1.0 2011-01-21
hardware/scanner Scanner The Scanner used to scan microscope images. InventoryNo The inventory number of the FilterSet. string SerialNo The device's serial number. string Owner The inventory number of the FilterSet. string Model The scanner model name. string Manufacturer The Manufacturer providing the scanner. string Type The type of scanner used in a scanning microscope. (e.g. Galvanometer, electro-optic-deflector etc.) string ImageWidth The width of the scanned image. int pixel ImageHeight The height of the scanned image. int pixel PixelSize The size of each pixel. float nm DwellTime float µm ScanRate The size of each pixel. float nm ScanMode The scanning mode e.g. line or xy. string StackZRange The depth scanned. float µm StackZStepSize The step size with which the range is scanned. float µm Description A description of this hardware item. string