1.0 2014-04-01
electrode Electrode Properties to describe an electrode. Type [sharp, patch, injection, extracellular, multibarrel, multi-electrode-array, tetrode] The type of electrode. string Usage [Ground, Reference, Channel] Usage of electrode. string Material The Material the electrodes are made of e.g. glass. tungsten, steel ... string GlassType The Type of Glass used to pull these electrodes. (e.g. Quartz, Borosilicate) Material Glass string GlassSpecification Inner and outer diameter, with or without filament. Material Glass string FirePolish Specifies whether or not the electrodes were fire polished. Material Glass boolean Puller The Puller used to make the electrodes. Material Glass string PullParameter The specific pull parameters like heat, trip velocity, heat and cooling duration etc.. Material Glass string ShapeParameters The shape parameters of the electrode. string Manufacturer The manufacturer of the electrodes if e.g. ordered from a company. string TipSize The tip size. float μm Coating The coating used to insulate the electrodes. string Impedance Electrode impedance. float ElectrodeCount Number of electrodes in a multi-electrode-array. int Description string