using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Serialization; using UnityEngine.VFX; using System.Text; namespace UnityEditor.VFX { class VFXDataOutputEvent : VFXData { public override VFXDataType type => VFXDataType.OutputEvent; public override void CopySettings(T dst) { //There is nothing serialized here } public override bool CanBeCompiled() { return m_Owners.Any(o => o.inputContexts.Any()); } //Shortcut to per context value public string eventName { get { if (m_Contexts.Any()) { var setting = m_Contexts.First().GetSetting("eventName"); return (string)setting.value; } return null; } } public override void FillDescs( VFXCompileErrorReporter reporter, List outBufferDescs, List outTemporaryBufferDescs, List outSystemDescs, VFXExpressionGraph expressionGraph, Dictionary contextToCompiledData, Dictionary contextSpawnToBufferIndex, VFXDependentBuffersData dependentBuffers, Dictionary[]> effectiveFlowInputLinks, VFXSystemNames systemNames) { if (m_Contexts.Count != 1) throw new InvalidOperationException("VFXDataOutputEvent unexpected context count : " + m_Contexts.Count); if (m_Contexts.Any(o => o.contextType != VFXContextType.OutputEvent)) throw new InvalidOperationException("VFXDataOutputEvent unexpected context type"); var nativeName = eventName; if (outSystemDescs.Any(o => == nativeName && o.type == VFXSystemType.OutputEvent)) { //Check if already processed, it already present, this VFXDataOutputEvent has been gather with previous entry. return; } var allMatchingVFXOutputEvent = contextToCompiledData.Keys.Where(context => { if (context.contextType == VFXContextType.OutputEvent) { if (((VFXDataOutputEvent)context.GetData()).eventName == nativeName) { return true; } } return false; }).ToArray(); var allMatchingVFXDataOutputEvent = allMatchingVFXOutputEvent.Select(o => o.GetData()).Cast().ToArray(); var flowInputLinks = allMatchingVFXDataOutputEvent.SelectMany(data => data.m_Contexts.SelectMany(context => { if (effectiveFlowInputLinks.ContainsKey(context)) { var r = effectiveFlowInputLinks[context]; return r.SelectMany(o => o); } //A context could have been filtered out due because there isn't any flow input link return Enumerable.Empty(); })); var inputSpawnerContext = flowInputLinks.Select(l => l.context).Distinct(); var systemBufferMappings = new List(); foreach (var spawner in inputSpawnerContext) { if (spawner.contextType != VFXContextType.Spawner) throw new InvalidOperationException("VFXDataOutputEvent unexpected link on Output event"); systemBufferMappings.Add(new VFXMapping() { name = "spawner_input", index = contextSpawnToBufferIndex[spawner] }); } outSystemDescs.Add(new VFXEditorSystemDesc() { flags = VFXSystemFlag.SystemDefault, name = nativeName, buffers = systemBufferMappings.ToArray(), type = VFXSystemType.OutputEvent, layer = m_Layer }); } public override void GenerateAttributeLayout(Dictionary[]> effectiveFlowInputLinks) { } public override string GetAttributeDataDeclaration(VFXAttributeMode mode) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override VFXDeviceTarget GetCompilationTarget(VFXContext context) { return VFXDeviceTarget.CPU; } public override string GetLoadAttributeCode(VFXAttribute attrib, VFXAttributeLocation location) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string GetStoreAttributeCode(VFXAttribute attrib, string value) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } }