gender string description string Hardware1 hardware username string experiment Experiment string username collection Hardwares string givenname 2014-03-26T04:15:00 string surname string description string description Software software type string private-experiment boolean int age reject-condition string -1.0 givenname string person Person1 sampling-rate float Artifact artifact gender string M string compensation string type EEG/ERP recording software ROLE_USER string description Medium EEG cap weather Weather Changeable weather digitization Digitization string title temperature int NotKnown role string Sunny or cloudy false scenario-title string string role Experimentators collection research-group string Hardware hardware title string 2015-07-16 208_eegbase_conv.xml 1 Softwares collection person Person NotKnown Petr Stanek string filter NotKnown EEG cap captures the signal of M title string string surname HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 54 - 58 cm string gender The V-Amp is used for recording EEG signal and the full range of evoked potentials. Amplifier has two auxiliary ports for measuring peripheral signals like GSR, blood flow, body temperature. end-time datetime title string 20 Subject person Driver's attention with visual stimulation and audio disturbance -1.0 BrainVision Recorder 1.2 Bruha start-time datetime digital DC amplifier input 5V M BRUVAR Miroslav float gain 21 2014-03-26T02:15:00 V-Amp Amplifier ROLE_ADMIN