TrivialName string The trivial name of the species like
 Honeybee, Human. PrincipleInvestigator The person responsible for this project. string ProjectID string The ID of the project this experiment belongs
 to. Homo sapiens Information about the health status of this subject. HealthStatus string The investigated experimental subject (animal or person). May contain the Cell and Preparation sections as subsections. subject ODML-Subject electrophysiology The name of the project this experiment belongs to. string ProjectName string The scientific name of the species e.g. Apis mellifera, Homo sapiens. Species Japan 007 healthy experiment ODML-Experiment Specification of an experiment. The Experiment is part of a Project and the recorded data for a specific Experiment are found in Datasets. Possible subsections are, for example, Dataset and Stimulus. project Information about the project. ODML-Project RIKEN investigator Type The type of experiment. string Japan 007 Human Grant string The name or identifier of the grant funding this project. 2017-10-02 1 910_eegbase_conv.xml My human EEG