64-channel Electrode Input Box is a device that only allowed electrodes with single-input safety sockets to be connected to the BrainAmp recording amplifiers. ELECTRODE INPUT BOX 64 CHANNEL EIB06031122 artifact Artifact Hardwares collection description string hardware Hardware title string int temperature 190_eegbase_conv.xml 1 2015-07-16 22 string description int age string filter Cloudly gender string 1000.0 Digitization digitization Experiment experiment reject-condition string string description person Subject float sampling-rate Hardware1 hardware false weather Weather scenario-title string string compensation type string string description Unkonwn string title title string Steady State 5 Hz HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 54 - 58 cm end-time datetime research-group string private-experiment boolean type string Hardware2 hardware -1.0 float gain 2013-04-05T12:15:00 start-time datetime 20 string type NotKnown Brain Vision Amplifier Unknown M NotKnown NotKnown title string 2013-04-05T01:15:00 Unknown EEG cap captures the signal of neuronal activity in the brain from the head surface using electrode application technique. BRUVAR Medium EEG cap