using UnityEngine; using NameAndTooltip = UnityEngine.Rendering.DebugUI.Widget.NameAndTooltip; namespace UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal { class DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial : IDebugDisplaySettingsData { #region Material validation internal enum AlbedoDebugValidationPreset { DefaultLuminance, BlackAcrylicPaint, DarkSoil, WornAsphalt, DryClaySoil, GreenGrass, OldConcrete, RedClayTile, DrySand, NewConcrete, WhiteAcrylicPaint, FreshSnow, BlueSky, Foliage, } struct AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData { public string name; public Color color; public float minLuminance; public float maxLuminance; } AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData[] m_AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData = { new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Default Luminance", color = new Color(127f / 255f, 127f / 255f, 127f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.01f, maxLuminance = 0.90f }, // colors taken from new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Black Acrylic Paint", color = new Color(56f / 255f, 56f / 255f, 56f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.03f, maxLuminance = 0.07f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Dark Soil", color = new Color(85f / 255f, 61f / 255f, 49f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.05f, maxLuminance = 0.14f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Worn Asphalt", color = new Color(91f / 255f, 91f / 255f, 91f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.10f, maxLuminance = 0.15f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Dry Clay Soil", color = new Color(137f / 255f, 120f / 255f, 102f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.15f, maxLuminance = 0.35f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Green Grass", color = new Color(123f / 255f, 131f / 255f, 74f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.16f, maxLuminance = 0.26f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Old Concrete", color = new Color(135f / 255f, 136f / 255f, 131f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.17f, maxLuminance = 0.30f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Red Clay Tile", color = new Color(197f / 255f, 125f / 255f, 100f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.23f, maxLuminance = 0.33f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Dry Sand", color = new Color(177f / 255f, 167f / 255f, 132f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.20f, maxLuminance = 0.45f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "New Concrete", color = new Color(185f / 255f, 182f / 255f, 175f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.32f, maxLuminance = 0.55f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "White Acrylic Paint", color = new Color(227f / 255f, 227f / 255f, 227f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.75f, maxLuminance = 0.85f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Fresh Snow", color = new Color(243f / 255f, 243f / 255f, 243f / 255f), minLuminance = 0.85f, maxLuminance = 0.95f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Blue Sky", color = new Color(93f / 255f, 123f / 255f, 157f / 255f), minLuminance = new Color(93f / 255f, 123f / 255f, 157f / 255f).linear.maxColorComponent - 0.05f, maxLuminance = new Color(93f / 255f, 123f / 255f, 157f / 255f).linear.maxColorComponent + 0.05f }, new AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData() { name = "Foliage", color = new Color(91f / 255f, 108f / 255f, 65f / 255f), minLuminance = new Color(91f / 255f, 108f / 255f, 65f / 255f).linear.maxColorComponent - 0.05f, maxLuminance = new Color(91f / 255f, 108f / 255f, 65f / 255f).linear.maxColorComponent + 0.05f }, }; AlbedoDebugValidationPreset m_AlbedoDebugValidationPreset; internal AlbedoDebugValidationPreset albedoDebugValidationPreset { get => m_AlbedoDebugValidationPreset; set { m_AlbedoDebugValidationPreset = value; AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData presetData = m_AlbedoDebugValidationPresetData[(int)value]; AlbedoMinLuminance = presetData.minLuminance; AlbedoMaxLuminance = presetData.maxLuminance; AlbedoCompareColor = presetData.color; } } internal float AlbedoMinLuminance = 0.01f; internal float AlbedoMaxLuminance = 0.90f; float m_AlbedoHueTolerance = 0.104f; internal float AlbedoHueTolerance { get => m_AlbedoDebugValidationPreset == AlbedoDebugValidationPreset.DefaultLuminance ? 1.0f : m_AlbedoHueTolerance; private set => m_AlbedoHueTolerance = value; } float m_AlbedoSaturationTolerance = 0.214f; internal float AlbedoSaturationTolerance { get => m_AlbedoDebugValidationPreset == AlbedoDebugValidationPreset.DefaultLuminance ? 1.0f : m_AlbedoSaturationTolerance; private set => m_AlbedoSaturationTolerance = value; } internal Color AlbedoCompareColor = new Color(127f / 255f, 127f / 255f, 127f / 255f, 255f / 255f); internal float MetallicMinValue = 0.0f; internal float MetallicMaxValue = 0.9f; internal DebugMaterialValidationMode MaterialValidationMode; #endregion internal DebugMaterialMode DebugMaterialModeData { get; private set; } internal DebugVertexAttributeMode DebugVertexAttributeIndexData { get; private set; } static class Strings { public const string AlbedoSettingsContainerName = "Albedo Settings"; public const string MetallicSettingsContainerName = "Metallic Settings"; public static readonly NameAndTooltip MaterialOverride = new() { name = "Material Override", tooltip = "Use the drop-down to select a Material property to visualize on every GameObject on screen." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip VertexAttribute = new() { name = "Vertex Attribute", tooltip = "Use the drop-down to select a 3D GameObject attribute, like Texture Coordinates or Vertex Color, to visualize on screen." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip MaterialValidationMode = new() { name = "Material Validation Mode", tooltip = "Debug and validate material properties." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip ValidationPreset = new() { name = "Validation Preset", tooltip = "Validate using a list of preset surfaces and inputs based on real-world surfaces." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip AlbedoMinLuminance = new() { name = "Min Luminance", tooltip = "Any values set below this field are invalid and appear red on screen." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip AlbedoMaxLuminance = new() { name = "Max Luminance", tooltip = "Any values set above this field are invalid and appear blue on screen." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip AlbedoHueTolerance = new() { name = "Hue Tolerance", tooltip = "Validate a material based on a specific hue." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip AlbedoSaturationTolerance = new() { name = "Saturation Tolerance", tooltip = "Validate a material based on a specific Saturation." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip MetallicMinValue = new() { name = "Min Value", tooltip = "Any values set below this field are invalid and appear red on screen." }; public static readonly NameAndTooltip MetallicMaxValue = new() { name = "Max Value", tooltip = "Any values set above this field are invalid and appear blue on screen." }; } internal static class WidgetFactory { internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateMaterialOverride(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.EnumField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.MaterialOverride, autoEnum = typeof(DebugMaterialMode), getter = () => (int)data.DebugMaterialModeData, setter = (value) => { }, getIndex = () => (int)data.DebugMaterialModeData, setIndex = (value) => data.DebugMaterialModeData = (DebugMaterialMode)value }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateVertexAttribute(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.EnumField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.VertexAttribute, autoEnum = typeof(DebugVertexAttributeMode), getter = () => (int)data.DebugVertexAttributeIndexData, setter = (value) => { }, getIndex = () => (int)data.DebugVertexAttributeIndexData, setIndex = (value) => data.DebugVertexAttributeIndexData = (DebugVertexAttributeMode)value }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateMaterialValidationMode(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.EnumField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.MaterialValidationMode, autoEnum = typeof(DebugMaterialValidationMode), getter = () => (int)data.MaterialValidationMode, setter = (value) => { }, getIndex = () => (int)data.MaterialValidationMode, setIndex = (value) => data.MaterialValidationMode = (DebugMaterialValidationMode)value, onValueChanged = (_, _) => DebugManager.instance.ReDrawOnScreenDebug() }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateAlbedoPreset(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.EnumField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.ValidationPreset, autoEnum = typeof(AlbedoDebugValidationPreset), getter = () => (int)data.albedoDebugValidationPreset, setter = (value) => { }, getIndex = () => (int)data.albedoDebugValidationPreset, setIndex = (value) => data.albedoDebugValidationPreset = (AlbedoDebugValidationPreset)value, onValueChanged = (_, _) => DebugManager.instance.ReDrawOnScreenDebug() }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateAlbedoMinLuminance(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.FloatField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.AlbedoMinLuminance, getter = () => data.AlbedoMinLuminance, setter = (value) => data.AlbedoMinLuminance = value, incStep = 0.01f }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateAlbedoMaxLuminance(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.FloatField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.AlbedoMaxLuminance, getter = () => data.AlbedoMaxLuminance, setter = (value) => data.AlbedoMaxLuminance = value, incStep = 0.01f }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateAlbedoHueTolerance(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.FloatField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.AlbedoHueTolerance, getter = () => data.AlbedoHueTolerance, setter = (value) => data.AlbedoHueTolerance = value, incStep = 0.01f, isHiddenCallback = () => data.albedoDebugValidationPreset == AlbedoDebugValidationPreset.DefaultLuminance }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateAlbedoSaturationTolerance(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.FloatField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.AlbedoSaturationTolerance, getter = () => data.AlbedoSaturationTolerance, setter = (value) => data.AlbedoSaturationTolerance = value, incStep = 0.01f, isHiddenCallback = () => data.albedoDebugValidationPreset == AlbedoDebugValidationPreset.DefaultLuminance }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateMetallicMinValue(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.FloatField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.MetallicMinValue, getter = () => data.MetallicMinValue, setter = (value) => data.MetallicMinValue = value, incStep = 0.01f }; internal static DebugUI.Widget CreateMetallicMaxValue(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) => new DebugUI.FloatField { nameAndTooltip = Strings.MetallicMaxValue, getter = () => data.MetallicMaxValue, setter = (value) => data.MetallicMaxValue = value, incStep = 0.01f }; } private class SettingsPanel : DebugDisplaySettingsPanel { public override string PanelName => "Material"; public SettingsPanel(DebugDisplaySettingsMaterial data) { AddWidget(DebugDisplaySettingsCommon.WidgetFactory.CreateMissingDebugShadersWarning()); AddWidget(new DebugUI.Foldout { displayName = "Material Filters", isHeader = true, opened = true, children = { WidgetFactory.CreateMaterialOverride(data), WidgetFactory.CreateVertexAttribute(data) } }); AddWidget(new DebugUI.Foldout { displayName = "Material Validation", isHeader = true, opened = true, children = { WidgetFactory.CreateMaterialValidationMode(data), new DebugUI.Container() { displayName = Strings.AlbedoSettingsContainerName, isHiddenCallback = () => data.MaterialValidationMode != DebugMaterialValidationMode.Albedo, children = { WidgetFactory.CreateAlbedoPreset(data), WidgetFactory.CreateAlbedoMinLuminance(data), WidgetFactory.CreateAlbedoMaxLuminance(data), WidgetFactory.CreateAlbedoHueTolerance(data), WidgetFactory.CreateAlbedoSaturationTolerance(data) } }, new DebugUI.Container() { displayName = Strings.MetallicSettingsContainerName, isHiddenCallback = () => data.MaterialValidationMode != DebugMaterialValidationMode.Metallic, children = { WidgetFactory.CreateMetallicMinValue(data), WidgetFactory.CreateMetallicMaxValue(data) } } } }); } } #region IDebugDisplaySettingsData public bool AreAnySettingsActive => (DebugMaterialModeData != DebugMaterialMode.None) || (DebugVertexAttributeIndexData != DebugVertexAttributeMode.None) || (MaterialValidationMode != DebugMaterialValidationMode.None); public bool IsPostProcessingAllowed => !AreAnySettingsActive; public bool IsLightingActive => !AreAnySettingsActive; public bool TryGetScreenClearColor(ref Color color) { return false; } public IDebugDisplaySettingsPanelDisposable CreatePanel() { return new SettingsPanel(this); } #endregion } }