1.0 2011-01-21
stimulus/movie Movie Properties to describe a movie (or image sequence) stimulus. Modality visual string The stimulus modality like acoustic, haptic, visual etc. Duration float s The duration of the stimulus in seconds. TemporalOffset float s The temporal offset (with respect to the begin of the recorded trial) with which this stimulus was presented. FrameRate float Hz The framerate with which the movie was presented. SpatialResolution 2-tuple pixel The image resolution e.g. (640;480) pixel. ColorSpace monochrome string color string Defines whether the movie is a monochrome, black and white, or a color movie. ColorDepth int bit The color resolution in bit. OutputChannel string The physical output device (e.g. an analog output channel, a monitor screen, the same loudspeaker, etc.). This information can be used to explicitly express that several stimuli (that share the same OutputChannel) are jointly presented. Position 2-tuple The position of the stimulus on e.g the screen. Specified as a 2-tuple (x;y). By default this position refers to the top-left corner of the object or its bounding box. PositionReference top-left string center string bottom-right string By default stimulus positions are specified by the coordinates of the top-left corner (or of the bounding box). Use this property for other definitions. SpatialExtent 2-tuple The spatial extend of the presented stimulus (width;height) e.g. (1024;768).