%% Fig. 1F - N of session to reach learning criterion %% Code for Fig. 1F clear close all % ========================================================================== %% Boxplot of initial and reversal learning % ========================================================================== %Load source data at first or use the following variables InitialLearning = [6 15 11 7 5 14 7 15]; ReversalLearning = [5 10 17 9 7 9 11 7]; %Initial Learning boxplot-------------------------------------------------- sz = 20; fig1 = figure('Name', 'NofSession2Learn_Initial'); fig1.Position = [1430 480 230 420]; boxplot(InitialLearning, 'MedianStyle', 'line', 'Labels',{'Initial'}) hold on h1 = scatter(ones(size(InitialLearning)).*(1+(rand(size(InitialLearning)))/10-0.03), InitialLearning, 'b', 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5); h1.SizeData = 40; %Lim and ticks ylim([0 18]); yticks([0 5 10 15 20]); %Label and title ylabel('N of Sessions') title('INI - N of Session to criterion') box off %Copy object ax_Ini = gca; %Reversal Learning boxplot------------------------------------------------- sz = 20; fig2 = figure('Name', 'NofSession2Learn_Reversal'); fig2.Position = [1430 480 230 420]; boxplot(ReversalLearning, 'MedianStyle', 'line', 'Labels',{'Reversal'}) hold on h2 = scatter(ones(size(ReversalLearning)).*(1+(rand(size(ReversalLearning)))/10-0.03), ReversalLearning, 'r', 'filled', 'MarkerFaceAlpha', 0.5); h2.SizeData = 40; %Lim and ticks ylim([0 18]); yticks([0 5 10 15 20]); %Label and title ylabel('N of Sessions') title('REV - N of Session to criterion') box off