# gin-cli-releases This repository holds the gin client releases. See the README in each subdirectory for specific version release notes. The *latest* versions are always available in this directory and are named appropriately. - Windows bundles for [32-bit](gin-cli-latest-windows32.zip) and [64-bit](gin-cli-latest-windows64.zip) - Includes all tools required to use the gin client. - Run the `gin-shell.bat` to start. - [macOS binary](gin-cli-latest-macos.tar.gz) - gin client executable for macOS. - Requires git and git-annex. - [macOS bundle](gin-cli-latest-macos-bundle.tar.gz) - Includes all tools required to use the gin client. - Run the `gin-bundle.app` to start. - [Linux binary](gin-cli-latest-linux.tar.gz) - gin client executable for Linux x64. - Requires git and git-annex. - [Debian bundle](gin-cli-latest.deb) - Includes all tools required to use the gin client. - Install the package and call `gin` command from the terminal.