1.0 2011-01-21
subject Subject The investigated experimental subject (animal or person). May contain the Cell and Preparation sections as subsections. Comment A general comment on a specific subject. text Species The scientific name of the species e.g. Apis mellifera, Homo sapiens. string Genus The Genus of the studied subject. string TrivialName The trivial name of the species like Honeybee, Human. string Gender Male or female? string Birthday The birthday. Age can be inferred from the date of recording. date Age The age of the subject since birth. E.g. P19, or 5 days. string Strain The strain the subject was taken from. E.g. a specific genetic variation etc. string CellLine . string Population The population this subject is offspring of. This may be the bee hive, the ant colony, etc. string Label If the subject has been labeled in a specific way. The label can be described here. string HealthStatus Information about the health status of this subject. string DevelopmentalStage The developmental stage of the subject. E.g. "embryonal", "adult", "larval" etc. string ConactInformation How to get in contact with this subject. text Size The size of the subject. This value may be used context dependent. Size could be length for a fish, height for a human subject, or shoulder height for a horse etc... float Weight The weight of this subject. float