1.0 2011-01-21
analysis/power_spectrum Power spectrum Properties of this section define the way a power spectrum was calculated. Author person The name of the person who did the analysis, e.g. 'John Doe' or 'Doe, John' Date date The date of analysis. Description text A general description of the analysis. SegmentLength int The length of the analysed data stretches. Given in samples. WindowFunction string The type of window used. E.g. Hamming, Hanning, etc. Overlap % float The overlap between consecutive data segments. Given in percent of the SegmentLength. Method string The name of a method used in this analysis. E.g. "power spectrum". CommandlineCall string The command used to execute the analysis including the command line parameter. Comment text Specific comments on this analysis. Code binary The program code to analyse the data can be transferred using this property. Using it will blow up the the size of the metadatafile and we recommend to rather define the URL of underlying code file. CodeRevision string If the analysis code is under version control the revision number can be specified using this property. ConfigFile URL The URL of the used configuration file used to run the analysis. DatasetFile binary The data analysed ion the described way can be transferred using this property. Using it will blow up the the size of the metadatafile and we recommend to rather define the URL of underlying dataset file. ResultFile binary A file containing the results of this analysis. The results of this analysis can be transferred using this property. Using it will blow up the the size of the metadatafile and we recommend to rather define the URL of the results file. ResultFigure binary This property is meant to store the real figure content. This will blow up the the size of the metadatafile and we recommend to rather define the URL of the figure. PaperDOI text If the results of this analysis have been published one can store the doi of the paper. PaperURL URL If the results of this analysis have been published the URL of the document can be given here