using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.VFX; namespace UnityEditor.VFX { enum SpaceableType { None, Position, Direction, Matrix, Vector } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Struct)] class VFXSpaceAttribute : PropertyAttribute { public readonly SpaceableType type; public VFXSpaceAttribute(SpaceableType type) { this.type = type; } } class ShowAsColorAttribute : Attribute { } class MinMaxAttribute : PropertyAttribute { public readonly float min; public readonly float max; // Attribute used to make a float or int variable in a script be restricted to a specific range. public MinMaxAttribute(float min, float max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; } } class CoordinateSpaceInfo { public static readonly int SpaceCount = Enum.GetValues(typeof(VFXCoordinateSpace)).Length; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Circle"), Serializable] struct TCircle { [Tooltip("Sets the transform of the circle.")] public Transform transform; [Tooltip("Sets the radius of the circle.")] public float radius; public static TCircle defaultValue = new TCircle { transform = Transform.defaultValue, radius = 1.0f }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Arc Circle"), Serializable] struct TArcCircle { [Tooltip("Sets the Circle shape input.")] public TCircle circle; [Angle, Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2.0f), Tooltip("Controls how much of the circle is used. The value is in radians.")] public float arc; public static TArcCircle defaultValue = new TArcCircle { circle = TCircle.defaultValue, arc = 2.0f * Mathf.PI }; } //This type is only used in DistanceToSphere [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.ExcludeFromProperty, "Simple Sphere"), Serializable] struct Sphere { [Tooltip("Sets the center of the sphere."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 center; [Tooltip("Sets the radius of the sphere.")] public float radius; public static Sphere defaultValue = new Sphere { radius = 1.0f }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Sphere"), Serializable] struct TSphere { [Tooltip("Sets the transform of the sphere.")] public Transform transform; [Tooltip("Sets the radius of the sphere.")] public float radius; public static implicit operator TSphere(Sphere v) { return new TSphere() { transform = new Transform() { position =, scale = }, radius = v.radius }; } public static TSphere defaultValue = new TSphere { transform = Transform.defaultValue, radius = 1.0f }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default), Serializable] struct TArcSphere { public TSphere sphere; [Angle, Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2.0f), Tooltip("Controls how much of the sphere is used. The value is in radians.")] public float arc; public static TArcSphere defaultValue = new TArcSphere { sphere = TSphere.defaultValue, arc = 2.0f * Mathf.PI }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Cone"), Serializable] struct TCone { [Tooltip("Sets the transform of the cone.")] public Transform transform; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("Sets the base radius of the cone.")] public float baseRadius; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("Sets the top radius of the cone.")] public float topRadius; [Tooltip("Sets the height of the cone.")] public float height; [Angle, Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2.0f), Tooltip("Controls how much of the cone is used. The value is in radians.")] public static TCone defaultValue = new TCone { transform = Transform.defaultValue, baseRadius = 1.0f, topRadius = 0.1f, height = 1.0f }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Arc Cone"), Serializable] struct TArcCone { [Tooltip("Sets the cone.")] public TCone cone; [Angle, Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2.0f), Tooltip("Controls how much of the cone is used. The value is in radians.")] public float arc; public static TArcCone defaultValue = new TArcCone { cone = TCone.defaultValue, arc = 2.0f * Mathf.PI }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Torus"), Serializable] struct TTorus { [Tooltip("Sets the transform of the torus.")] public Transform transform; [Tooltip("Sets the radius of the torus ring.")] public float majorRadius; [Tooltip("Sets the thickness of the torus ring.")] public float minorRadius; public static TTorus defaultValue = new TTorus { transform = Transform.defaultValue, majorRadius = 1.0f, minorRadius = 0.1f }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Arc Torus"), Serializable] struct TArcTorus { [Tooltip("Sets the cone.")] public TTorus torus; [Angle, Range(0, Mathf.PI * 2.0f), Tooltip("Controls how much of the torus is used.")] public float arc; public static TArcTorus defaultValue = new TArcTorus { torus = TTorus.defaultValue, arc = 2.0f * Mathf.PI }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Oriented Box"), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Matrix), Serializable] struct OrientedBox { [Tooltip("Sets the center of the box."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 center; [Angle, Tooltip("Sets the orientation of the box.")] public Vector3 angles; [Tooltip("Sets the size of the box along each axis.")] public Vector3 size; public static OrientedBox defaultValue = new OrientedBox { size = }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Axis Aligned Box"), Serializable] struct AABox { [Tooltip("Sets the center of the box."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 center; [Tooltip("Sets the size of the box along each axis.")] public Vector3 size; public static AABox defaultValue = new AABox { size = }; } [VFXType, Serializable] struct Plane { public Plane(Vector3 direction) { position =; normal = direction; } [Tooltip("Sets the position of the plane."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 position; [Normalize, Tooltip("Sets the direction of the plane."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Direction)] public Vector3 normal; public static Plane defaultValue = new Plane { normal = Vector3.up }; } [VFXType, Serializable] struct Line { [Tooltip("Sets the start position of the line."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 start; [Tooltip("Sets the end position of the line."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 end; public static Line defaultValue = new Line { start =, end = Vector3.left }; } [VFXType, VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Matrix), Serializable] struct Transform { [Tooltip("Sets the transform position."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 position; [Angle, Tooltip("Sets the euler angles of the transform.")] public Vector3 angles; [Tooltip("Sets the scale of the transform along each axis.")] public Vector3 scale; public static Transform defaultValue = new Transform { scale = }; public static implicit operator Matrix4x4(Transform t) { return Matrix4x4.TRS(t.position, Quaternion.Euler(t.angles), t.scale); } public static implicit operator Transform(Matrix4x4 m) { return new Transform() { position = m.GetPosition(), angles = m.rotation.eulerAngles, scale = m.lossyScale }; } } [VFXType, Serializable] struct Position { [Tooltip("The position."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Position)] public Vector3 position; public static implicit operator Position(Vector3 v) { return new Position() { position = v }; } public static implicit operator Vector3(Position v) { return v.position; } public static Position defaultValue = new Position { position = }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Direction"), Serializable] struct DirectionType { [Tooltip("The normalized direction."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Direction)] public Vector3 direction; public static implicit operator DirectionType(Vector3 v) { return new DirectionType() { direction = v }; } public static implicit operator Vector3(DirectionType v) { return v.direction; } public static DirectionType defaultValue = new DirectionType { direction = Vector3.up }; } [VFXType, Serializable] struct Vector { [Tooltip("The vector."), VFXSpace(SpaceableType.Vector)] public Vector3 vector; public static implicit operator Vector(Vector3 v) { return new Vector() { vector = v }; } public static implicit operator Vector3(Vector v) { return v.vector; } public static Vector defaultValue = new Vector { vector = }; } [VFXType, Serializable] struct FlipBook { public int x; public int y; public static FlipBook defaultValue = new FlipBook { x = 4, y = 4 }; } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.ExcludeFromProperty), Serializable] struct CameraBuffer { private Texture texture; public CameraBuffer(Texture texture) { this.texture = texture; } public static implicit operator Texture(CameraBuffer cameraBuffer) { return cameraBuffer.texture; } public static implicit operator CameraBuffer(Texture texture) { return new CameraBuffer(texture); } public static implicit operator int(CameraBuffer cameraBuffer) { return cameraBuffer.texture?.GetInstanceID() ?? 0; } public static implicit operator CameraBuffer(int id) { return new CameraBuffer((Texture)EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(id)); } } [VFXType(VFXTypeAttribute.Usage.Default, "Camera"), Serializable] struct CameraType { [Tooltip("The camera's Transform in the world.")] public Transform transform; [Tooltip("Uses Orthographic projection.")] public bool orthographic; [Angle, Range(0.0f, Mathf.PI), Tooltip("The field of view is the height of the camera’s view angle, measured in degrees along the local Y axis.")] public float fieldOfView; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("The near plane is the closest plane relative to the camera where drawing occurs.")] public float nearPlane; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("The far plane is the furthest plane relative to the camera where drawing occurs.")] public float farPlane; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("The orthographic size is half the size of the vertical viewing volume.")] public float orthographicSize; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("The aspect ratio is the proportional relationship between the camera’s width and height.")] public float aspectRatio; [Min(0.0f), Tooltip("The width and height of the camera in pixels.")] public Vector2 pixelDimensions; [Tooltip("The depth buffer of the camera, containing the rendered depth information.")] public CameraBuffer depthBuffer; [Tooltip("The color buffer of the camera, containing the rendered color information.")] public CameraBuffer colorBuffer; public static CameraType defaultValue = new CameraType { transform = Transform.defaultValue, fieldOfView = 60.0f * Mathf.Deg2Rad, nearPlane = 0.3f, farPlane = 1000.0f, aspectRatio = 1.0f, orthographicSize = 5.0f, pixelDimensions = new Vector2(1920, 1080) }; } [VFXType, Serializable] struct TerrainType { [Tooltip("Sets the bounds of the Terrain.")] public AABox Bounds; [Tooltip("Sets the height map of the Terrain.")] public Texture2D HeightMap; [Tooltip("Sets the height of the Terrain.")] public float Height; } }