1.0 2011-01-21
preparation Preparation Description of the preparation procedure. Description text A textual description of the preparation. Date date Actual preparation date. Type string In vivo or in vitro? RingersSolution string The Ringer solution used during preparation. SlicingMethod string How was the brain sliced: Microtome etc. SliceThickness string µm The thickness of the slice. SliceOrientation string The slice orientation: horizontal, sagittal etc. BathSolution string The solution the slice is bathed in. SolutionFlowSpeed string ml/min The flow speed of the bath solution. BathTemperature float The temperature of the bath solution. Anaestesia boolean Is the animal under anaesthesia (true) or awake (false)? Anaesthetic string The drug used for anaesthesia. AnaestheticDose float The dose of the used anaesthetic. LocalAnaesthesia boolean Was there some local anaesthesia applied (true or false). LocalAnaesthetic string The drug that was used for local anaesthesia. LocalAnaestheticDose float The dose of the used local anaesthetic. LocalAnaestheticLocation string Describes the place the local anaesthetic was applied.