{ "network": { "N_E": { "value": 10, "comment": "number of excitatory neurons will be split in two populations (should be multiple of 2)" }, "N_I": { "value": 2, "comment": "number of excitatory neurons" }, "architecture": { "value": 0, "comment": "specifies the circuit architecture: 0 (no connectivity), 1 (reciprocal E1<->I<->E2), 2 (directional E1->I1->E2 and E2->I2->E1" } }, "synapses": { "ex_in": { "delay": { "value": 3, "comment": "delay of excitatory synapses" }, "strength": { "value": 3, "comment": "strength of excitatory synapses in mV" } }, "in_ex": { "delay": { "value": 3, "comment": "delay of inhibitory synapses" }, "strength": { "value": 20, "comment": "strength of inhibitory synapses in nS" } } }, "input": { "baseline": { "value": 0.2, "comment": "baseline input in nA to all excitatory neurons" }, "to_1": { "value": 0.0, "comment": "additional input to population 1" }, "to_2": { "value": 0.0, "comment": "additional input to population 2" } } }