1.0 2011-01-21
stimulus/square_wave Squarewave A squarewave stimulus was presented. Squarewaves modulate with a certain frequency about the intensity offset. Modality The stimulus modality like acoustic, haptic, visual etc. string Duration The duration of the stimulus in seconds. float s TemporalOffset The temporal offset (with respect to the begin of the recorded trial) with which this stimulus was presented. float s Function The function of the described stimulus. E.g. if the white noise constituted the carrier. string OutputChannel The physical output device (e.g. an analog output channel, a monitor screen, the same loudspeaker, etc.). This information can be used to explicitly express that several stimuli (that share the same OutputChannel) are jointly presented. string Frequency The frequency of the square wave modulation. float Hz DutyCycle The part of the cycle spend in the up state. E.g. 0.5 if up and down state each take half of the time. float Amplitude The modulation amplitude (i.e. the difference between up and downstate.) float IntensityOffset The mean intensity of the stimulus. float StartAmplitude The amplitude with which the squarewave stimulus started. This may assume either intensity offset - or + amplitude/2. float Position The position of the stimulus on e.g the screen. Specified as a 2-tuple (x;y). By default this position refers to the top-left corner of the object or its bounding box. 2-tuple PositionReference [top-left, center, bottom-right] By default stimulus positions are specified by the coordinates of the top-left corner (or of the bounding box). Use this property for other definitions. string SpatialExtent The spatial extend of the presented stimulus (width;height) e.g. (1024;768). 2-tuple