1.0 2011-01-21
recording Recording During a recording session in a Setup Datasets are obtained from Cells and/or a Subject by using various stimuli (Stimulus section). Comment Comments on the recording session. string Experimenter The name of the person actually performing the recordings. person ExperimenterID If registered in a database the primary key of the person that performed the experiments. person Start The date and time at which the recording started in (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format). datetime End The date and time at which the recording ended in (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss format). datetime StartDate The date the recording session was conducted (YYYY-MM-DD format). date EndDate The date the recording session ended (YYYY-MM-DD format). date StartTime The time the recordings began (hh:mm:ss format). time EndTime The time the recordings ended (hh:mm:ss format). time Type The type of recording (EEG, Eyetracker,Motion data). string