1.0 2011-01-21 http://portal.g-node.org/odml/terminologies/v1.0/terminologies.xml
Response Response General description of an received response (on stimulus). Description text A textual description of the response. Comment text A comment on this specific response. Author person Who is the author of this response. Duration float s The duration of the response. StartTime time The time the response started. EndTime time The time the response ended. Intensity string like the current in case of electrical stimulation. Location string Describes the site of the response application. Modality string Visual, acoustic, haptic, electrical, etc. response. Repetitions int The number of repetitions of the described response. InterstimulusInterval float s The time between two subsequent response. ResponseFile binary The response file received. Using it will blow up the the size of the metadatafile and we recommend to rather define the URL of underlying response file. ResponseFileURL URL The URL of a an recieved response file. This is the recommended alternative to explicitly including the actual response via ResponseFile.