1.0 2011-01-21
hardware/stimulus_isolator StimulusIsolator Properties of a stimulus Isolator device. SerialNo string The device's serial number. InventoryNo string The inventory number of the device. Model string The model name of this hardware item. Manufacturer string The Manufacturer of this hardware item. Owner string Who's the owner of the device. InputRangeMinVoltage float V The minimal input voltage. InputRangeMaxVoltage float V The maximal input voltage. OutputRangeMinVolatge float V The minimal output voltage. OutputRangeMaxVoltage float V The maximal output voltage. OutputRangeMinCurrent float A The minimal output current. OutputRangeMaxCurrent float A The maximal ouput current. MaximumGain float The maximum gain of the device. MinimumGain float The minimum gain of the device. GainStepSize float The size of the gain steps between minimum and maximum. OutputType Voltage string Current string The type of output of the stimulus isolator. OutpuMode BipolarOn string BipolarOff string The polarity mode of the stimulus isolator. Gain float The gain of the device. GainDb float db The gain of the device given in db. Description string A description of this hardware item.