1.0 2011-01-21
model/lif Leaky integrate and fire Properties to describe a leaky integrate and fire neuron model. Author The author of this model. person Date The simulation date. date Program The program name. string ProgramVersion The program version name. string Description A descriptive text. string RestingPotential The resting voltage. float V ResetPotential The potential to which the neuron's potential is set after a spike. float V Resistance The membrane resistance. float Ohm Capacitance The membrane resistance. float F MembraneTimeConstant The membrane time constant. float s BiasCurrent The offset current. float A Timestep The duration of a time step in the simulation. float s VoltageEquation The equation to calculate the membrane voltage. string AdaptationIncrement When an adaptation current is implemented the amount about which the adaptation is increased when a spike is fired. float A AdaptationTimeConstant The time constant with which the adaptation current returns back to zero. float s AdaptationEquation The equation to calculate the adaptation current. string NoiseAmplitude The amount of noise added. float A NoiseType The type of noise. For example Gaussian, Ohrnstein-Uhlenbeck etc. string NoiseCorrelation The correlation time constant used e.g. with OU noise. float s Threshold The firing threshold. float V ThresholdIncrement The voltage about which the threshold is increased once a spike has been fired. float V ThresholdTimeConstant The time constant with which the threshold returns back to baseline. float s ThresholdEquation The equation to calculate the threshold. string