# Contributing to DABEST-Matlab ## Did you find a bug? - Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching in [Issues](https://github.com/ACCLAB/DABEST-Matlab/issues). Check that the bug hasn't been addressed in a closed issue. - If the bug isn't being addressed, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, and a [minimally reproducible code sample](https://matthewrocklin.com/blog/work/2018/02/28/minimal-bug-reports) demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring. ## Did you write a patch that fixes a bug? - Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch. - Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable. ## Do you intend to add a new feature or change an existing one? - Suggest your change by opening an issue, and adding an Enhancement tag. - If the maintainers and the community are in favour, create a fork and start writing code. DABEST-Matlab is a community tool for estimation statistics and analysis. We look forward to more robust and more elegant data visualizations from you all!