Roman Moucek 1 911_eegbase_conv.xml 2017-10-03 string A descriptive text of the project topic. Topic person Information about a person. E.g. as Experimenter, Author, etc. ODML-Person The role of this person e.g. when describing a project (Responsible investigator), or a recording (Experimenter). string Role Species string The scientific name of the species e.g. Apis mellifera, Homo sapiens. Attention of driver MSMT 00098722017 The name or identifier of the grant funding this project. string Grant The persons first Name (John). FirstName string Author string The person responsible for this project. PrincipleInvestigator string Grant code It is the number of the grant for ministery subject The investigated experimental subject (animal or person). May contain the Cell and Preparation sections as subsections. ODML-Subject string The persons last name (Doe). LastName ODML-Project project Information about the project. The director Homo sapiens Japan Grant 007