# Application of the eigenangle test to stochastic calibration scenarios This folder contains the workflow to create stochastic spiking activity using Poisson and Compound Poisson processes, calculate their correlation matrices, compare them with the eigenangle- and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The parameters for the stochastic processes are specified via the `config.py` file. The following wildcards in the file paths can update the parameters of the config file as in `N{N}_t{t_start}-{t_stop}ms_bin{binsize}ms_rate{rate}Hz_hub{assembly_sizes}_corr{correlations}_bkgr{bkgr_correlation}_{corr_method}`. The main functionality of the workflow is: * snakemake `results/stochastic_activity_comparison.csv' creates the correlation matrices for all process with the parameter ranges specified in the config files, performs the comparisons between initializations (i.e. random seeds), and aggregates the results in a dataframe.