function [Par] = JA_Average_previous_trials(Par) moving_avg = 5; fixed_RT = 0.4; % at the very first trial of the block, SBJ_RT is not known % so it is set at 0.4 + charge = 0.7 if == 1 % if it is the first trial of the very first game % set it to a standard velocity Par.CF_RT{} = fixed_RT + Par.charge; % 0.4 + charge Par.SBJ_RT_median{} = Par.CF_RT{}; %return soon after assigning the fixed_RT to the CF_RT of the current trial % so the reading does not enter the next if cycles return end % then, it is possible that the SBJ anticipates/posticipates at the second % trial so there would be no info av avilable about SBJ RTs yet % if trial is the second one, check if there is already a valid SBJ_RT from % the trial before if ( == 2) && isempty(Par.SBJ_RT{}) % for now assign a value to SBJ_RT even though no response has been % provided. In case for example, SBJ does not produce a valid response in % the preceding (first) trial, keep CF_RT at fixed_RT value Par.CF_RT{} = fixed_RT + Par.charge; % 0.4 + charge Par.SBJ_RT{1} = Par.CF_RT{}; % 0.4 + charge Par.SBJ_RT_median{} = Par.CF_RT{}; return end % if the script gets here it means that there is at least one number in % the SBJ_RT up to trial 2. so, until trials are 'movging_avg' number do % median onto the available values if ( >= 2) && ( <= moving_avg) % median between trial 1 to eventually trial 4 to put as CF_RT in % trials up to 5 (moving_avg) Par.CF_RT{} = median(cell2mat(Par.SBJ_RT(; Par.SBJ_RT_median{} = Par.CF_RT{}; return end % from trials >= 6 if ( > moving_avg) % PAY ATTENTION if too many no-responses it throw errors % Par.SBJ_RT % % ans = % % [0.7000] [] [] [] [] [] [] if ~isnan(median(cell2mat(Par.SBJ_RT( % slide the median considering only the last 'moving_avg' number of trials Par.CF_RT{} = median(cell2mat(Par.SBJ_RT(; else Par.CF_RT{} = median(cell2mat(Par.SBJ_RT(; end Par.SBJ_RT_median{} = Par.CF_RT{}; return end %logging{}.RT_SBJ_avg = RT_SBJ_avg{}; end