analysis/generic Analysis
analysis/psth PSTH
cell/generic Cell
dataset/generic Dataset
event/generic Event
event/eventList EventList
electrode/generic Electrode
experiment/generic Experiment
experiment/behavior Behavior
experiment/electrophysiology Electrophysiology
experiment/imaging Imaging
experiment/modeling Modeling
experiment/pschophysics Psychophysics
collection/hardwareProperties HardwareProperties There are two hardware related sections i.e. the "HardwareProperties" and the "HardwareSettings" section. While the properties describe the static properties of the hardware that do not change, the settings section describes the actual, adjustable, parameters, of the hardware that may change with each recording or dataset e.g. the animal_keeping rate of an data acquisition board. In each of these sections there are subsections for each device (or can be) that correspond to the class of the device like data-acquisition, amplifier, etc. Some properties are common for any type.
hardware/generic Hardware
hardware/attenuator Attenuator
hardware/cameraObjective CameraObjective
hardware/daq DataAcquisition
hardware/eyetracker Eyetracker
hardware/filter Filter
hardware/filterSet Filterset
hardware/iaq ImageAcquisition
hardware/lightSource Lightsource
hardware/microscope Microscope
hardware/microscopeObjective MicroscopeObjective
hardware/scanner Scanner
hardware/stimulusIsolator StimulusIsolator
collection/hardwareSettings HardwareSettings There are two hardware related sections i.e. the "Hardwaredefinition" and the "HardwareSettings" section. While the properties describe the static properties of the hardware that do not change, the settings section describes the actual, adjustable, parameters, of the hardware that may change with each recording or dataset e.g. the animal_keeping rate of an dataacquisition board. In each of these sections there are subsections for each device (or can be) that correspond to the class of the device like data-acquisition, amplifier, etc. Some properties are common for any type.
hardware/generic Hardware-2
hardware/amplifier Amplifier
hardware/attenuator Attenuator-2
hardware/cameraObjective CameraObjective-2
hardware/daq DataAcquisition-2
hardware/eyetracker Eyetracker-2
hardware/filter Filter-2
hardware/filterSet Filterset-2
hardware/iaq ImageAcquisition-2
hardware/lightSource Lightsource-2
hardware/microscope Microscope-2
hardware/microscopeObjective MicroscopeObjective-2
hardware/scanner Scanner-2
hardware/stimulusIsolator StimulusIsolator-2
person/generic Person
preparation/generic Preparation
recording/generic Recording
setup/generic Setup
stimulus/generic Stimulus Some global definitions of the applied stimulus. This section is parent to various subsections that further specify the applied stimulus.
stimulus/dc DC
stimulus/gabor Gabor
stimulus/grating Grating
stimulus/pulse Pulse
stimulus/movie Movie
stimulus/ramp Ramp
stimulus/randomDot RandomDot
stimulus/sawtooth Sawtooth
stimulus/sinewave Sinewave
stimulus/squarewave Squarewave
stimulus/whitenoise WhiteNoise
subject/generic Subject
carmenMini/generic CarmenMini This is a convenience section that lists the terms of the CARMEN MINI (Gibson et al. Nature Precedings, 2009 Version 0.6) and maps them to the odml "standard" terminologies.