment on the general character/personality Eager to work, quick and efficient but very nervous. Does not like to be touched (for instance for RF testing).text Character Subject
Information on the training given to subject Full name(s) of person(s) responsible for the training Thomas Brochierstring Coach Start date of training 2010-06-01date Start End date of training 2010-09-01date End Comment on training Training was easy and fast, chair and hand training started together.string Comment Training subject/preparation
Information on the array implant performed on subject Date of the surgery 2010-09-15date Date Full name(s) of the person(s) responsible for the surgery Ivan Balansardstring Alexa Riehlestring Surgeon Hemisphere (left and/or right) in which surgery was performed rightstring Hemisphere Rotation of the array in the CCW direction, where 0 degrees is defined by projecting the array onto a sagittal view of the brain with the wire bundle extruding to the anterior direction. 216.0degfloat ArrayRotation Comment on the surgery no commentstring Comment ArrayImplant subject/preparation
Information on the experimental project Name of project reach-to-graspstring Name Type of project electrophysiologystring Type Name of the project motor behaviorstring Subtype Affiliations of the involved collaborators Inst. of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and Inst. for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6), Juelich Research Centre & JARA, Juelich, Germanystring Inst. de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), UMR 7289, CNRS - Aix Marseille Univ., Marseille, Francestring Collaborators Project
Information on tasks Names of possible task designs OneCuestring TwoCuesstring Observationstring Sleepstring Mappingstring PossibleDesigns Name of the used task design TwoCuesstring UsedDesign TaskDesigns project
Information on condition codes (trial type combination codes) Grip first trials, all grip and force types SGLFstring SGHFstring PGLFstring PGHFstring cnd_1 Force first trials, all force and grip types LFSGstring HFSGstring LFPGstring HFPGstring cnd_2 Grip first trials, all grip types, but only low force SGLFstring PGLFstring cnd_11 Grip first trials, all grip types, but only high force SGHFstring PGHFstring cnd_12 Grip first trials, only side grip, but all force types SGHFstring SGLFstring cnd_13 Grip first trials, only precision grip, but all force types PGHFstring PGLFstring cnd_14 Force first trials, only low force, but all grip types LFSGstring LFPGstring cnd_21 Force first trials, only high force, but all grip types HFSGstring HFPGstring cnd_22 Force first trials, all force types, but only side grip HFSGstring LFSGstring cnd_23 Force first trials, all force types, but only side grip HFPGstring LFPGstring cnd_24 Grip first trials, only side grip, only low force SGLFstring cnd_131 Grip first trials, only side grip, only high force SGHFstring cnd_132 Grip first trials, only side grip, force needs to be guessed SGSGstring cnd_133 Grip first trials, only precision grip, only low force PGLFstring cnd_141 Grip first trials, only precision grip, only high force PGHFstring cnd_142 Grip first trials, only precision grip, force needs to be guessed PGPGstring cnd_144 Force first trials, only low force, only side grip LFSGstring cnd_213 Force first trials, only low force, only precision grip LFPGstring cnd_214 Force first trials, only high force, only side grip HFSGstring cnd_223 Force first trials, only high force, only precision grip HFPGstring cnd_224 ConditionCodes codes
Information on the trial sequence codes used to calculate performance codes Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting either the deactivation of TS or the end of a trial TS-OFF/STOPstring digev_65280 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of TS TS-ONstring digev_65296 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the end of a trial STOPstring digev_65312 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting either the activation of WS or the deactivation of the first CUE WS-ON/CUE-OFFstring digev_65344 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding PG (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) PG-ONstring digev_65349 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding HF (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) HF-ONstring digev_65350 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding LF (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) LF-ONstring digev_65353 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding SG (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) SG-ONstring digev_65354 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding the error feedback ERROR-FLASH-ONstring digev_65359 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting either the activation of WS or the deactivation of the first CUE WS-ON/CUE-OFFstring digev_65360 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding PG (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) PG-ONstring digev_65365 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding HF (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) HF-ONstring digev_65366 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding LF (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) LF-ONstring digev_65369 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding SG (can be CUE-ON or GO-ON) SG-ONstring digev_65370 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting either the deactivation of GO LEDs or the deactivation of the RW pump GO/RW-OFFstring digev_65376 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for PG SR (+PG)string digev_65381 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for HF SR (+HF)string digev_65382 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for PG and HF SR (+PGHF/HFPG)string digev_65383 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for LF SR (+LF)string digev_65385 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for SG SR (+SG)string digev_65386 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for SG and LF SR (+SGLF/LFSG)string digev_65387 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for PG and LF SR (+PGLF/LFPG)string digev_65389 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of SR and the LEDs coding for SG and HF SR (+SGHF/HFSG)string digev_65390 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the LEDs coding the error feedback ERROR-FLASH-ONstring digev_65391 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the RW pump with all LEDs turned off RW-ON (noLEDs)string digev_65440 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the RW pump with central LED turned on RW-ON (-CONF)string digev_65504 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the RW pump with LEDs coding for PG turned on RW-ON (+CONF-PG)string digev_65509 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the RW pump with LEDs coding for HF turned on RW-ON (+CONF-HF)string digev_65510 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the RW pump with LEDs coding for LF turned on RW-ON (+CONF-LF)string digev_65513 Decimal representation for 16-bit binary code, reflecting the activation of the RW pump with LEDs coding for SG turned on RW-ON (+CONF-SG)string digev_65514 DigitalEventLabelCodes codes
Trial events used to control the trial sequence used to calculate the performance codes Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 0int TS-ON Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 1int WS-ON Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 2int CUE-ON Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 3int CUE-OFF Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 4int GO-ON Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 5int SR Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 6int RW-ON Bit representation of trial event used for controlling the trial sequence and calculating the performance code 7int STOP TrialSequenceEvents codes
Information on trial performance codes Performance code of a correctly completed trial correct_trialstring perf_255 Performance code of a trial where the wrong grip type is used grip_errorstring perf_191 Performance code of a trial where an error occurs before the go is activated (GO-ON) error<GO-ONstring perf_175 Performance code of a trial where an error occurs before the cue is deactivated (CUE-OFF, with SR-ON) error<CUE-OFFstring perf_167 Performance code of a trial where an error occurs before the cue is activated (CUE-ON) error<CUE-ONstring perf_163 Performance code of a trial where an error occurs before the warning signal (WS) is activated error<WSstring perf_161 Performance code of a trial where an error occurs before the switch release is activated (SR-ON) error<SR-ONstring perf_159 Performance code of an incomplete trial sequence incomplete_trialstring perf_0 PerformanceCodes codes
Information on the programmed trial settings Possible digital recorded trial events TS-ONstring TS-OFFstring WS-ONstring CUE-ONstring CUE-OFFstring GO-ONstring SRstring SR-REPstring RW-ONstring RW-ON-REPstring RW-OFFSTOPstring ERROR-FLASH-ONstring DigitalTrialEvents Possible analog recorded trial events OTstring ORstring DOstring OBBstring AnalogTrialEvents Duration of trained holding time (period between online estimate of HS and RW) 500.0msfloat HTTrained Time limit for movement (period between SR and online estimate of HS) 700.0msfloat MTLimit Time limit for reaction time (period between GO-ON and SR) 700.0msfloat RTLimit TrialSettings setup/control
Information on the settings of the target object Distance window for holding the object in place 4mmint 14mmint HoldPosRange Weight of object in low force modus 100.0gfloat LowForceWeight Weight of object in high force modus 200.0gfloat HighForceWeight TargetObjectSettings setup/control
Information on the Cerebus^TM data acquisition system Owner of the device RIKEN-BSI, Japanstring Owner Manufacturer of the device Blackrock Microsystemsstring Manufacturer Cerebus
Information of the Cerebus^TM neural signal processor (NSP) Type of the device Real-timestring Type Model of the device -string Model NeuralSignalProcessor
Information on external analog signals from or to the device Connector port type BNCstring UsedPortType AnalogSignals
Information on the analog-to-digital converter Voltage range of analog input -5.0Vfloat 5.0Vfloat AIRange Maximum impedance of analog input 100.0float MaxAIImpedance Resolution of AD converter 0.15mV/bitfloat Resolution Width of digital data in bits 16bitint DataBits Sampling rate of data 1000samples/secint SamplingRate ADConverter setup/daq
Information on analog input signals Total number of input channels 16int ChannelCount Number of input channels used 6int UsedChannelCount Number of AC coupled input channels (IDs 1 - 9) 8int ACChannelCount Number of used AC coupled input channels 0int UsedACChannelCount Number of DC coupled input channels (IDs 9 -16) 8int DCChannelCount Number of used DC coupled input channels 8int UsedDCChannelCount Devices from which inputs are received TargetObjectstring InFrom File in which input data are saved ns2string SavedIn IDs of available channels from analog inputs 137int 138int 139int 140int 141int 143int SavedChannelIDs Input setup/daq
Information on analog output signals Total number of output channels 4int ChannelCount Number of output channels used 0int UsedChannelCount Target device of each output -string OutTo File in which output data are saved -string SavedIn Output setup/daq
Information on behavioral signals of the device File in which behavioral signals are saved ns2string SavedIn BehavioralSignals setup/daq
Information on neural signals of the device Digital port type Fiber-optic linkstring UsedPortType Total number of input channels 128int ChannelCount Number of input channels used 96int UsedChannelCount Devices from which inputs are received NeuralSignalAmplifierstring InFrom File in which input data are saved ns5string SavedIn IDs of available channels with neuronal data 1int 2int 3int 4int 5int 6int 7int 8int 9int 10int 11int 12int 13int 14int 15int 16int 17int 18int 19int 20int 21int 22int 23int 24int 25int 26int 27int 28int 29int 30int 31int 32int 33int 34int 35int 36int 37int 38int 39int 40int 41int 42int 43int 44int 45int 46int 47int 48int 49int 50int 51int 52int 53int 54int 55int 56int 57int 58int 59int 60int 61int 62int 63int 64int 65int 66int 67int 68int 69int 70int 71int 72int 73int 74int 75int 76int 77int 78int 79int 80int 81int 82int 83int 84int 85int 86int 87int 88int 89int 90int 91int 92int 93int 94int 95int 96int SavedChannelIDs NeuralSignals
Information on the digital filter settings Used filter type butterworthstring Type States if the used filter is causal Trueboolean Causal High pass frequency used 0.3Hzfloat HighPassFreq Low pass frequency used 7500.0Hzfloat LowPassFreq High pass order used 1int HighPassOrder Low pass order used 3int LowPassOrder Estimated shift between the filtered signal and the spike times. A positive number indicates the amount of time the filtered signal is lagging behind. 0.0msfloat EstimatedShift Filter_ns5 setup/daq
Information on digital signals from and to the device Possible digital input and output (DIO) types ExpDigitalInputstring ExpDigitalOutputstring SerialDigitalInputstring SerialDigitalOutputstring ExtSyncstring NSPSyncstring Types Used digital input and output (DIO) types ExpDigitalInputstring UsedTypes DigitalSignals
Information on the experimental digital inputs Connector port type DB-37string PortType Total number of input channels 1int ChannelCount Number of used input channels usded 1int UsedChannelCount Width of digital data in bits 16bitint DataBits Sampling rate of data 30000samples/secint SamplingRate Devices from which inputs are received -string InFrom File in which data are saved nevstring SavedIn ExpDigitalInput setup/daq/hardware
Information on spike detection Used method to define a data threshold for the spike detection user defined threshold crossingstring ThresholdType File in which input data are saved nevstring SavedIn SpikeDetection
Information on the filter settings Used filter type butterworthstring Type States if the used filter is causal Trueboolean Causal High pass frequency used 250.0Hzfloat HighPassFreq Low pass frequency used 7500.0Hzfloat LowPassFreq High pass order used 4int HighPassOrder Low pass order used 3int LowPassOrder Filter setup/daq
Information on the recorded spike waveforms of the spike detection Waveform window width 1.6msfloat Width Sampling rate of data 30000.0Hzfloat SamplingRate Number of samples before waveform passes threshold 10samplesint PreThresholdSamples Waveforms setup/daq
Information on the recorded spike events of the spike detection Sampling rate of data 30000samples/secint SamplingRate Range of possible unit IDs of online sorted spike events on each channel 1int 16int PreSortedUnitIDRange Unit ID of unclassified spike events on each channel 0int UnclassifiedUnitID Events setup/daq
Information on rejected recorded spike events of the spike detection Amplitude limits of spike waveforms used to reject spike events -1.0mVfloat AmplitudeLimits Minimum number of channels with a synchronously detected spike events used to reject these spike events -1int SyncChannelLimit Number of samples for which spike detection is turned off after a rejected synchronous spike event -1.0samplesfloat SyncChannelRefPeriod Unit ID reserved for rejected spike events on each channel 255int UnitID Rejections setup/daq
Information on the Cerebus^TM neural signal amplifier (NSA) Type of amplifier Front-End Amplifierstring Type Model of amplifier -string Model Total number of analog input channels 128int ChannelCount Number of analog input channels used 96int UsedChannelCount File in which data would be saved (if it is saved) ns6string SavedIn States if signal is saved without further processing Falseboolean IsSaved NeuralSignalAmplifier
Information on the analog-to-digital converter Voltage range of analog input -8.192mVfloat 8.192mVfloat AIRange Resolution of AD converter 0.25µV/bitfloat Resolution Width of digital data in bits 16bitint DataBits ADConverter setup/daq
Information on the analog filter settings of the amplifier Filter type used butterworthstring Type States if the used filter is causal Trueboolean Causal High pass frequency used 0.3Hzfloat HighPassFreq Low pass frequency used 7.5kHzfloat LowPassFreq High pass order used 1int HighPassOrder Low pass order used 3int LowPassOrder Filter setup/daq
Information on the amplifier Gain used 5000int Gain Amplifier setup/daq
Information on the Cerebus^TM control computer ControlComputer
Information on the control software of the Cerebus^TM system Name of software CentralSuitestring Name Manufacturer of software Blackrock Microsystemsstring Manufacturer ControlSoftware setup/daq
Information on the Blackrock Utah Electrode Array Owner of the device RIKEN-BSI, Japanstring Owner Serial number of the device 1025-0503string SerialNo Manufacturer of the device Blackrock Microsystemsstring Manufacturer Material of wires connecting array and connector Pt/Austring WiresMaterial Diameter of each wire 25.0umfloat WiresDiameter Length of each wire 40.0mmfloat WiresLength UtahArray
Information on the used connector Style of the connector CerePortstring Style Height of the connector 16.5mmfloat Height Diameter of the base of the connector 19.0mmfloat DiameterBase Diameter of the body of the connector 11.0mmfloat DiameterBody Type of implantation chronicstring ImplantType Type of mounting to the skull bone screwsstring SkullMount Connector setup/daq/hardware
Information on the used array Number of array grids 1int GridCount Number of reference wires 2int ReferenceCount Number of ground wires 1int GroundCount Total number of electrodes 100int ElectrodeCount Number of connected/active electrodes 96int ActiveElectrodeCount Number of used/saved electrodes 96int UsedElectrodeCount Array
Information on array grid Grid ID 1int ID Geometry of the electrode lengths flatstring ElectrodeGeometry Electrode site metal option iridium oxidestring ElectrodeMetal Inter-electrode-distance 400.0umfloat ElectrodePitch Insulation material Parylene-Cstring Insulation Number of electrode rows 10int GridRows Number of electrode columns 10int GridColumns Width of array grid 4.0mmfloat GridWidth Length of array grid 4.0mmfloat GridLength Total number of electrodes 100int ElectrodeCount Number of connected/active electrodes 96int ActiveElectrodeCount Grid_01 setup/daq/hardware
Information on electrode Electrode ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 91intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_001
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -18.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 92intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 44.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_002
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -17.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 94intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_003
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8766int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 73.135523614mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.22460406731float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 4intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 4intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 1intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_004
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -31.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 5intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 5intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 75intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_005
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -47.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 17228int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 165.786278152mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.38343083203float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 22972int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 102.442190493mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.66535815799float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 6intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 6intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 96intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_006
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -36.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9294int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 55.6401979772mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.89054981404float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 7intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 7intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 85intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_007
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -44.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 11738int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 111.83736582mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.73124053458float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 12756int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 73.1954374412mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.02161760461float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 8intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 8intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 97intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_008
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -30.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 9intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 9intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 86intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_009
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -39.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 10intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 10intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 98intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_010
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -57.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 7346int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 91.8309283964mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.03918992241float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 11intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 11intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 87intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_011
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -56.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 10570int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 122.267833491mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 166.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.55646307961float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 3449int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 98.0559582488mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.33659065345float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 12intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 12intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 88intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_012
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -35.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 13intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 13intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 77intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 41.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_013
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int 3int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -45.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8274int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 134.28208847mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.03112444625float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9675int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 135.240723514mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.39951154758float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 17131int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 82.8283229234mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.53206999221float SNR Unit_03 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 14intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 14intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 99intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 53.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_014
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -36.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 12097int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 82.8397123254mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.29998843406float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 11336int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 56.063161609mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.83665077249float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 15intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 15intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 66intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_015
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -46.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 16719int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 81.7292900293mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.7522721126float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 16intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 16intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 89intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_016
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -25.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 17intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 17intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 76intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_017
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -55.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 1187int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 96.2030328559mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.07281130089float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 18intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 18intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 100intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 55.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_018
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -27.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 19intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 19intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 67intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_019
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -49.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 2456int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 72.7019543974mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.63584165513float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 20intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 20intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 79intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_020
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -32.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8392int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 93.9775977121mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.14392157826float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 21intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 21intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 58intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 55.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_021
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -24.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 22intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 22intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 10intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 57.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_022
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -32.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 19582int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 71.356143397mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.74504983353float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 23intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 23intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 78intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_023
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 7015int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 203.839344262mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 7.47688136061float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8235int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 104.301760777mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.67151275375float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 24intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 24intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 70intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 53.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_024
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -34.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 23287int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 82.3195345042mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.9617322177float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 22092int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 63.6234383487mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.96736863599float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 25intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 25intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 68intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_025
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int 3int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -47.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 4625int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 162.760216216mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.80682136131float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8425int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 117.603323442mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.52815443259float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 4168int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 75.3922744722mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.17835323606float SNR Unit_03 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 26intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 26intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 60intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_026
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 16624int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 74.3312078922mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.52683644914float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 27intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 27intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 69intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_027
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -63.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 3772int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 125.821580064mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.17280149944float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 28intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 28intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 50intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 53.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_028
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -59.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 13692int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 128.124087058mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.86277416682float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 29intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 29intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 59intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_029
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -58.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 30intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 30intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 40intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 51.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_030
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -31.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 31intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 31intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 49intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_031
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -46.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 3321int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 69.0611261668mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.83888764136float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 32intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 32intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 30intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_032
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -38.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 6711int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 88.1758307257mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.30817904925float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 5823int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 58.8165893869mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.82686626272float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 33intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 83intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 44.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_033
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -36.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9999int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 73.6539653965mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.08896963059float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 34intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 84intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_034
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -43.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 14330int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 125.075715283mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 500.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.69432771782float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 7256int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 75.5558158765mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.00132515458float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 35intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 73intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_035
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -52.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 36intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 4intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 74intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_036
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -49.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 22883int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 131.861556614mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.86906706819float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 37intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 5intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 63intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_037
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -34.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 5606int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 52.3810203354mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 466.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.9129035111float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 38intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 6intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 64intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_038
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -48.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 15125int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 115.016859504mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 133.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.63033671666float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 39intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 7intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 53intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_039
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int 3int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -38.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 7973int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 230.038379531mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 9.26260611895float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 17228int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 119.100766195mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.56280725141float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 12119int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 63.6652364056mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.99124805476float SNR Unit_03 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 40intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 8intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 54intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 43.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_040
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -35.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 41intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 9intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 43intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_041
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 14606int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 95.2685882514mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.12218539326float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 42intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 10intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 55intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_042
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 43intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 11intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 44intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_043
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -45.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 44intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 12intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 45intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_044
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -47.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 2710int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 77.8118081181mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.16708022668float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 45intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 13intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 33intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_045
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -52.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8814int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 98.0965509417mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.51218475169float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 46intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 14intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 46intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_046
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -44.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 13395int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 92.0803284808mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.06037277795float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 47intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 15intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 34intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_047
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -53.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 48intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 16intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 65intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_048
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -61.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 10488int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 124.278508772mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.83275038874float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 4826int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 108.727103191mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.04882317633float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 49intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 17intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 24intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_049
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -37.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 50intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 18intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 56intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 43.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_050
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -25.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 51intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 19intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 35intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_051
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -72.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 1029int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 124.300291545mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.0145016405float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 52intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 20intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 47intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_052
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -57.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8177int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 200.941421059mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 166.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.41161110738float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 18784int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 132.507293441mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.5555387579float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 53intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 21intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 25intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 44.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_053
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -27.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 54intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 22intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 57intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 43.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_054
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -42.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8252int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 76.9680077557mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.27942627955float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 55intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 23intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 26intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_055
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -56.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 3703int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 90.0337564137mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 1.8333185493float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 56intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 24intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 36intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 51.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_056
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -57.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 19450int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 117.73496144mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.73497914782float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 10645int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 120.770502583mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.25307131817float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 57intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 25intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 27intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 90.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_057
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -56.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 58intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 26intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 37intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 51.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_058
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -66.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 59intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 27intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 28intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_059
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -56.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 60intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 28intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 38intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_060
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -49.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 7115int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 87.8313422347mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.93208007395float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 61intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 29intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 29intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 51.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_061
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -61.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 27368int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 142.29154487mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.06790027311float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 10107int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 113.26080934mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.4776258221float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 62intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 30intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 48intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_062
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -37.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 15909int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 60.7136840782mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.07398108782float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 63intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 31intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 19intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_063
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -42.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 5373int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 75.9316955146mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 466.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.39505185935float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 6130int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 55.6088091354mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.25066656103float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 64intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 32intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 39intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_064
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -45.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 13853int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 70.7360860463mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.72313614943float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 65intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 81intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_065
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -23.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 66intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 82intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_066
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -46.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 555int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 78.190990991mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.94031674863float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 67intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 71intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_067
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -27.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 68intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 4intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 72intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_068
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -44.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 20955int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 189.803817705mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.928430497float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9534int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 81.399622404mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.86859475597float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 69intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 5intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 61intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 67.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_069
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -47.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 5901int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 78.7354685647mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 433.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.80307744754float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 70intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 6intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 62intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_070
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 11406int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 128.072944065mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.14789288669float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9243int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 74.4520177432mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.63357895075float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 71intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 7intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 51intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_071
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -41.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 18015int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 139.919844574mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.13204346127float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 17452int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 81.1954503782mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.85887377912float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 72intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 8intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 52intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_072
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -30.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 73intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 9intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 41intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_073
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -31.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 74intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 2intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 4intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 42intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 44.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_074
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -29.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 75intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 11intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 31intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 57.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_075
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -33.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 13759int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 122.282142598mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.48737131751float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 76intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 12intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 32intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 47.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_076
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -44.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8932int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 132.026645768mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.65320446157float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 6411int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 66.7484011855mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.72578953268float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 77intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 13intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 21intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 46.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_077
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int 3int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -43.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 3350int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 134.07761194mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 466.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.97251784558float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 12978int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 93.3302511943mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.80758806973float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 15930int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 114.557438795mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.64440953369float SNR Unit_03 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 78intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 14intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 22intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_078
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -44.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 20818int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 82.7034777596mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.59002634607float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 10969int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 85.3457926885mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.28655764689float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 79intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 15intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 11intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_079
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -30.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 80intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 16intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 12intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 45.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_080
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 3int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -30.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9977int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 143.532324346mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.28476477376float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 13374int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 106.175414984mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 333.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.69877490919float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 81intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 17intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 2intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 54.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_081
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -36.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 13787int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 62.4305505186mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.21581607896float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 82intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 18intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 23intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 48.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_082
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -39.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 12973int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 68.9084251908mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.32441115019float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 83intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 19intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 3intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 51.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_083
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -31.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 11378int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 49.6606609246mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.16811774909float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 84intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 20intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 13intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_084
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -72.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 23854int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 187.358933512mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 6.17252903156float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 85intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 21intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 4intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_085
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int 2int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -49.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 6594int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 110.745526236mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.80498377751float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 4473int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 90.2358596021mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.92105381368float SNR Unit_02 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 86intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 22intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 14intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_086
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -37.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 87intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 23intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 15intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_087
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -81.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 88intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 24intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 5intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_088
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity -1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -40.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting setup/daq/preprocessing
Information on electrode Electrode ID 89intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 25intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 16intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 50.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_089
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -46.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 2840int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 150.973239437mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 166.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.04761781055float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 90intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 26intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 6intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_090
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -40.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 9677int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 93.3732561744mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.96510362328float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 91intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 27intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 17intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 49.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_091
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -49.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 5913int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 84.0082868256mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 200.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.37949157372float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 92intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 28intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 7intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 51.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_092
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -37.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 11699int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 55.5672279682mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 366.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 2.64161756847float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 93intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 29intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 8intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 52.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_093
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity -1int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -51.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 12041int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 121.688314924mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 266.666666667usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 5.17476851988float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 94intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 30intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 18intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 53.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_094
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -51.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 11189int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 93.0406649388mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 233.333333333usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 4.39554303468float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 95intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 31intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 20intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 53.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_095
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -29.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 32894int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 69.5836018727mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 300.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.34727308195float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on electrode Electrode ID 96intelectrodes_info.txt ID Grid ID 1intelectrodes_info.txt GridID Bank ID 3intelectrodes_info.txt BankID Pin ID 32intelectrodes_info.txt PinID Connector aligned ID (array head view, wiring to connector on right side, count order from left to right and bottom to top) 9intelectrodes_info.txt ConnectorAlignedID Pre-implantation impedance 54.0kΩfloatelectrodes_info.txt Impedance Length 1.5mmfloat Length Electrode_096
Information on the spike sorting performed offline, after the experiment IDs of single unit activity 1int SUAIDs IDs of multi unit activity 2int MUAID IDs for rejected units 0int 255int NoiseIDs Threshold used for spike detection -40.0mVfloatl101210-001.nev SpikeThreshold OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on the waveforms of the corresponding unit Number of extracted waveforms (spikes) for unit 8413int SpikeCount Measured averaged amplitude of spike waveforms for unit 80.6990372043mVfloat SpikeAmplitude Measured averaged duration of spike waveforms unit 400.0usfloat SpikeDuration Signal-to-noise ratio of unit waveforms, measured SNR value in analogy to Hatsopoulos N, Joshi J, O'Leary JG (2004) Decoding continuous and discrete motor behaviors using motor and premotor cortical ensembles. J Neurophysiol 92:1165-1174 and Suner S, Fellows MR, Vargas-Irwin C, Nakata GK, Donoghue JP (2005) Reliability of signals from a chronically ilplanted, silicon-based electrode array in non-human primate primary motor cortex. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 13:524-541. 3.39495275608float SNR Unit_01 setup/daq
Information on the headstage Model of device Samtecstring Model Type of device (digital or analog) analogstring Type Gain used 1int Gain Devices from which inputs are received UtahArraystring InFrom Target device of each output NeuralSignalAmplifierstring OutTo True if a stimulation switch version of the device was used Trueboolean StimSwitch Headstage setup/daq/hardware
Information on the recording Identifier of the recording day l101210string RecordingDay Identifier of the recording l101210-001string Recording Date of session 2010-12-10date Date Weekday of session Fridaystring Weekday Time of day when recording was started 10:50:10time Time Duration of recording 709.248sint Duration States if a spike sorting was performed for this recording Trueboolean IsSpikeSorted Performed task type TwoCuesstring TaskType Qualitative statement whether the recording contains noisy channels and/or time periods. Trueboolean Noisy Comment about the recording no commentstring Comment Recording
Information on task settings Total number of trials 204int TotalTrialCount Number of correctly performed trials 135int CorrectTrialCount Number of trials where the monkey made a grip error. 14int GripErrorTrialCount States if the recording was performed under standard settings Trueboolean StandardSettings TaskSettings
Information on trial type parameters Identifies the trial types presented during the recording 1int Condition Trial order of force conditions (random or block) randomstring OrderForce Trial order of grip conditions (random or block) randomstring OrderGrip Order of trial type combination was of block size -1int BlockSize TrialTypeSettings recording/task/trial
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 1intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 41551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_001
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 41551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 48141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 162641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 283061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 374421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 675241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 732801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 1196201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121091./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91361./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57561./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 2intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 1197691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_002
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 1197691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 1203591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 1318081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 1438831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 1529911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 1830641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 1891031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 2124371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 2124411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 2365971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 1928701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 2216701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 1959301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 2190601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 1938601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 2229601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 1984201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 2203201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120391./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91081./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 60391./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37671./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 68271./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 231301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 219001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 3intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 2367491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_003
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 2367491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 2376921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 2491191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 2611931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 2703871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 3004861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 3036851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 3288891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 3288911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 3525641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 3079801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 3366001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 3098401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 3346201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 3087601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 3362401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 3182401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 3312601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123701./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91941./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300991./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 31991./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 42951./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 61551./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 247801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 130201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 4intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 3527151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_004
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 3527151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 3532971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 3647701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 3768171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 3858971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 4159711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 4216511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 4440581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 4440611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 4676191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 4246501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 4529701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 4275601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 4485901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 4263901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 4536601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 4330801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 4511701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120551./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 56801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29991./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 29101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59091./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 210301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 180901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 5intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 4677691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_005
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 4677691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 4683701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 4798591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 4919001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 5009801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 5310541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 5361941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 5616501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 5616521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 5852691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 5392801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 5708101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 5421301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 5655901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 5415001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 5709901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 5525101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 5680501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120901./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 30861./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 28501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59361./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 234601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 155401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1031./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 6intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 5853721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_006
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 5853721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 5860261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 5974531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 6094951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 6714641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 6114121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120811./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 7intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 6716141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_007
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 6716141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 6722161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 6836491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 6958291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 7043021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) -11./30000*sint STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 7299251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120351./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 7506131./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 8intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 7506121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_008
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 7506121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 7511971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 7626501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 7747241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 7837971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 8138711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 8209641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 8437741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 8437791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 8674761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 8246101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 8499301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 8263201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 8427601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 8256901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 8505901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 8321101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 8457901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120381./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 70931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36461./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53561./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 164401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 136801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1411./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 9intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 8676171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_009
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 8676171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 8682661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 9373771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 8778921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1451./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 10intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 9375221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_010
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 9375221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 9381671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 9496201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 9616941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 9707671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 10008081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 10036471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 10264361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 10264401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 10501081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 10068601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 10341901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 10102201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 10281301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 10081801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 10335301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 10143901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 10283401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120981./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300411./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 28391./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32131./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 33601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 65731./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 179101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 139501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 11intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 10502591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_011
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 10502591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 10508681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 10623111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 10743851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 10834251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 11135051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 11197171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 11420691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 11420731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 11657841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 11228401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 11500201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 11244001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 11443501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 11241001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 11479801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 11301001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 11344501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120521./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 62121./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31231./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 15601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 46831./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 199501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 43501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 12intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 11659341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_012
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 11659341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 11670321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 11784591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 11905351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 11996321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 12297061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 12337991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 12577901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 12577921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 12814401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 12378001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 12656101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 12416101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 12531901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 12405001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 12657301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 12454501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 12594901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 125251./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90971./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 40931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40011./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 38101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 78111./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 115801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 140401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 13intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 12815901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_013
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 12815901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 12821661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 12935931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 13056681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 13147671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 13448411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 13483611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 13718711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 13809181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 13954341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 13526101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 13802701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 13555201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 13765201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 13540801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 13797601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 13593301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 13749301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120031./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90991./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 35201./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 42491./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 29101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 71591./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 210001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 156001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1611./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 14intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 13955951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_014
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 13955951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 13961851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 14681461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 14080101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 15intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 14682961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_015
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 14682961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 14689291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 15334391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 14739271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 4811./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 16intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 15339201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_016
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 15339201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 15344951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 15459221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 15579961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 15670701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 15971441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 16024961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 16248451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 16248471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 16485061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 16053601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 16304401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 16084201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 16199401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 16066501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 16328701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 16120501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 16247401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120021./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53521./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28641./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59241./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 115201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 126901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2171./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 17intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 16487231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_017
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 16487231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 16493051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 16607421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 16728411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 16819141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 17119931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 17161411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 17391621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 17391641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 17627271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 17198401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 17486101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 17219701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 17232901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 17211601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 17464201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 17271301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 17402401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120191./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120991./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300791./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 41481./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36991./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 58291./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 13201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 131101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 18intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 17628761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_018
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 17628761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 17634801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 17749531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 17870001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 17960801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 18261541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 18313271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 18455651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 18455671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 18471151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 18616351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 18349501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 18580201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 18372601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 18549001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 18372001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 18539701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 18414301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 18420001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120771./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36231./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59331./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 176401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 5701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 25841./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 19intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 18642191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_019
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 18642191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 18649001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 18763761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 18884251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 18975051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 19277071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 19342001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 19612261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 19612301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 19848471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 19381201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 19655101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 19395301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 19630201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 19404301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 19647901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 19458301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 19588801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121571./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120491./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302021./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 64931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39201./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 14101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53301./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 234901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 130501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1261./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 20intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 19849731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_020
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 19849731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 19855731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 19970191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 20091001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 20181741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 20482481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 20558221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 20794371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 20794411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 21031231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 20596801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 20884501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 20608801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 20852701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 20615101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 20895001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 20664601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 20854801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120461./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 75741./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 38581./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 12001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50581./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 243901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 190201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 21intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 21032731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_021
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 21032731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 21043431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 21157681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 21278421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 21369401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 21670141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 21723671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 22005791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 124951./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53531./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 102281./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 22intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 22108071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_022
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 22108071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 22114471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 22228951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 22350621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 22441361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 22742101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 22865501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 23096181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 23096231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 23265841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 22907101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 23165101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 22941601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 23143501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 22977901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 23116501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 23028301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 23055601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120881./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121671./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 123401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 41601./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 34501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 76101./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 201901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 27301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1621./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 23intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 23267461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_023
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 23267461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 23273441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 23387991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 23508461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 23598921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 23899751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 23955941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 24230891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 24230921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 24321311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 24466521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 23992201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 24277201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 24012301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 24240301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 24001801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 24279301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 24084301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 24254401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120531./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90461./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300831./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 56191./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36261./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56361./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 228001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 170101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 24intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 24468041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_024
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 24468041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 24483391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 24597921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 24718731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 24809131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 25109961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 25156651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 25391011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 25391051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 25626651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 25187401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 25466101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 25204801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 25423801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 25206301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 25477201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 25275001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 25430101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 129881./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300831./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 46691./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 30751./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 48151./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 219001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 155101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 25intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 25628141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_025
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 25628141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 25634151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 25748511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 25869241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 25959641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 26260451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 26316371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 26560491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 26797371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 26351701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 26635501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 26373301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 26604901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 26370001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 26632501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 26435401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 26569201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120371./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120731./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55921./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35331./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56931./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 231601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 133801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2201./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 26intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 26799571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_026
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 26799571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 26805691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 26920171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 27040911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 27131641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 27432051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 27483841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 27759601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 27995231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 27520501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 27836101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 27553201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 27816601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 27546301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 27842401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 27647101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 27780001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120601./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300411./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36661./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 32701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 69361./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 263401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 132901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 27intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 27996741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_027
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 27996741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 28007151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 28121681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 28243171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 28333561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 28634381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 28679401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 28914201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 28914221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 29160561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 28711801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 29015701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 28735801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 28972201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 28727401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 29025001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 28794301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 28998601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 124941./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121491./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90391./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 45021./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32401./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56401./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 236401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 204301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 28intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 29162061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_028
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 29162061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 29172581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 29287121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 29407941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 29498871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 29799611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 29868411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 30094521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 30094561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 30331431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 29900701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 30177301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 29917801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 30139501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 29912401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 30176701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 29975701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 30068101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 125061./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120821./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90931./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 68801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32291./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49391./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 221701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 92401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 29intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 30332911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_029
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 30332911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 30347651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 30462201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 30583001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 30673401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 30974221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 31019371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 31263731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 31263771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 31503041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 31059301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 31348801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 31072801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 31317901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 31070701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 31365901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 31156501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 31334101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 129291./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 45151./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39931./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 13501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53431./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 245101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 177601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 30intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 31504531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_030
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 31504531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 31510431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 31624981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 31745801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 32366441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 31769561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120451./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120821./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 31intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 32367951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_031
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 32367951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 32375251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 32489511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 32610261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 32701241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 33001991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 33055791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 33282251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 33282291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 33372691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 33522031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 33086401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 33374401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 33113101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 33337201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 33096601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 33384601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 33166501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 33351001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121561./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300751./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 30611./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 26701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 57311./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 224101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 184501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2271./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 32intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 33524301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_032
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 33524301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 33530701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 33645111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 33765921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 33856811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 34157551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 34208931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 34496141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120811./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90891./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51381./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 87911./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 33intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 34584051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 163intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_033
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 34584051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 34590041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 34704601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 35362811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 34768051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120551./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1231./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 34intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 35364041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_034
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 35364041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 35370221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 35484491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 35605241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 35688431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) -11./30000*sint STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 35943801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120451./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 36150981./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 35intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 36150971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_035
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 36150971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 36157391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 36795811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 36200941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 36intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 36797331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_036
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 36797331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 36806611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 36920891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 37041641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 37132371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 37434401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 37493941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 37728861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 37819341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 37964521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 37530901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 37808701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 37553101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 37600501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 37544101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 37822801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 37625401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 37758301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123561./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302031./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 59541./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36961./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59161./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 47401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 132901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1221./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 37intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 37965741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_037
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 37965741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 37972041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 38086561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 38207371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 38866621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 38271311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120821./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1201./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 38intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 38867821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_038
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 38867821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 38873771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 38988041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 39108791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 39199791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 39500531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 39553741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 39783741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 40019391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 39588901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 39865501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 39604201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 39826501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 39598501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 39867901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 39667501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 39810301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120221./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91001./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53211./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35161./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 15301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50461./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 222301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 142801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 39intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 40020901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_039
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 40020901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 40036261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 40150541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 40271271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 40362021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 40662821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 40713731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 40955871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 41046331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 41191171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 40750501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 41042101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 40767301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 41004001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 40766701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 41054401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 40849501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 41022001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 129641./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120731./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90751./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 50911./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36771./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 16801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53571./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 236701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 172501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 40intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 41192661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_040
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 41192661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 41198441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 41312791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 41433531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 41523931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 41824731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 41871331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 42042571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 42042611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 42209551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 41904601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 42162601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 41928301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 42134401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 41919601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 42140401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 41979901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 42107101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120131./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 46601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33271./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56971./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 206101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 127201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 13161./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 41intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 42222711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_041
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 42222711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 42228471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 42343041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 42463531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 42553991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 42854801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 42908601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 43141371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 43377951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 42943501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 43215001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 42970201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 43190401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 42954001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 43217701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 43018201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 43170601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120331./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120491./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90461./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34901./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 26701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 61601./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 220201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 152401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 8751./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 42intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 43386701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_042
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 43386701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 43393041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 43507511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 43628031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 43718831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 44019561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 44063761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 44312951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 44548581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 44097001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 44396401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 44117101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 44359801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 44116501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 44408401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 44215801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 44383801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120811./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120521./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 44201./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33241./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53341./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 242701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 168001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 43intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 44550071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_043
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 44550071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 44556431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 44670951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 44791421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 44882221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 45182961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 45241101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 45527871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120881./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 58141./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 144571./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 44intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 45672441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 175intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_044
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 45672441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 45678441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 45793001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 45913471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 46003941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 46707551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 46111901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120561./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1131./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 45intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 46708681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_045
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 46708681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 46714651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 46829141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 46949871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 47040601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 47341011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 47398811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 47621081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 47621101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 47858201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 47427601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 47708401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 47452501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 47684701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 47442601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 47719801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 47539201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 47681701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120461./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120731./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300411./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28791./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53691./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 232201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 142501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 46intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 47859701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_046
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 47859701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 47865721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 47980481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 48100951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 48191761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 48492541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 48535271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 48726091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 48726111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 48753561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 48898751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 48570001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 48829201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 48591301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 48794101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 48575701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 48825001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 48640501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 48721501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120781./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90811./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300781./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 42731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34731./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56031./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 202801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 81001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 6571./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 47intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 48905321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_047
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 48905321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 48915991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 49030531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 49151001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 49241471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 49542541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 49600331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 49838221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 49838241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 50075111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 49636201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 49911001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 49649401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 49655101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 49648501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 49920301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 49738201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 49896001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 125211./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301071./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35871./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 13201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49071./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 5701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 157801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 3371./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 48intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 50078481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_048
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 50078481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 50091071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 50205821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 50326301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 50417091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 50717831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 50757561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 51000731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 51000781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 51236381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 50795401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 51084901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 50816701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 51046201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 50805001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 51084001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 50879401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 51043501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 127341./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90791./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 39731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37841./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59141./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 229501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 164101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 49intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 51237881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_049
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 51237881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 51249751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 51364311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 51485111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 51575511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 51876321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 51917341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 52178731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 52414371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 51953701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 52225501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 51973801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 52192801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 51970501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 52239601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 52071601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 52210801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 126431./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 41021./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36361./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56461./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 219001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 139201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2101./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 50intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 52416471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_050
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 52416471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 52422731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 52537531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 52658341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 52749071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 53049811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 53711331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 53106421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121061./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -53049821./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1281./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 51intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 53712611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_051
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 53712611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 53719141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 54335821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 53740981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1461./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 52intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 54337281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_052
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 54337281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 54343741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 54458171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 54578931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 54669651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 54970561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 55029761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 55258351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 55258401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 55348821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 55494031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 55062601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 55324201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 55089301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 55309801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 55073101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 55334401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 55130101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 55291201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120891./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90721./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300911./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 59201./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32841./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 26701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59541./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 220501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 161101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 53intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 55495541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_053
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 55495541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 55501511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 55616181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 55736601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 55827061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 56127871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 56181091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 56415891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 56415931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 56656291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 56210101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 56507101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 56237701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 56374201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 56234401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 56519401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 56302801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 56489401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120641./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90461./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53221./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29011./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 27601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56611./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 136501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 186601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1161./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 54intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 56657451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_054
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 56657451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 56663421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 57364131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 56769351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 55intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 57365611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_055
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 57365611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 57371501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 57486011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 57606841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 57697741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 57998151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 58036141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 58253921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 58253941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 58489791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 58064401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 58336501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 58085401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 58308301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 58073101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 58337401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 58128601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 58292701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120401./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120831./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90901./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300411./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 37991./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28261./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49261./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 222901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 164101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1331./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 56intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 58491121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_056
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 58491121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 58497101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 58611371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 58732121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 58822521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 59123641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 59186681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 59416431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 59651731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 59213701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 59499901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 59236201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 59453101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 59234101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 59501701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 59306101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 59442901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120251./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301121./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 63041./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 27021./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49521./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 216901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 136801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 57intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 59653241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_057
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 59653241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 59658981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 59773311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 59894061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 59984471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 60285291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 60319891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 60554851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 60554901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 60791691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 60364201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 60643501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 60386101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 60600001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 60377101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 60641701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 60428701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 60587701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120071./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90411./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 44311./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66211./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 213901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 159001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 58intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 60793191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_058
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 60793191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 60799191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 60913481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 61035331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 61126071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 61426901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 61465691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 61701801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 61701821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 61938601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 61506601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 61776901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 61534801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 61756801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 61517401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 61794601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 61586101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 61721701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120291./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121851./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300831./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 38791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40911./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 28201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 69111./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 222001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 135601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 59intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 61940101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_059
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 61940101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 61946461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 62611141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 62015751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 60intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 62612651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_060
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 62612651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 62619091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 62733591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 62854001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 62944801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 63245531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 63290661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 63519461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 63519511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 63762721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 63317701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 63607201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 63350101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 63569101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 63334201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 63625201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 63403201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 63596401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120941./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 45131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 27041./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 32401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59441./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 219001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 193201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2171./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 61intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 63764891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_061
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 63764891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 63771331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 63885861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 64006671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 64097071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 64397871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 64435801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 64717881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 64717911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 64953201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 64470901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 64758001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 64489201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 64734601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 64485301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 64758301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 64570201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 64710001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120971./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 37931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35101./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53401./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 245401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 139801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 62intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 64954681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_062
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 64954681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 64960751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 65075081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 65196051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 65290271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 65591001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 65646601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 65829331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 65829351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 66008211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 65673601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 65946301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 65698501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 65917201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 65693401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 65925601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 65740201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 65739901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120401./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120971./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 94221./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 27001./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 51901./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 218701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 9581./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 63intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 66017791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_063
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 66017791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 66023631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 66137901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 66258651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 66349391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 66650161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 66701561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 66916271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 66916291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 67007011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 67151921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 66724501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 66997801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 66749101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 66964801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 66734101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 66989101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 66791101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 66948601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120111./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300771./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 22941./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 47541./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 215701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 157501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 64intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 67153431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 175intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_064
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 67153431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 67162391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 67276651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 67397411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 67488421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 68194481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 67597011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123221./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91011./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 65intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 68195971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_065
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 68195971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 68201811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 68833851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 68233031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 66intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 68835351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_066
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 68835351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 68844291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 68959041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 69079861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 69170601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 69471341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 69527531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 69759541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 69995171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 69555901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 69833101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 69577501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 69808201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 69568501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 69839701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 69667801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 69817801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123691./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120821./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 56191./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28371./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49971./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 230701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 150001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 67intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 69996681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_067
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 69996681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 70010001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 70124531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 70245341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 70335731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 70636551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 70693931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 71149831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 127851./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90391./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57381./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 68intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 71151351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_068
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 71151351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 71157851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 71272411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 71393221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 71483631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 71784441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 71833431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 72092061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 72092121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 72329231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 71862601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 72149101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 71877601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 72089401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 71869801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 72149401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 71943001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 72108901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121061./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90411./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 48991./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29171./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 15001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 44171./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 211801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 165901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2261./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 69intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 72331491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_069
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 72331491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 72337281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 72451571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 72572311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 72663281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 72964021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 73010631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 73224551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 73224591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 73407431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 73042801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 73318801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 73064401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 73208101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 73058101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 73311901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 73096501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 73258801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120081./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90971./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 46611./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32171./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53771./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 143701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 162301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2261./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 70intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 73409691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_070
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 73409691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 73416281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 73531031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 73651511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 73742311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 74043051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 74114851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 74600561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121341./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 71801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 71intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 74602061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_071
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 74602061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 74608661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 75234381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 74639571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1191./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 72intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 75235571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_072
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 75235571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 75242021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 75356601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 75477011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 75570021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 75870421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 75909021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 76371951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121031./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 93011./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300401./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 38601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 73intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 76373461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_073
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 76373461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 76379891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 76494411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 76614831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 76705891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 77006701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 77053191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 77241611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 77241631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 77416401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 77082601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 77361901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 77109601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 77316601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 77097901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 77296801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 77150701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 77157001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120951./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91061./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 46491./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29411./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 27001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56411./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 207001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 6301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 8711./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 74intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 77425111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_074
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 77425111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 77431661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 77545911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 77666321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 77758291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 78059121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 78103731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 78338951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 78574271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 78135601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 78433201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 78151201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 78404101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 78144901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 78425701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 78210001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 78387901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120801./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91971./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300831./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 44611./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31871./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 15601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 47471./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 252901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 177901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 75intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 78575781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_075
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 78575781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 78582101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 79235131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 78638821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1921./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 76intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 79237051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_076
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 79237051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 79245701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 79940331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 79342521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 77intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 79941831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_077
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 79941831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 79949941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 80064301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 80185111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 80275501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 80575991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 80631941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 80863151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 80863171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 81098801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 80660701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 80934901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 80679301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 80908501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 80676001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 80937901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 80744101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 80889601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 122471./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90391./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300491./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55951./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28761./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 47361./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 229201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 145501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 78intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 81100291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_078
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 81100291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 81107481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 81747281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 81152161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 79intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 81748771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_079
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 81748771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 81754621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 81869131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 81989871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 82080621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 82381451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 82417281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 82609951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 82609991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 82785341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 82452901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 82726501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 82467901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 82692901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 82469101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 82703401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 82528201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 82680001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120361./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90751./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300831./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 35831./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35621./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 15001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50621./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 225001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 151801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2341./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 80intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 82787681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_080
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 82787681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 82793471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 82907741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 83028501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 83119481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 83420211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 83447601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 83719181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 83719231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 83904121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 83488501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 83749201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 83511301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 83733901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 83499001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 83743801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 83626501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 83695201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120061./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 27391./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40901./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 63701./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 222601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 68701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 81intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 83905641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_081
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 83905641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 83912011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 84026431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 84146851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 84237651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 84538051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 84578121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 84810851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 84810871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 85048031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 84613201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 84889501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 84632101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 84878101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 84624601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 84910201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 84697501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 84875101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120791./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300401./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 40071./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35081./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53981./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 246001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 177601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 82intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 85049541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_082
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 85049541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 85055421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 85169931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 85290681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 85382671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 85683481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 85707611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 85972731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 86208041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 85746301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 86035201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 85765801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 86004901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 85764601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 86049601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 85869301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 86030701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120391./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91991./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 24131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 38691./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 19501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 58191./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 239101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 161401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 83intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 86209531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_083
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 86209531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 86215881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 86330151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 86450901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 86541881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 86842621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 86882951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 87119091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 87119141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 87370831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 86915401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 87221701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 86939101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 87184201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 86936701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 87233701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 87034501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 87202801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120621./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 40331./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32451./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56151./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 245101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 168301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1021./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 84intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 87371851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_084
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 87371851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 87378081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 88069531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 87464661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 85intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 88071051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_085
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 88071051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 88076781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 88692801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 88098041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1531./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 86intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 88694331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_086
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 88694331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 88700231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 89355481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 88760731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 87intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 89356981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_087
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 89356981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 89362901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 89477401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 89598151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 89688901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 89989721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 90047121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 90272881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 90508531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 90075001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 90343501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 90097501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 90322801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 90087301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 90344701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 90297601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 90153601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120421./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90751./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 27881./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50381./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 225301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -144001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1531./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 88intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 90510061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_088
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 90510061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 90519831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 90634571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 90755051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 90845851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 91146591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 91179711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 91460831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 91460881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 91696471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 91223701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 91525501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 91233301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 91491001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 91240501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 91539601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 91341901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 91512601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 124511./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 33121./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 43991./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 9601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53591./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 257701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 170701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 89intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 91697971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_089
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 91697971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 91703971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 91818251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 91938661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 92029691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 92330431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 92350621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 92605701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 92605721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 92842301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 92392201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 92685001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 92411101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 92653801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 92409901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 92693401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 92477701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 92671801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120281./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91031./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 20191./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 41581./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 60481./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 242701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 194101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2291./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 90intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 92844591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 175intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_090
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 92844591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 92850351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 92964621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 93085371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 93175781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 93897621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 93301671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120031./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90411./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2271./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 91intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 93899891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_091
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 93899891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 93906191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 94021071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 94141481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 94231951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 94532751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 94555951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 94800611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 94891051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 95036241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 94593001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 94873801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 94622101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 94843201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 94611601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 94888201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 94682101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 94862701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121181./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 23201./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37051./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 29101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66151./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 221101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 180601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 92intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 95037731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_092
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 95037731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 95043471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 95158141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 95278621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 95369421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 95670161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 95705091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 95968051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 95968071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 96205731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 95738701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 96047101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 95764501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 96012901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 95757901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 96056401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 95880301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 96025501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120411./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33611./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 25801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59411./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 248401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 145201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1601./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 93intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 96207331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_093
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 96207331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 96213271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 96327651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 96448391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 96538791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 96839581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 96889181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 97129091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 97219531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 97372791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 96921001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 97221001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 96951901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 97186501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 96942301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 97237501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 97009801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 97205401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120321./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300791./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 49601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31821./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 62721./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 234601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 195601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 94intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 97374301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_094
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 97374301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 97380441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 97494711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 97615471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 97706451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 98007191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 98047181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 98297421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 98534251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 98086201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 98373601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 98110501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 98345401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 98104201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 98385601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 98184301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 98356201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120411./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 39991./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39021./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 63321./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 234901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 171901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 95intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 98535751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_095
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 98535751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 98541771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 99195691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 98598171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1611./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 96intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 99197301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_096
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 99197301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 99203541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 99318081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 99439991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 100074531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 99478811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120781./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121911./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 97intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 100076041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_097
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 100076041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 100088321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 100202881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 100323361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 100417291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 100718101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 100775501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 100956321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 100956351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 101132571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 100802401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 101061001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 100823701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 101016601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 100809601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 101032501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 100866601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 100993501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 126841./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 93931./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 26901./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 48201./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 192901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 126901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1741./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 98intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 101134311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_098
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 101134311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 101140641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 101254931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 101375681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 101466081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 101767181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 101827911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 102055021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 102290651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 101856901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 102126601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 101879101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 102086401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 101873101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 102125701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 101927701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 102093301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120621./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301101./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 60731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28991./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 51191./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 207301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 165601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2321./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 99intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 102292971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_099
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 102292971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 102298721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 102413821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 102534251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 102625591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 102926811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 102978421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 103265231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120851./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120431./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91341./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301221./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51611./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 75591./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 100intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 103340821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 163intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_100
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 103340821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 103346631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 103461081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 104088101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 103493021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120261./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 101intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 104089591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 163intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_101
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 104089591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 104095481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 104209801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 104938961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 104339681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120211./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 102intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 104940461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_102
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 104940461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 104955941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 105070491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 105190961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 105284001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 105584761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 105636661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 105882831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 105882851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 106119671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 105669301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 105936001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 105699001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 105918601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 105689401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 105952501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 105785101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 105929701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 130031./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 93041./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300761./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51901./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32641./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 29701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 62341./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 219601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 144601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 103intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 106121151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_103
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 106121151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 106126861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 106821161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 106221091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1691./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 104intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 106822851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_104
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 106822851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 106828811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 106943101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 107063851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 107154831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 107455571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 107491101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 107734901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 107734941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 107825361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 107970811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 107519101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 107804701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 107540101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 107775901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 107541901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 107815501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 107634001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 107791501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120251./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 35531./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28001./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49001./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 235801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 157501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1061./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 105intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 107971871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_105
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 107971871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 107978131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 108638431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 108043331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 106intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 108639931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_106
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 108639931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 108649301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 108763581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 108883991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 108977191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 109278001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 109337871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 109566271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 109566321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 109656721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 109801941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 109364701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 109636501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 109385701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 109470301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 109388701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 109652101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 109459801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 109626601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123651./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 93201./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 59871./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 26831./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 47831./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 84601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 166801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 107intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 109803441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_107
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 109803441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 109809451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 109923991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 110044461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 110134931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 110435731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 110482331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 110723191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 110723231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 110959991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 110511001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 110798701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 110532901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 110768401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 110542201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 110812801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 110610301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 110786401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120551./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 46601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28671./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50571./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 235501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 176101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 108intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 110961491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_108
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 110961491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 110967231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 111081501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 111202261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 111293251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 111593991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 111633121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 111870441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 112106081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 111666901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 111952501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 111689101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 111917401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 111683101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 111964201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 111775801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 111933601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120011./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90991./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 39131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33781./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 55981./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 228301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 157801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 109intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 112107591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_109
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 112107591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 112115941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 112782431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 112184681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1351./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 110intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 112783781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_110
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 112783781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 112790351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 113448031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 112852041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1091./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 111intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 113449121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_111
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 113449121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 113455671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 114154641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 113559551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 112intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 114156151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_112
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 114156151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 114162011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 114276421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 114397221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 114487951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 114788361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 114841031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 115057921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 115057961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 115293561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 114866701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 115129801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 114888001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 115106401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 114882001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 115137301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 114926701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 115106701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120271./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300411./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 52671./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 25671./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 46971./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 218401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 180001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1421./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 113intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 115294981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_113
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 115294981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 115300781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 115415281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 115535691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 115626491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 115927231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 115954021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 116188431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 116188481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 116425041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 115992001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 116249101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 116022601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 116218801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 116006701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 116268001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 116072701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 116239201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120301./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 26791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37981./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 68581./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 196201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 166501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2351./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 114intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 116427391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_114
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 116427391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 116433361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 116548121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 116668931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 116759661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 117060401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 117095331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 117353261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 117353301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 117443701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 117590101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 117131401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 117410101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 117150601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 117373801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 117154501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 117416701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 117223501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 117394801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120731./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36071./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 19201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 55271./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 223201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 171301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 115intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 117591591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_115
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 117591591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 117597591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 117711841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 117833311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 118479071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 117883121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120251./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 3481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 116intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 118482551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_116
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 118482551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 118494661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 119168491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 118569531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 117intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 119169981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_117
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 119169981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 119175801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 119290261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 119411051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 119501791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 119802631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 119835161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 120067881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 120303511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 119873401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 120126001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 119887801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 120109201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 119883601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 120107701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 119947501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 120051001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120281./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120791./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300841./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 32531./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 38241./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 14401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 52641./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 221401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 103501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1241./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 118intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 120304751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_118
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 120304751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 120311901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 120426151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 120546961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 120637371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 120938171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 120971891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 121222181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 121222231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 121457831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 121006501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 121294201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 121028401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 121258201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 121027801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 121304401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 121130701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 121270801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121401./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90411./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 33721./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34611./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56511./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 229801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 140101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 119intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 121459331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_119
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 121459331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 121472931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 121587201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 121707951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 121798681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 122101011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 122145541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 122380521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 122380571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 122617771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 122171101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 122444101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 122195701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 122408701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 122184901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 122446201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 122250901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 122400901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 127871./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302331./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 44531./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 25561./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50161./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 213001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 150001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1561./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 120intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 122619331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_120
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 122619331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 122633661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 123292531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 122694761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 781./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 121intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 123293311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 175intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_121
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 123293311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 123299851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 123414091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 123534571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 123625361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 124340711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 123745911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120781./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90791./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1661./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 122intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 124342371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_122
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 124342371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 124348931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 124463421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 124583771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 124674851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 124975321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 125039981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 125290241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 125290281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 125525871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 125069701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 125332201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 125102401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 125316601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 125100601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 125331301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 125141701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 125289001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121051./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120351./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91081./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300471./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 64661./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29721./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 32701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 62421./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 214201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 147301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1871./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 123intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 125527741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_123
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 125527741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 125533751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 125648411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 125769221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 125859951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 126160691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 126214821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 126452731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 126452771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 126689871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 126252001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 126546901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 126268201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 126358501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 126265201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 126552301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 126331201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 126519901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120671./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 54131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37181./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 16201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53381./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 90301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 188701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 124intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 126691381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_124
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 126691381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 126704101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 127392181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 126798011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1531./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 125intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 127393711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_125
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 127393711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 127400221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 127514741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 127635151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 127728231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 128028971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 128083101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 128312461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 128312481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 128549281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 128114101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 128389801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 128132701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 128351101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 128129101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 128392801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 128192401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 128363401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121031./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 93081./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 54131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31001./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49601./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 218401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 171001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 126intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 128550771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_126
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 128550771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 128556501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 128670791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 128791581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 128882531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 129183261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 129202861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 129447111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 129447141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 129683701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 129238501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 129529801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 129259201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 129497401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 129254701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 129530701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 129343801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 129491701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120021./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120791./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90951./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 19601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35641./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56341./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 238201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 147901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2701./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 127intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 129686401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_127
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 129686401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 129692331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 129806601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 129927351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 130018351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 130319081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 130357011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 130592341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 130592371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 130827981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 130395001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 130682701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 130437901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 130651801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 130404001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 130681201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 130464001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 130639801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120201./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91001./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 37931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37991./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 42901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 80891./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 213901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 175801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 128intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 130829481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_128
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 130829481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 130836061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 130950581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 131071071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 131161791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 131464151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 131498091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 131723471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 131813921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 131972371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 131537101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 131822701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 131557501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 131791501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 131537701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 131837401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 131628301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 131778301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121101./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120491./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90721./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302361./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 33941./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39011./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59411./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 234001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 150001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1551./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 129intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 131973921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_129
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 131973921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 131979811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 132658841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 132051741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 5541./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 130intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 132664381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_130
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 132664381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 132670301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 132784591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 132905341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 132996321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 133297061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 133348191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 133606911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 133842781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 133383301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 133653301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 133406701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 133574701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 133389301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 133668301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 133497301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 133640101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120211./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35111./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 58511./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 168001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 142801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1031./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 131intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 133843811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_131
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 133843811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 133850371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 134545361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 133944581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 132intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 134546851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_132
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 134546851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 134552611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 134667131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 134787541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 134878341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 135180681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 135215011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 135437341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 135437381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 135673911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 135249001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 135527401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 135262501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 135483301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 135264901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 135535501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 135321001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 135510301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120281./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302341./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34331./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33991./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 13501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 47491./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 220801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 189301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 133intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 135675421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_133
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 135675421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 135683741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 135798231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 135918961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 136010981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 136311791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 136338311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 136593401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 136683841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 136828711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 136377001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 136659901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 136396801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 136623901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 136393201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 136674901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 136489801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 136648201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 122811./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120731./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 92021./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 26521./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 38691./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 19801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 58491./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 227101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 158401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 134intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 136830191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_134
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 136830191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 136835971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 137548131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 136953311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 135intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 137549641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_135
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 137549641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 137558421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 137673011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 137793831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 137884721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 138185501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 138214871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 138439651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 138439671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 138675331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 138249601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 138518101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 138274201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 138486601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 138264001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 138529201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 138320101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 138498001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123371./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120821./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90891./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300781./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 29371./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34731./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59331./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 212401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 177901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1581./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 136intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 138676911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_136
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 138676911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 138683411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 138798151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 138918971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 139009711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 139310441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 139359771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 139614431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 139614461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 139851231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 139397401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 139668601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 139417801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 139641301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 139409101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 139673701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 139524901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 139623601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121241./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120821./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 49331./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37631./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 58031./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 223501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 98701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1191./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 137intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 139852421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_137
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 139852421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 139858781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 139973281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 140094021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 140766351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 140169771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120861./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 138intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 140767851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_138
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 140767851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 140774301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 141417561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 140822791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1241./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 139intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 141418801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_139
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 141418801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 141427601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 141542141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 141662951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 141753351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 142054171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 142078921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 142308521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 142308541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 142544661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 142118401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 142392901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 142145401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 142368901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 142125601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 142398001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 142188001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 142374601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 123341./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300821./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 24751./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39481./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 27001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66481./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 223501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 186601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 140intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 142546151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_140
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 142546151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 142551981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 142666261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 142787021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 142877991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 143178731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 143213671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 143453431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 143453461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 143543851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 143690221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 143250001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 143547601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 143283601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 143495701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 143258701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 143545501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 143326201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 143514001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120111./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90971./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34941./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36331./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 33601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 69931./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 212101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 187801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 141intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 143691721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_141
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 143691721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 143698081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 144390021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 143795201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 142intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 144391511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_142
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 144391511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 144397961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 144512471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 144632891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 144723691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 145024431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 145652851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 145047291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120961./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -145024441./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 3321./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 143intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 145656171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_143
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 145656171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 145666491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 146280281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 145682771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1041./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 144intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 146281321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_144
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 146281321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 146287841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 146922091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 146327001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 145intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 146923591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_145
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 146923591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 146929451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 147043951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 147164721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 147255441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 147556331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 147600021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 147817701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 147817761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 148054321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 147625801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 147868801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 147649501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 147829501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 147634201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 147837001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 147690601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 147785701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120361./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120771./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90721./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300891./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 43691./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 25781./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 49481./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 180001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 95101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2171./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 146intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 148056491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_146
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 148056491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 148062941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 148177211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 148297951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 148388681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 148690721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 148745721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 148988431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 148988481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 149224061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 148777501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 149054401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 148798501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 149024401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 148797601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 149072701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 148875001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 149040301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120721./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302041./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55001./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31781./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 21001./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 52781./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 225901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 165301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 147intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 149225571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_147
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 149225571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 149231561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 149346051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 149466801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 149559791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 149860681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 149892671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 150124531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 150215001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 150360181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 149926201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 150214201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 149949001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 150175501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 149941801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 150210301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 150004501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 150150901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120481./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 92991./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300891./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 31991./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33531./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56331./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 226501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 146401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 148intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 150361681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_148
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 150361681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 150367691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 150481971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 150602711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 150693431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 150994511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 151011701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 151248621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 151248671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 151485991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 151048801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 151328701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 151079101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 151296301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 151064401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 151327501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 151126201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 151246201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120291./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90721./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301081./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 17191./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37101./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 67401./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 217201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 120001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1281./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 149intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 151487271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_149
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 151487271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 151493261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 151607621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 151728361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 151818761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 152119561./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 152167691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 152401181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 152401201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 152636821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 152203801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 152478001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 152228401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 152333701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 152218501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 152494501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 152291701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 152472001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120351./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 48131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36111./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 60711./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 105301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 180301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 150intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 152638331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_150
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 152638331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 152644611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 153354151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 152758141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 3751./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 151intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 153357901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_151
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 153357901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 153364701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 154011441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 153403551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2321./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 152intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 154013761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_152
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 154013761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 154020651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 154135131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 154255871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 154346601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 154647001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 154681671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 154882691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 154882751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 155060471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 154720501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 154965601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 154738801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 154925401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 154725901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 154965001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 154777201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 154929301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121371./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300401./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34671./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 38831./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 57131./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 186601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 152101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 153intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 155061971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_153
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 155061971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 155067711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 155181981./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 155302721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 155393731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 155694471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 155759061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 155836611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 155836661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 155982371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 155790901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 155958301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 155814601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 155933401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 155803201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 155939401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 155830201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 155908501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120011./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91011./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 64591./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31841./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 55541./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 118801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 78301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 39161./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 154intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 156021531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_154
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 156021531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 156027751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 156142031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 156262771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 156353501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 156654511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 156714371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 156818871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 156818901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 156964241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 156744301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 156926401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 156771001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 156889501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 156762301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 156907201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 156813001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 156874201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120501./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301011./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 59861./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29931./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 26701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56631./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 118501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 61201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 18561./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 155intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 156982801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_155
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 156982801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 156989251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 157103531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 157224281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 157315001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 157615751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 157697481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 157961301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 157961321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 158197431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 157735801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 158016301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 157764601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 157994101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 157753201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 158034901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 157895101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 157978201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120731./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90721./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300751./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 81731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 38321./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 28801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 67121./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 229501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 83101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1531./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 156intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 158198961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_156
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 158198961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 158204771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 158319261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 158440091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 158530821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 158831611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 158895291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 159161611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 159161661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 159396931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 158927701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 159233701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 158946001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 159197401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 158955301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 159244801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 159048601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 159223201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120301./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120831./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300791./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 63681./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32411./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50711./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 251401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 174601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2421./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 157intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 159399351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_157
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 159399351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 159405301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 159519861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 159640671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 159731081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 160031881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 160083621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 160322001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 160322021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 160558581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 160115701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 160386601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 160144201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 160361401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 160132501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 160391401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 160217701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 160354801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120511./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90411./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 51741./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32081./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 28501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 60581./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 217201./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 137101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 158intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 160560091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_158
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 160560091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 160571931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 160686471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 160806931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 160897401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 161198211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 161229801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 161518741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 126381./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120461./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 31591./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 66751./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 159intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 161585491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_159
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 161585491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 161591711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 162316091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 161719921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1911./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 160intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 162318001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_160
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 162318001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 162324421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 162438921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 162559681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 162650461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 162951201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 163007991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 163303531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120921./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90781./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 56791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 61871./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 161intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 163365401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_161
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 163365401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 163371171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 163485461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 163606211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 163697201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 163997931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 164052931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 164279071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 164279111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 164369511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 164516201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 164075401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 164358301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 164095501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 164335801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 164100901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 164363401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 164156401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 164287801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120061./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90991./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300731./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55001./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 22471./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 42571./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 240301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 131401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 162intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 164517701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 167intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_162
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 164517701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 164523731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 164638261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 164758731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 165444501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 164847011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120561./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 163intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 165445991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_163
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 165445991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 165451821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 165566511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 165686921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 165777991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 166079961./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 166122101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 166350621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 166350661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 166587121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 166156201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 166428601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 166188301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 166386901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 166168801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 166445101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 166248601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 166412401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120521./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91071./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301971./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 42141./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34101./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 32101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66201./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 198601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 163801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 164intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 166588621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_164
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 166588621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 166594951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 166709471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 166830221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 166920991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 167224051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 167277841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 167553571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 167553601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 167788851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 167315401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 167596501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 167335501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 167571301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 167341501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 167611801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 167452801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 167583001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120851./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90771./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 303061./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 53791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37561./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 57661./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 235801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 130201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 165intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 167790351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_165
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 167790351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 167796111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 167910611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 168031371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 168124231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 168425031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 168459361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 168708411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 168708431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 168944061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 168502501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 168791101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 168533401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 168771901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 168515101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 168796501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 168607201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 168758701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120261./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 92861./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34331./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 43141./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 74041./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 238501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 151501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 166intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 168945581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_166
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 168945581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 168951581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 169066481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 169186891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 169277351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 169578431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 169629021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 169875271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 169875321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 170111861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 169693201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 169947301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 169715701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 169735501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 169699801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 169970101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 169762501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 169895701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120901./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90461./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301081./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 50591./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 64181./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 86681./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 19801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 133201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 167intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 170113361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_167
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 170113361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 170119931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 170234171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 170354911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 170445651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 170746391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 170811191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 171297311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120811./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 64801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 168intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 171298811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_168
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 171298811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 171305291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 171419581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 171539991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 171630801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 171931801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 171992201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 172221631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 172221661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 172312081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 172460101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 172021501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 172316701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 172042201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 172296001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 172038301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 172320301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 172162201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 172269601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120771./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90811./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301001./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 60401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29301./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 20701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50001./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 253801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 107401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 169intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 172461611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_169
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 172461611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 172468021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 172582511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 172703261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 172794051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 173096401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 173154331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 173388791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 173388811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 173625801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 173183101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 173484301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 173207401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 173452501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 173208001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 173490901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 173263801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 173409301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120901./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90791./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302351./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28771./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 24301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53071./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 245101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 145501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 170intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 173627291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 175intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_170
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 173627291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 173633741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 173748251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 173869051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 173959761./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 174690441./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 174093551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120961./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90711./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1081./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 171intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 174691521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_171
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 174691521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 174698071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 174812341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 174933081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 175024991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 175325791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 175381091./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 175626161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 175716631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 175861821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 175410001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 175698001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 175437301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 175659001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 175430401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 175707901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 175531801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 175674001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120821./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91911./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55301./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28911./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 27301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56211./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 221701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 142201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 172intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 175863321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_172
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 175863321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 175869911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 175984201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 176105061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 176196131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 176496621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 176532191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 176764911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 176764951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 177000201./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 176571901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 176854801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 176591701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 176819401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 176582701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 176855401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 176651401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 176822401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120881./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120861./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91071./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300491./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 35571./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39711./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 19801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59511./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 227701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 171001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2261./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 173intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 177002461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_173
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 177002461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 177008951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 177123231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 177243971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 177334711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 177635451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 177684451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 177913331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 177913351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 178003801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 178156191./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 177716401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 177996901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 177750601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 177962401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 177731101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 178017001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 177798901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 177977401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120771./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 49001./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 31951./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 34201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66151./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 211801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 178501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 174intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 178157691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_174
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 178157691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 178164391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 178278861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 178399661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 178490401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 178790811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 178852471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 179098081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 179098131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 179188521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 179335211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 178888801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 179188201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 178906201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 179145901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 178915201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 179196901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 178988101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 179161501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121171./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300411./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 61661./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 36331./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53731./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 239701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 173401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1491./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 175intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 179336701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_175
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 179336701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 179342731./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 180061021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 179465341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1091./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 176intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 180062111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_176
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 180062111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 180068101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 180182861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 180303611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 180398231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 180700571./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 180729161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 180954881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 180954931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 181191771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 180757201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 181038301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 180779401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 181003501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 180782701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 181055101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 180878701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 181024501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120751./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 94621./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302341./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 28591./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 28041./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 50241./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 224101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 145801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 7781./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 177intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 181199551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_177
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 181199551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 181205391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 181319921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 181440401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 181530861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 181831671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 181871411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 182107151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 182107171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 182342461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 181912201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 182192401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 181940701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 182158801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 181923001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 182196601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 181991101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 182161801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120371./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90461./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 39741./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40791./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 28501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 69291./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 218101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 170701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 7461./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 178intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 182349921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_178
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 182349921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 182355841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 182470391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 182590871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 182681661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 182982411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 183019401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 183256991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 183257041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 183492301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 183062401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 183335401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 183086101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 183302701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 183072001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 183348901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 183140101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 183320701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120471./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90791./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300751./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 36991./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 43001./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66701./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 216601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 180601./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2241./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 179intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 183494541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_179
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 183494541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 183500461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 183614741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 183735491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 183826471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 184127211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 184179541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 184419781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 184659881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 184220101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 184510801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 184231501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 184474501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 184225801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 184521901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 184316401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 184461301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120201./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 52331./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40561./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 11401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 51961./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 243001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 144901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1341./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 180intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 184661221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_180
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 184661221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 184667041./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 184781881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 184902351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 184992811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 185293621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 185307221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 185579031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 185669751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 185814701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 185347801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 185649601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 185366401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 185442901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 185360401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 185666701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 185478601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 185637301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120661./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90461./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 13601./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40581./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59181./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 76501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 158701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2431./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 181intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 185817131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_181
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 185817131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 185823641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 185938181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 186058931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 186149661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 186450401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 186481991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 186730031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 186730051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 186988361./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 186521401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 186838801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 186537601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 186805201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 186536401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 186849601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 186619801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 186820201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121051./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 31591./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39411./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 16201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 55611./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 267601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 200401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1751./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 182intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 186990111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_182
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 186990111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 186996701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 187110971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 187231371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 187322181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 187622941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 187673141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 187917461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 187917511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 188159771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 187756501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 188000101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 187910401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 187974901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 187741501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 188021101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 187807501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 187987201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120861./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120401./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90811./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300761./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 50201./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 83361./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 153901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 237261./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 64501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 179701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1611./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 183intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 188161381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 191intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_183
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 188161381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 188167391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 188282151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 188402641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 188493111./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 188793921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 188853711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 189330651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120771./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120491./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 59791./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 184intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 189332161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_184
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 189332161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 189338081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 190010371./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 189415281./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1691./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 185intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 190012061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_185
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 190012061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 190018011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 190132581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 190253051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 190343521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 190644321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 190676251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 190905451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 190905481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 191141061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 190711201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 190986001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 190728601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 190959001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 190726801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 190980901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 190767001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 190873201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120521./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90471./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300801./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 31931./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34951./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 52351./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 230401./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 106201./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2261./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 186intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 191143321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_186
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 191143321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 191149781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 191264251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 191384991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 191476081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 191776891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 191844231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 192132941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 192223401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 192368831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 191879701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 192169801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 191898001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 192141301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 191916301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 192180601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 192017101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 192162001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120931./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91091./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 67341./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35471./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 53771./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 243301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 144901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1031./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 187intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 192369861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_187
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 192369861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 192375811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 192490261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 192611071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 192701801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 193002551./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 193040741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 193282241./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 193518451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 193081501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 193358401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 193097101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 193326601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 193095301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 193377601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 193166401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 193338901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120401./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300751./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 38191./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40761./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 15601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56361./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 229501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 172501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1011./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 188intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 193519461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_188
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 193519461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 193525691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 193639971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 193760721./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 193851691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 194152431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 194189161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 194419801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 194419821./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 194656311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 194228701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 194501101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 194253901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 194280901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 194238301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 194516701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 194307001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 194486701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120511./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120751./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90971./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 36731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 39541./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 25201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 64741./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 27001./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 179701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 189intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 194657811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_189
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 194657811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 194663591./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 194778121./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 194898861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 194989601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 195290341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 195344471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 195568521./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 195568541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 195805611./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 195376801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 195653101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 195400201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 195625801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 195385801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 195652501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 195439501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 195609001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120311./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90741./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 54131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 32331./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 23401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 55731./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 225601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 169501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1531./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 190intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 195807141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_190
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 195807141./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 195813741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 195928511./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 196049321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 196140051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 196440791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 196473321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 196702311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 196792771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 196937951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 196513801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 196785601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 196532401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 196743901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 196521901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 196786201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 196578901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 196723201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121371./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120811./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 32531./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40481./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 18601./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59081./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 211501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 144301./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 191intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 196939461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_191
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 196939461./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 196945451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 197060391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 197180801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 197274771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 197577081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 197637421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 197906391./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 198143261./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 197670601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 197953801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 197706001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 197923801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 197691001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 197968501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 197793901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 197946301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120931./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120411./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 93971./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302311./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 60341./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33181./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 35401./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 68581./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 217801./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 152401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1481./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 192intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 198144741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 163intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_192
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 198144741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 198151601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 198265861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 198915881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 198320801./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121121./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1521./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 193intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 198917401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_193
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 198917401./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 198925301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 199039581./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 199160321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 199251051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 199551791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 199599321./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 199819431./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 199819481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 200056341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 199629301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 199892701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 199646401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 199838101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 199646701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 199916701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 199699801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 199876801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 122181./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 47531./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 29981./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17101./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 47081./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 191701./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 177001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2041./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 194intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 200058381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_194
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 200058381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 200064641./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 200179421./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 200300221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 200390951./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 200691691./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 200748831./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 200975481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 200975531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 201215991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 200782801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 201066001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 200808001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 201030901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 200799001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 201078901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 200922001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 201049501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121041./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120801./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90731./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57141./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 33971./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 25201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 59171./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 222901./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 127501./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1361./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 195intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 201217351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_195
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 201217351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 201223921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 201338171./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 201458621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 201549411./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 201850151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 201877881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 202104841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 202104861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 202195301./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 202344211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 201913801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 202199401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 201943501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 202113001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 201928201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 202206301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 201982801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 202171801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120821./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120451./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90791./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 27731./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35921./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 29701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 65621./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 169501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 189001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 196intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 202345711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_196
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 202345711./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 202352101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 202466351./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 202587451./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 202677861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 202978671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 203033671./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 203268501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 203268541./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated 203358971./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 203519161./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 202345801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 203835901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 202347601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 203528101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 203084401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 203380501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 203155501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 203350501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120641./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 121101./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90411./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 55001./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -687871./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 1801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -686071./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 1180501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 195001./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2171./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 197intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 203521331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_197
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 203521331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 203527471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 203641741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 203762501./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 203853481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 204154221./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 204211621./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 204453001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 204688651./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 204246601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 204532201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 204264301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 204501601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 204263701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 204546301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 204343501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 204489601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120411./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120761./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90981./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300741./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 57401./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34981./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 17701./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 52681./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 237301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 146101./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1261./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 198intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 204689911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 161intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial NONEstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_198
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 204689911./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 204701701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. -11./30000*sint WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. -11./30000*sint CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. -11./30000*sint GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. -11./30000*sint SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated -11./30000*sint RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 205422901./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial 204826071./30000*sintl101210-001.nev ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection -1int UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Falseboolean ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched -11./30000*sint OT Time when target object is released -11./30000*sint OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal -11./30000*sint FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move -11./30000*sint DO Time when object moved back to its baseline -11./30000*sint OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) -11./30000*sint HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal -11./30000*sint HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) -11./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) -11./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) -11./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) -11./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) -11./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) -11./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) -11./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) -11./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 3981./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 199intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 205426881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_199
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 205426881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 205434101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 205548851./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 205669331./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 205760151./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 206060871./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 206093991./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 206344631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. 206435101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 206580271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 206398501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 206416201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 206405701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 206409001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 206140201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 206421001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 206265601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 206355301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 121971./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90821./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300721./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 33121./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 304511./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 7201./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 311711./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 3301./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 89701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1501./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 200intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 206581771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_200
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 206581771./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 206588081./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 206702471./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 206822941./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 206914001./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 207214481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 207246311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 207469051./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 207469101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 207704701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 207280501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 207556801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 207303301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 207408901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 207288301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 207563401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 207352801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 207489601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120701./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120471./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91061./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300481./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 31831./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 34191./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 22801./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 56991./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 105601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 136801./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2431./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 201intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 207707131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_201
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 207707131./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 207713661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 207827921./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 207948341./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 208040291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 208341101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 208397231./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 208624791./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 208864631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 208434601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 208717801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 208460101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 208633201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 208453801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 208728901./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 208486201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 208706101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120791./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120421./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 91951./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 56131./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 37371./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 25501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 62871./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 173101./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 219901./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2251./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 202intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 208866881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_202
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 208866881./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 208872601./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 208987381./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 209107861./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 209198661./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 209499681./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 209518481./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 209741251./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 209741291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 209977701./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 209560501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 209822101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 209574001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 209793601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 209565601./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 209836801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 209628301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 209805001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120501./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120481./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90801./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 301021./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 18801./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 42021./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 13501./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 55521./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 219601./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 176701./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 1511./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 203intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 209979211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial PGHFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_203
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 209979211./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 209985011./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 210099531./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 210219931./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 210310741./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 210612781./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 210647101./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 210887021./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 210887061./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 211122311./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 210687301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 210965401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 210718201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 210932701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 210695101./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 210964801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 210779401./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 210916801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120321./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120401./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90811./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 302041./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 34321./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 40201./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30901./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 71101./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 214501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 137401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) 2441./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on trial parameters Consecutive trial ID (starting at 1). 204intl101210-001.nev TrialID Time stamp based trial ID defined as time of TS belonging to the trial. 211124751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TrialTimestampID Code indicates if this was an error or a correct trial (see list of performance codes in Project/PerformanceCodes) 255intl101210-001.nev PerformanceCode Trial type of trial SGLFstringl101210-001.nev TrialType Trial_204
Information on digital trial events Time when trial start event is internally activated. 211124751./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-ON Time when trial start event is internally deactivated. 211130491./30000*sintl101210-001.nev TS-OFF Time when warning signal is activated. 211244891./30000*sintl101210-001.nev WS-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is activated. 211365631./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-ON Time when CUE (first cue) is deactivated. 211456031./30000*sintl101210-001.nev CUE-OFF Time when GO (second cue) is activated. 211756841./30000*sintl101210-001.nev GO-ON Time when the table switch is released. 211793811./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR Repetition of SR-ON (does not imply that the switch was released again). This event can be typically ignored. 212027271./30000*sintl101210-001.nev SR-REP Time when reward pump is activated 212027291./30000*sintl101210-001.nev RW-ON Repetition of RW-ON (does not necessarily imply that a reward was given again). This event can be typically ignored. -11./30000*sint RW-ON-REP Time when reward pump is deactivated -11./30000*sint RW-OFF End of trial (includes deactivation of reward pump unless RW-OFF exists) 212265181./30000*sintl101210-001.nev STOP Time when error flash was shown as negative feedback in response to an error trial -11./30000*sint ERROR-FLASH-ON DigitalEvents recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue trial events Channel ID index of force sensor used in grip force detection 1intfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat UsedForceSensor States if analogue event detection of this trial was manually controlled Truebooleanfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat ManuallyControlled AnalogEvents
Information on analogue events detected with grip force signals Time when target object is touched 211829701./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OT Time when target object is released 212115301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OR Onset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 211860001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used FSR sensor signal 212002501./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat FSRplat-OFF GripForceSignals recording/task/trial/events
Information on analogue events detected with object displacement signal Time when object first starts to move 211845001./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat DO Time when object moved back to its baseline 212127301./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat OBB Onset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal; corresponds to the offline detected hold start (HS) 211957801./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-ON Offset time plateau phase of used HE sensor signal 212095201./30000*sintfe_l101210-001_time_markers.mat HEplat-OFF DisplacementSignal recording/task/trial/events
Information on trial periods Duration of start period (period between TS and WS-ON) 120141./30000*sint STP Duration of warning signal period (period between WS and CUE-ON) 120741./30000*sint WSP Duration of CUE period (period between CUE-ON and CUE-OFF) 90401./30000*sint CUE Duration of DELAY period (period between CUE-OFF and GO-ON) 300811./30000*sint DELAY Reaction time (period between GO and SR) 36971./30000*sint RT Reach-to-grasp time (period between SR and OT) 35891./30000*sint RGT Pull time (period between DO and HEplat-ON) 30301./30000*sint PT Movement time (period between SR and HEplat-ON) 66191./30000*sint MT Duration of plateau in FSR signal (period between FSRplat-ON and FSRplat-OFF) 142501./30000*sint FSRplat Duration of plateau in HE signal (period between HEplat-ON and HEplat-OFF) 137401./30000*sint HEplat Inter-trial-interval (period until next trial) -11./30000*sint ITI Periods recording/task/trial/periods
Information on preprocessing performed on the data, e.g., rejections of trial and electrodes, spike sorting. List of identifiers of different frequency bands for which an analysis to determine trials and electrodes to be rejected were performed. HFCstring LFCstring IFCstring LFPBands PreProcessing
Information on rejected trials and rejected electrodes based on LFPs filtered in the HFC band High cut frequency of rejection filter 250.0Hzfloatl101210-001_rej_060Hz-250Hz-05o.hdf5 Highcut Low cut frequency of rejection filter 60.0Hzfloatl101210-001_rej_060Hz-250Hz-05o.hdf5 Lowcut Order of rejection filter 5intl101210-001_rej_060Hz-250Hz-05o.hdf5 Order ID list of rejected electrodes -1intl101210-001_rej_060Hz-250Hz-05o.hdf5 RejElectrodes ID list of rejected trials -1intl101210-001_rej_060Hz-250Hz-05o.hdf5 RejTrials HFC subject/preparation
Information on rejected trials and rejected electrodes based on LFPs filtered in the LFC band High cut frequency of rejection filter 10.0Hzfloatl101210-001_rej_003Hz-010Hz-03o.hdf5 Highcut Low cut frequency of rejection filter 3.0Hzfloatl101210-001_rej_003Hz-010Hz-03o.hdf5 Lowcut Order of rejection filter 3intl101210-001_rej_003Hz-010Hz-03o.hdf5 Order ID list of rejected electrodes -1intl101210-001_rej_003Hz-010Hz-03o.hdf5 RejElectrodes ID list of rejected trials -1intl101210-001_rej_003Hz-010Hz-03o.hdf5 RejTrials LFC subject/preparation
Information on rejected trials and rejected electrodes based on LFPs filtered in the IFC band High cut frequency of rejection filter 40.0Hzfloatl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 Highcut Low cut frequency of rejection filter 12.0Hzfloatl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 Lowcut Order of rejection filter 3intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 Order ID list of rejected electrodes 2intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 4intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 29intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 RejElectrodes ID list of rejected trials 139intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 117intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 102intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 8intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 45intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 66intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 80intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 136intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 140intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 146intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 173intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 178intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 200intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 106intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 177intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 195intl101210-001_rej_012Hz-040Hz-03o.hdf5 RejTrials IFC subject/preparation
Information on spike sorting Software used to perform offline spike sorting Plexon Offline Spike Sorterstring Software Software version used to perform offline spike sorting 3.3string SoftwareVersion Name of the person who performed the sorting Alexa Riehlestring ResponsiblePerson IDs of sorting versions available for this dataset -02string Sortings OfflineSpikeSorting
Information on one particular spike sorting of the data File containing results of offline spike sorting l101210-001-02string Filename Clustering method(s) used for sorting K-Means string Valley-Seekingstring Method Level of supervision of the method (manual/semi-automatic/automatic) semi-automaticstring MethodType Threshold used to remove outliers from the unit clusters 0.8float 2.0float OutlierThreshold Total number of offline sorted SUA units 93int TotalNum_SUAs Total number of offline sorted MUA units 49int TotalNum_MUAs Unit ID(s) reserved for noise in the offline spike sorting 0int 255int NoiseUnitIDs Minimum percentage of channels with a synchronously detected spike events used to reject these spike events 70int SyncChannelLimit Sorting-02 subject/preparation
0.1 Lyuba Zehl