Eye Blink Detection Electrode new Experimenters new http://www.electro-cap.com/index.cfm/supplies/ Title string Electrodes new 1 2_eegbase_conv.xml 2015-07-16 Description string Type string Owner string string Type new Electro Gel new Conductive Paste string Manufacturer new Reference Electrode new Experiment Title string Serial number string start-time string string Reference 192421 ELECTRO-Cap International, Inc. 1011 W. Lexington Road Eaton, Ohio 45320 U.S.A. Weaver and Company 565 Nucla Way Unit B Aurora, CO 80011 Toll Free 800-525-2130 Fax 303-367-5118 new Subject Ground Electrode new string Inventory number E21-9S DISK ELECTRODE Sampling rate string Gender string Large, 58 - 62 cm (dark blue) string Description EEG cap captures the signal of neuronal activity in the brain from the head surface using electrode application technique. Experimenter #2 string Electro-Cap International, Inc. Eaton, Ohio 45320 USA This electro-gel is an off white color, water-miscible conductive gel. Electro-gel is a mixture of the following components: Water, Sodium Chloride, Aragum, Glycerin, Pottasium Bitartrate, Methylparaben and Propylparaben. Electro gel is applied by inserting the gel into the EEG cap electrodes by using a syringe and blunted needle. Electro gel is used for setting low electrode impedance and limitations of electrode artifacts. new Digitization string Description Ten20 is a conductive and adhesive paste specifically formulated for use with reusable (non-disposable) electrodes. Primarily used for EEG electrodes. (http://www.biopac.com/ten20-conductivegel) Title string string Age Nuprep gel is applied to electrode site on scalp with cotton swab. EEG electrode paste and reference or ground electrode is applied over Nuprep gel. string end-time Hardware manufacturer string E5-9S EAR ELECTRODE digital DC amplifier input 5V DC, 450mA Hardware manufacturer string string Owner Electro-Cap International, Inc. Eaton, Ohio 45320 USA Title string p300 number sequence 23.02.2010, 13:30:00 string Reference BrainVision Recorder 1.2 string Hardware manufacturer Type string Type string Inventory number string Title string Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic A pure tin cup electrode with a 48" (122 cm) lead wire and a female socket. Device is used as a reference electrode. Weaver and Company 565 Nucla Way Unit B Aurora, CO 80011 Toll Free 800-525-2130 Fax 303-367-5118 string Manufacturer Ing. Pavel Mautner, Ph.D. Manufacturer string A pair of pure tin cup electrodes with a 48" (122 cm) lead wire and a female socket. A spring-clip back, covered with plastic for patient comfort, is used to hold the electrode in place. Device is used as a ground electrode. Reference string Accessories new male Amplifier new Type string string Reference Description string new EEG Cap Owner string Ing. Roman Mouček, Ph.D. Description string research-group string Hardware manufacturer string Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic Brain Products Owner string Electro-Cap International, Inc. Eaton, Ohio 45320 USA Description string Nuprep Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic string Description scenario-title string new Degreasing Gel string Experimenter #1 1000 Hz The BrainAmp DC can be used for a variety of applications, ranging from standard EEG/ERP recordings to simultaneous EEG/TMS and EEG/MEG acquisitions, Brain Computer Interface and Neurofeedback. (http://www.brainproducts.com/productdetails.php?id=2&tab=1) 23.02.2010, 13:00:00 string Title string Description Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic Manufacturer string 20 ELECTRO-GEL NET:16 http://www.electro-cap.com/index.cfm/supplies/ new Software string Description Ten 20 CONDUCTIVE EEG Paste Owner string Standard 9mm cup Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic Title string Electro-Cap International, Inc. Eaton, Ohio 45320 USA http://www.walter-graphtek.cz/index.php/eegaccessories/ccessorieseeg/eciacceeg/item/e1-l?category_id=41 http://www.electro-cap.com Standard 9mm cup http://www.electro-cap.com/index.cfm/supplies/ BRUVAR BRAIN AMP DC Standard 9mm cup EEG/ERP recording software 21050 Model name string AMP0711758DC A pure tin cup electrode with a 48" (122 cm) lead wire and a female socket. Device is used as a reference electrode. E21-9S DISK ELECTRODE