# WinGIN installer files 1. Download both [WinGIN-install.exe](WinGIN-install.exe) and [Setup.msi](Setup.msi) to a local directory. 2. Run `WinGIN-install.exe` and follow the steps. 3. At the end of the installation, you will be asked to install Dokan. This is required for the application to work. - If Dokan is already installed, you may skip this step by either unchecking the checkbox or cancelling the Dokan (un)install window that will appear. ## Version 1.1.99 The current version of the setup files corresponds to: - Commit ID: [cc5bc7632e4a96c5b6120c71eff7eedd9fdb00f4](https://github.com/G-Node/WinGIN/commit/cc5bc7632e4a96c5b6120c71eff7eedd9fdb00f4) - Message: Merge pull request #153 from JiriVanek/master ## updatefiles.py The [updatefiles.py](updatefiles.py) script can be used to update this repository with the latest information. It performs the following actions: - Updates the local clone of the repository - Downloads the latest setup files from Appveyor - Updates the README with the latest version info (commit ID and message) - Uploads changes to the repository