1.0 2011-01-21 http://portal.g-node.org/odml/terminologies/v1.0/terminologies.xml
stimulus Stimulus General description of an applied stimulus. This section is basis of various related sections that specify more specific stimuli. Description text A textual description of the stimulus. Comment text A comment on this specific stimulus. Author person Who is the author of this stimulus. Duration float s The duration of the stimulus. StartTime time The time the stimulus started. EndTime time The time the stimulus ended. Intensity string like the current in case of electrical stimulation. Location string Describes the site of the stimulus application. Modality string Visual, acoustic, haptic, electrical, etc. stimulation. Repetitions int The number of repetitions of the described stimulation. InterstimulusInterval float s The time between two subsequent stimulations. StimulusFile binary The stimulus file used. Using it will blow up the the size of the metadatafile and we recommend to rather define the URL of underlying stimulus file. StimulusFileURL URL The URL of a an applied stimulus file. This is the recommended alternative to explicitely including the actual stimulus via StimulusFile. Position 2-tuple The position of the stimulus on e.g the screen. Specified as a 2-tuple (x;y). By default this position refers to the top-left corner of the object or its bounding box. PositionReference top-left string center string bottom-right string By default stimulus positions are specified by the coordinates of the top-left corner (or of the bounding box). Use this property for other definitions. SpatialExtent 2-tuple The spatial extend of the presented stimulus (width;height) e.g. (1024;768).