string title type string 284_eegbase_conv.xml 1 2015-07-16 Person1 person E21-9S DISK ELECTRODE comorbidities string temperature string description string type string collection Softwares string type Ground electrode hardware end-time string Presentation software Devices collection Petr description string person Subject type string Roman Experiment experiment description string type string surname string givenname string Closable cabin formed by conducting material for one person (approx 2x2x1,5m) which muffle external noise. Cabin blocks external static and non-static electric fields by channeling electricity through conducting material and provides constant voltage on all sides of the cabin. Subject inside is screened out from events in the lab during the experiment. The cabin contains ventilation, light and window. Clinical audiometer hardware 19.06.2014, 09:42:00 age (years, months) string right-handed ProjectTypes collection M hardware Reference electrode person Person type string Sunny weather description string USB 2 adapter hardware Presentation is a stimulus delivery and experimental control program for neuroscience. Program delivers auditory, visual and multimodal stimuli with sub-millisecond temporal precision. hardware Small EEG cap string type description string ProjectType projectType weather Weather string title The BrainVision Recorder is used to control EEG amplifiers and record EEG signals. string laterality A pair of pure tin cup electrodes with a 48" (122 cm) lead wire and a female socket. A spring-clip back, covered with plastic for patient comfort, is used to hold the electrode in place.Device is used as a ground electrode. This work was supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic under the grant P407/12/1525. description string string description givenname string false E5-9S EAR ELECTRODE description string hardware Amplifier An audiometer is a machine used for evaluating hearing mechanism. ( Vareka Headphones hardware type string string scenario-title string description type string M surname string string surname string gender hardware ELECTRODE INPUT BOX 64 CHANNEL M 8y 1m start-time string string gender 2x2x1,5m BrainVision Recorder 1.2 software Power supply hardware The component that supplies power to a amplifier. ( string description EEG cap captures the signal of neuronal activity in the brain from the head surface using electrode application technique. description string Asperger Syndrome person Person2 M 64-channel Electrode Input Box is a device that only allowed electrodes with single-input safety sockets to be connected to the BrainAmp recording amplifiers. string gender string givenname string description surname string EIB06031122 Response button hardware person Person3 Pavel string title string description 19.06.2014, 09:22:00 Digital PortaStudio 564 Experimentators collection title string type string hardware Sound-proof cabin Circumaural headphones A pure tin cup electrode with a 48" (122 cm) lead wire and a female socket. Device is used as a reference electrode, and is located at the root of the nose. string givenname Mouček string description The BrainAmp DC includes all the outstanding features of the BrainAmp amplifier with the addition of the DC recording mode as well as with multiple hardware filtering options. The setup of the amplifier is fully controllable via the recording software. USB 2 gender string PS607110246wr M Digital Portable - Real Hardware-mixer hardware research-group string no string myopia description string title string BRAIN AMP DC Hardware device which provides an interface between an amplifier (optic fiber) and computer (USB2). string gender string description private-experiment string DA74 Mautner Device is used for audio stimulation of tested subject within EEG stimulation protocol. Sunny Grant Agency of the Czech Republic AUDITORY ERP PROTOCOL IN CHILDREN WITH DEVELOPMENTAL COORDINATION DISORDER "A response button is an electrical component that can break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another. A switch is used by a tested subject as a control signal (response) for a stimulation system." AMP0711758DC Lukas Developmental Coordination Disorder 23 Bruha HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 50 - 54 cm PortaStudio564 Device is used for audio stimulation of tested subject within EEG stimulation protocol.