namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { /// /// Draw the skybox into the given color buffer using the given depth buffer for depth testing. /// /// This pass renders the standard Unity skybox. /// public class DrawSkyboxPass : ScriptableRenderPass { public DrawSkyboxPass(RenderPassEvent evt) { base.profilingSampler = new ProfilingSampler(nameof(DrawSkyboxPass)); renderPassEvent = evt; } /// public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) { CameraData cameraData = renderingData.cameraData; Camera camera =; var activeDebugHandler = GetActiveDebugHandler(renderingData); if (activeDebugHandler != null) { // TODO: The skybox needs to work the same as the other shaders, but until it does we'll not render it // when certain debug modes are active (e.g. wireframe/overdraw modes) if (activeDebugHandler.IsScreenClearNeeded) { return; } } #if ENABLE_VR && ENABLE_XR_MODULE // XRTODO: Remove this code once Skybox pass is moved to SRP land. if (cameraData.xr.enabled) { // Setup Legacy XR buffer states if (cameraData.xr.singlePassEnabled) { // Setup legacy skybox stereo buffer camera.SetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left, cameraData.GetProjectionMatrix(0)); camera.SetStereoViewMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left, cameraData.GetViewMatrix(0)); camera.SetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right, cameraData.GetProjectionMatrix(1)); camera.SetStereoViewMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right, cameraData.GetViewMatrix(1)); CommandBuffer cmd = CommandBufferPool.Get(); // Use legacy stereo instancing mode to have legacy XR code path configured cmd.SetSinglePassStereo(SystemInfo.supportsMultiview ? SinglePassStereoMode.Multiview : SinglePassStereoMode.Instancing); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); cmd.Clear(); // Calling into built-in skybox pass context.DrawSkybox(camera); // Disable Legacy XR path cmd.SetSinglePassStereo(SinglePassStereoMode.None); context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cmd); // We do not need to submit here due to special handling of stereo matrices in core. // context.Submit(); CommandBufferPool.Release(cmd); camera.ResetStereoProjectionMatrices(); camera.ResetStereoViewMatrices(); } else { camera.projectionMatrix = cameraData.GetProjectionMatrix(0); camera.worldToCameraMatrix = cameraData.GetViewMatrix(0); context.DrawSkybox(camera); // XRTODO: remove this call because it creates issues with nested profiling scopes // See examples in UniversalRenderPipeline.RenderSingleCamera() and in ScriptableRenderer.Execute() context.Submit(); // Submit and execute the skybox pass before resetting the matrices camera.ResetProjectionMatrix(); camera.ResetWorldToCameraMatrix(); } } else #endif { context.DrawSkybox(camera); } } } }