%% Make fig 2 e, f close all; clear all; clc; %% Define search path. rawDataFolder = 'D:\Data_LGRTL\Two_photon'; dataFolder = 'D:\Data_LGRTL\Two_photonMat'; datasetInd = 3; [saveFolder, figDir, stimSetCellStr] = parseDatasetVars(datasetInd); figDir = 'P:\Documents\Figures\Paper\Tm9\fig2\noise\'; % Fig dir test. if ~exist(figDir, 'dir') mkdir(figDir); end if ~exist(saveFolder, 'dir') warning('%s Folder does not exist', saveFolder) end % load([saveFolder 'processedTableWithBackground'], 'ProcessedTable'); % load([saveFolder 'processedTableWithBackgroundOnOff'], 'ProcessedTable'); % this was used in the figure load([saveFolder 'processedTableWithBackgroundOnOffNoiseCropped'], 'ProcessedTable'); %% ProcessedTable = ProcessedTable(ProcessedTable.typeOfProblem == 0, :); % Check only bars. nStims = 8; % 8 for fff, bars, and noise; 5 for fff and bars. stimSetCellStr = stimSetCellStr(1: nStims); %% Split table into cell types. tokens = arrayfun(@(x) regexp(x, '.*Tm(\d).*', 'tokens'), ProcessedTable.timeSeriesPath); cellTypeNumArray = cellfun(@(x) str2num(x{1}{1}), tokens); cellTypeNum = unique(cellTypeNumArray); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron} = ProcessedTable(cellTypeNumArray == cellTypeNum(iNeuron), :); end %% stimInd = 1; nStims = numel(stimSetCellStr); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) for jStim = 1: nStims StimTableNeuronStim{iNeuron, jStim} = getStimSubsetTable(StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron}, stimSetCellStr, jStim); end end for iFly = 1: numel(unique(ProcessedTable.flyInd)) flyInds = ProcessedTable.flyInd == iFly; flyStims = ProcessedTable(flyInds, :).stimParamFileName; % Find if stim is within the chosen subset. flyStimInds{iFly} = (cellfun(@(x) find(strcmp(x, stimSetCellStr)), flyStims, 'uni', 0)); % If it contains stimuli, check that it includes the 5 chosen. if ~isempty(flyStimInds{iFly}) setDiff{iFly} = setdiff(1: nStims, [flyStimInds{iFly}{:}]); else setDiff{iFly} = -1; end % For flies with all chosen stimuli order the table accordingly. if isempty(setDiff{iFly}) sortFlyIndsTemp = find(flyInds); [~, sortInd] = sort([flyStimInds{iFly}{:}]); sortFlyInds{iFly} = sortFlyIndsTemp(sortInd); end end StimOrderedTable = ProcessedTable(cat(1, sortFlyInds{:}), :); %% Split table into cell types. tokens = arrayfun(@(x) regexp(x, '.*Tm(\d).*', 'tokens'), StimOrderedTable.timeSeriesPath); cellTypeNumArray = cellfun(@(x) str2num(x{1}{1}), tokens); cellTypeNum = unique(cellTypeNumArray); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron} = StimOrderedTable(cellTypeNumArray == cellTypeNum(iNeuron), :); end %% nStims = numel(stimSetCellStr); for iNeuron = 1: numel(cellTypeNum) for jStim = 1: nStims StimTableNeuronStim{iNeuron, jStim} = getStimSubsetTable(StimTableNeuronCell{iNeuron}, stimSetCellStr, jStim); end end OriginalStimTableNeuronStim = StimTableNeuronStim; %% Delete invalid rois for all flies and stimuli. bgRois = cellfun(@(y) cellfun(@(x) x.backgroundRois, y.roiMeta), StimTableNeuronStim, 'uni', 0); %Test if all background rois are the same for all stimuli. assert(isequal(bgRois{:})); invalidRois = zeros(size(StimTableNeuronStim{1}, 1), size(StimTableNeuronStim, 2)); for iFly = 1: size(StimTableNeuronStim{1}, 1) for jStim = 1: size(StimTableNeuronStim, 2) invalidInds = StimTableNeuronStim{jStim}.roiMeta{iFly}.invalidRois; if ~isempty(invalidInds) invalidRois(iFly, jStim) = invalidInds; end end end roisToDeletePerFly = sum(unique(invalidRois', 'rows'))'; % Try a manual fix, delete one fly from bars, and delete ROI 10 from Noise % stimulus. Check how this compares to the data in Snippet_RF_comparison. % [tcArrayCell, responseIndArrayCell, rSquareArrayCell, fitParamsCell, ... % flyIndsCell, tcExtCellArray, tcArgExtCellArray, ... % roisToRemoveInds] = getStimArraysForSameRois(StimTableNeuronStim([2:5, 7,8]), 1) %% Extract the parameters for the analysis of spatial RFs. jBar = 1; for iStim = 2:5 dummyTable = StimTableNeuronStim{iStim}; paramsCell = cellfun(@(x) x(1: end - 1*0), dummyTable.paramTuning, 'uni', 0); responseIndex = cellfun(@(x, y) x(1: end - 1*0), dummyTable.responseIndex, 'uni', 0); for jFly = find(roisToDeletePerFly ~= 0) if invalidRois(jFly, iStim) == 0 paramsCell{jFly}(roisToDeletePerFly(jFly) - 1*0) = []; responseIndex{jFly}(roisToDeletePerFly(jFly) - 1*0) = []; end end amp(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.fit.a1, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); pos(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.fit.b1, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); width(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.fit.c1, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); rsquare(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.gof.rsquare, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); jBar = jBar + 1; end for iStim = [7, 8] dummyTable = StimTableNeuronStim{iStim}; paramsCell = cellfun(@(x) x(1: end - 1*0), dummyTable.paramTuning, 'uni', 0); % responseIndex = cellfun(@(x, y) x(1: end - 1), dummyTable.responseIndex, 'uni', 0); for jFly = find(roisToDeletePerFly ~= 0) if invalidRois(jFly, iStim) == 0 paramsCell{jFly}(roisToDeletePerFly(jFly) - 1*0) = []; % responseIndex{jFly}(roisToDeletePerFly(jFly) - 1*0) = []; end end amp(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.fit.a1, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); pos(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.fit.b1, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); width(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.fit.c1, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); rsquare(jBar, :) = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) arrayfun(@(y) y.gof.rsquare, x, 'uni', 1), paramsCell, 'uni', 0)'); jBar = jBar + 1; end pos(1: 4, :) = 2 * (pos(1: 4, :) - 1); pos(5: 6, :) = 5 * pos(5: 6, :); width = (2 * sqrt(log(2))) * width; width(1: 4, :) = 2 * width(1: 4, :); width(5: 6, :) = 5 * width(5: 6, :); validInds = all(rsquare([1, 2, 5, 6], :) > 0.5) & all(rsquare([3, 4], :) > 0.1); %% flyInds = repelem(1:size(StimTableNeuronStim{1}),cellfun(@numel, StimTableNeuronStim{1}.responseIndex)); flyInds(roisToDeletePerFly(1)) = []; flyInds(validInds) numel(unique(flyInds(validInds))) %% clear allRFs for iStim = 2: 5 tuningMethods = StimTableNeuronStim{iStim}.nonParamTuning{1}.tuningMethods; tuningMethodInd = strcmp(tuningMethods, 'extreme'); tcCellArray = cellfun(@(x) squeeze(x.tc{tuningMethodInd}(:, 1: end - 1, :)), StimTableNeuronStim{iStim}.nonParamTuning, 'uni', 0); allRFs{iStim - 1} = cell2mat(tcCellArray); end %% noiseRFs{1} = getSpaceFilterArrayFromTable(StimTableNeuronStim{7}); % Az is horizontal noiseRFs{2} = getSpaceFilterArrayFromTable(StimTableNeuronStim{8}); % El is vertical %% % Delete invalid roi that shifts all images by one; barRFs = cellfun(@(x) x(setdiff(1: length(allRFs{1}), roisToDeletePerFly(1)), 1: end), ... allRFs, 'uni', 0); noiseRFs{1}(roisToDeletePerFly(1), :) = []; %% % The screen is about 48-60 deg, we center the RFs at about the center 24 % deg, using the fit positions for higher presicion. lagsBars = round((pos(1: 4, :) - 25) / 2); for iBar = 1: numel(barRFs) barRFs{iBar} = alignRFsToAbsMax(barRFs{iBar}, 0, lagsBars(iBar, :)'); end lagsNoise = round((pos(5: 6, :) - 30) / 5); for iBar = 1: numel(noiseRFs) noiseRFs{iBar} = alignRFsToAbsMax(noiseRFs{iBar}, 0, lagsNoise(iBar, :)); end %% Blank epoch was already deleted, now delete vertical bars on edges of screen. barRFs{2}(:, end-1: end) = []; barRFs{4}(:, end-1: end) = []; barRFs{2}(:, 1: 2) = []; barRFs{4}(:, 1: 2) = []; %% Fig2e hFig = figure; splitSign = 1; doSmoothing = 1; indsToPlot = validInds; subplot_tight(1, 3, 1); plotRFEnsemble(noiseRFs{1}, noiseRFs{2}, splitSign, doSmoothing, indsToPlot); title('White noise spatial filters') % Plot bar RFs. OFF. subplot_tight(1, 3, 2); plotRFEnsemble(barRFs{1}, barRFs{2}, splitSign, doSmoothing, indsToPlot); title('OFF flashing bar filters') % Plot bar RFs. ON. subplot_tight(1, 3, 3); plotRFEnsemble(barRFs{3}, barRFs{4}, splitSign, doSmoothing, indsToPlot); title('ON flashing bar filters') suptitle('Cartesian product (X \times Y) of one dimensional tuning curves'); figFileName = ['RFIm-ON-OFF-Noise']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') % print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.png'], '-dpng', '-r %% Write data for fig2e dataFileName = [figDir filesep 'Fig2.xls']; DataTable = createRFsTable(noiseRFs{1}(indsToPlot, :), 'Noise_horizontal_position_deg'); % Correct spacing from 2 deg for bars to 5 deg for noise. DataTable(:, 1).Noise_horizontal_position_deg = 5 / 2 * DataTable(:, 1).Noise_horizontal_position_deg; writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', 'Fig2e') DataTable = createRFsTable(noiseRFs{1}(indsToPlot, :), 'Noise_vertical_position_deg'); % Correct spacing from 2 deg for bars to 5 deg for noise. DataTable(:, 1).Noise_vertical_position_deg = 5 / 2 * DataTable(:, 1).Noise_vertical_position_deg; writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', 'Fig2e', 'Range', 'A15') DataTable = createRFsTable(barRFs{1}(indsToPlot, :), 'OFF_horizontal_position_deg'); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', 'Fig2e', 'Range', 'A29') DataTable = createRFsTable(barRFs{2}(indsToPlot, :), 'OFF_vertical_position_deg'); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', 'Fig2e', 'Range', 'A56') DataTable = createRFsTable(barRFs{3}(indsToPlot, :), 'ON_horizontal_position_deg'); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', 'Fig2e', 'Range', 'A83') DataTable = createRFsTable(barRFs{4}(indsToPlot, :), 'ON_vertical_position_deg'); writetable(DataTable, dataFileName, 'Sheet', 'Fig2e', 'Range', 'A110') %% offX = barRFs{1}(validInds, :); offY = barRFs{2}(validInds, :); onX = barRFs{3}(validInds, :); onY = barRFs{4}(validInds, :); lnX = noiseRFs{1}(validInds, :); lnY = noiseRFs{2}(validInds, :); % % Realign good cells. % [onX] = alignRFsToAbsMax(onX, 0, [], 'on'); % [onY] = alignRFsToAbsMax(onY, 0, [], 'on'); % [lnX] = alignRFsToAbsMax(lnX, 0, [], 'on'); % [lnY] = alignRFsToAbsMax(lnY, 0, [], 'on'); % lnX = interp1(2.5:5:60-2.5, lnX', linspace(4,46, 24))'; % lnY = interp1(2.5:5:60-2.5, lnY', linspace(4,46, 24))'; lnX = interp1(linspace(2.5,60, 12), lnX', linspace(2.5,60, 25))'; lnY = interp1(linspace(2.5,60, 12), lnY', linspace(2.5,60, 25))'; % Realign noise to center now at 2 deg precision. [~, peakInd] = max(abs(lnX), [], 2); lnX = alignRFsToAbsMax(lnX, 0, peakInd - round(length(lnX) / 2) - 1); [~, peakInd] = max(abs(lnY), [], 2); lnY = alignRFsToAbsMax(lnY, 0, peakInd - round(length(lnY) / 2) - 1); maxNorm = @(x, dim) x ./ max(abs(x), [], dim); getRow = @(x, nRow) x(nRow, :); normRFs = cellfun(@(x) cell2mat(arrayfun(@(y) smooth(getRow(maxNorm(x,2), y))', 1: size(x, 1), 'uni', 0)'), ... {offX, offY, onX, onY, lnX, lnY}, 'uni', 0); normRFs = cellfun(@(x) maxNorm(x,2), normRFs, 'uni', 0); hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [ 1 1 / 3]); for iRFType = 1:3 subplot_tight(1, 3, iRFType); imshow(getRFIm(mean(normRFs{2*iRFType}), mean(normRFs{2*iRFType - 1}))) end figFileName = ['RFIm-ON-OFF-Noise-mean']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [ 1 2/3]); hSubAx = plotLasagnaTracesFromCell(gcf, normRFs, brewermap(6, 'Paired')); ylim(hSubAx(:, 1), [-1 1]); arrayfun(@(x) set(get(x, 'YAxis'), 'Visible', 'on'), hSubAx(1, :)) cellfun(@(x) caxis(ZeroCenteredBounds(x, [0 100])), normRFs, 'uni', 0) arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hSubAx) arrayfun(@offsetAxes, hSubAx) set(hSubAx, 'Visible', 'off') figFileName = ['RFcurves-ON-OFF-Noise-XY-lasagna']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') % figure; % % for iRFType = 1:3 % plot(mean(normRFs{2*iRFType - 1})); % hold on; % plot(mean(normRFs{2*iRFType})); % % end %% hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1 1/2]); pairsToAverage = {[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]}; meanWidths = cellfun(@(x) mean(width(x, validInds)), pairsToAverage, 'uni', 0); meanWidths = cellfun(@(x) mean(width(x, validInds)), pairsToAverage, 'uni', 0); beanPlot(meanWidths, {'off', 'on', 'noise'}, flipud(brewermap(3, 'Set1')), 1, gca, [0-eps 50], 'vertical', false, true) figFileName = ['RF-ON-OFF-Noise-FWHM-Bean']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% Save data for Fig 2f xlswrite(dataFileName, {'FHWM-OFF-bars'}, 'Fig2f', 'A1') xlswrite(dataFileName, meanWidths{1}, 'Fig2f', 'B1') xlswrite(dataFileName, {'FHWM-ON-bars'}, 'Fig2f', 'A2') xlswrite(dataFileName, meanWidths{2}, 'Fig2f', 'B2') xlswrite(dataFileName, {'FHWM-Noise-bars'}, 'Fig2f', 'A3') xlswrite(dataFileName, meanWidths{3}, 'Fig2f', 'B3') %% Permutation test for mean RF width difference. [pValOFFvsON, obsDiff] = permutationTest(meanWidths{1},meanWidths{2}, 100000) [pValONvsNoise, obsDiff] = permutationTest(meanWidths{2},meanWidths{3}, 100000) [pValOFFvsNoise, obsDiff] = permutationTest(meanWidths{1},meanWidths{3}, 100000) %% hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [1/2 1/2]); meanAmps = cellfun(@(x) mean(amp(x, validInds)), pairsToAverage(1:2), 'uni', 0); beanPlot(meanAmps, {'off', 'on'}, flipud(brewermap(3, 'Set1')), 1, gca,'unbounded', 'vertical', false, true) figFileName = ['RF-ON-OFF-Noise-Amp-Bean']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% Save data for Fig 2f xlswrite(dataFileName, {'Amp-OFF-bars'}, 'Fig2f', 'A5') xlswrite(dataFileName, meanAmps{1}, 'Fig2f', 'B5') xlswrite(dataFileName, {'Amp-ON-bars'}, 'Fig2f', 'A6') xlswrite(dataFileName, meanAmps{2}, 'Fig2f', 'B6') %% % pairsToPlot = {[1 5], [2 6], [3 5], [4 6]}; pairsToPlot = {[1 2], [3 4], [1 4], [1 3], [2 4], [2 3]}; labelsCell = {'X OFF', 'Y OFF', 'X ON', 'Y ON', 'X Noise', 'Y Noise'}; indsToPlot = validInds; % fwhmArray = [mean(width(1: 2, :)); mean(width(3: 4, :)); mean(width(5: 6, :))]'; fwhmArray = width'; rSquare = rsquare'; % hFig = createFullScreenFig; % set(hFig, 'Units', 'Centimeters') % set(hFig, 'Position', [hFig.Position(1:2) + 10 14 14]); hFig = createPrintFig(15 * [ 1 2/3]); for iPair = 1: numel(pairsToPlot) hScattAx(iPair) = subplot(2, 3, iPair); hold on; xInd = pairsToPlot{iPair}(1); yInd = pairsToPlot{iPair}(2); scatter(fwhmArray(indsToPlot, xInd), fwhmArray(indsToPlot, yInd), [], ... min(rSquare(indsToPlot, xInd), rSquare(indsToPlot, yInd)), 'filled'); [correlation, pValue] = corr(fwhmArray(indsToPlot, xInd), fwhmArray(indsToPlot, yInd), 'type', 'Pearson' ); x = fwhmArray(indsToPlot, xInd); [b, bInt]= regress(fwhmArray(indsToPlot, yInd), [ones(length(x), 1) x]); hFit = plot(x, b(1) + x*b(2), 'Color', [1 1 1] * 0.5); maxVal = max([fwhmArray(indsToPlot, xInd); fwhmArray(indsToPlot, yInd)]); maxVal = quantile(vec(fwhmArray(indsToPlot, :)), 1); plot([0 maxVal], [0 maxVal], 'Color', [1 1 1] * 0.5); prettifyAxes(gca); set(gca, 'XLim', [0 maxVal], 'YLim', [0 maxVal], 'CLim', [0 1]); axis square; xlabel(labelsCell{xInd}); ylabel(labelsCell{yInd}); title({['\rho = ' num2str(correlation, 2) ', p = ' num2str(pValue, 2) ],... ['m = ' num2str(b(2), 2) ' (' num2str(bInt(2, 1), 2) ', ' num2str(bInt(2, 2), 2) ')']}) setFavoriteColormap end setFontForThesis(hScattAx, gcf); arrayfun(@prettifyAxes, hScattAx) arrayfun(@offsetAxes, hScattAx) % set(hSubAx, 'Visible', 'off') figFileName = ['BarRFs-Corr-Pearson']; print(hFig, [figDir figFileName '.pdf'], '-dpdf') %% offWidth = mean(width(1: 2, indsToPlot), 1); onWidth = mean(width(3: 4, indsToPlot), 1); [corrWidth, pCorrWidth] = corr(offWidth(:), onWidth(:)) %% offWidth = width(1: 2, indsToPlot); onWidth = width(3: 4, indsToPlot); [corrWidth, pCorrWidth] = corr(offWidth(:), onWidth(:)) %% [corrWidth, pCorrWidth] = corr(width(1:4, indsToPlot)', 'type','Spearman' ) %% The rest of the code was erased, maybe was for older figure with fullfield variability.