% internal function % - Jimmy Shen (jimmy@rotman-baycrest.on.ca) function [img,hdr] = load_untouch_nii_img(hdr,filetype,fileprefix,machine,img_idx,dim5_idx,dim6_idx,dim7_idx,old_RGB,slice_idx) if ~exist('hdr','var') | ~exist('filetype','var') | ~exist('fileprefix','var') | ~exist('machine','var') error('Usage: [img,hdr] = load_nii_img(hdr,filetype,fileprefix,machine,[img_idx],[dim5_idx],[dim6_idx],[dim7_idx],[old_RGB],[slice_idx]);'); end if ~exist('img_idx','var') | isempty(img_idx) | hdr.dime.dim(5)<1 img_idx = []; end if ~exist('dim5_idx','var') | isempty(dim5_idx) | hdr.dime.dim(6)<1 dim5_idx = []; end if ~exist('dim6_idx','var') | isempty(dim6_idx) | hdr.dime.dim(7)<1 dim6_idx = []; end if ~exist('dim7_idx','var') | isempty(dim7_idx) | hdr.dime.dim(8)<1 dim7_idx = []; end if ~exist('old_RGB','var') | isempty(old_RGB) old_RGB = 0; end if ~exist('slice_idx','var') | isempty(slice_idx) | hdr.dime.dim(4)<1 slice_idx = []; end % check img_idx % if ~isempty(img_idx) & ~isnumeric(img_idx) error('"img_idx" should be a numerical array.'); end if length(unique(img_idx)) ~= length(img_idx) error('Duplicate image index in "img_idx"'); end if ~isempty(img_idx) & (min(img_idx) < 1 | max(img_idx) > hdr.dime.dim(5)) max_range = hdr.dime.dim(5); if max_range == 1 error(['"img_idx" should be 1.']); else range = ['1 ' num2str(max_range)]; error(['"img_idx" should be an integer within the range of [' range '].']); end end % check dim5_idx % if ~isempty(dim5_idx) & ~isnumeric(dim5_idx) error('"dim5_idx" should be a numerical array.'); end if length(unique(dim5_idx)) ~= length(dim5_idx) error('Duplicate index in "dim5_idx"'); end if ~isempty(dim5_idx) & (min(dim5_idx) < 1 | max(dim5_idx) > hdr.dime.dim(6)) max_range = hdr.dime.dim(6); if max_range == 1 error(['"dim5_idx" should be 1.']); else range = ['1 ' num2str(max_range)]; error(['"dim5_idx" should be an integer within the range of [' range '].']); end end % check dim6_idx % if ~isempty(dim6_idx) & ~isnumeric(dim6_idx) error('"dim6_idx" should be a numerical array.'); end if length(unique(dim6_idx)) ~= length(dim6_idx) error('Duplicate index in "dim6_idx"'); end if ~isempty(dim6_idx) & (min(dim6_idx) < 1 | max(dim6_idx) > hdr.dime.dim(7)) max_range = hdr.dime.dim(7); if max_range == 1 error(['"dim6_idx" should be 1.']); else range = ['1 ' num2str(max_range)]; error(['"dim6_idx" should be an integer within the range of [' range '].']); end end % check dim7_idx % if ~isempty(dim7_idx) & ~isnumeric(dim7_idx) error('"dim7_idx" should be a numerical array.'); end if length(unique(dim7_idx)) ~= length(dim7_idx) error('Duplicate index in "dim7_idx"'); end if ~isempty(dim7_idx) & (min(dim7_idx) < 1 | max(dim7_idx) > hdr.dime.dim(8)) max_range = hdr.dime.dim(8); if max_range == 1 error(['"dim7_idx" should be 1.']); else range = ['1 ' num2str(max_range)]; error(['"dim7_idx" should be an integer within the range of [' range '].']); end end % check slice_idx % if ~isempty(slice_idx) & ~isnumeric(slice_idx) error('"slice_idx" should be a numerical array.'); end if length(unique(slice_idx)) ~= length(slice_idx) error('Duplicate index in "slice_idx"'); end if ~isempty(slice_idx) & (min(slice_idx) < 1 | max(slice_idx) > hdr.dime.dim(4)) max_range = hdr.dime.dim(4); if max_range == 1 error(['"slice_idx" should be 1.']); else range = ['1 ' num2str(max_range)]; error(['"slice_idx" should be an integer within the range of [' range '].']); end end [img,hdr] = read_image(hdr,filetype,fileprefix,machine,img_idx,dim5_idx,dim6_idx,dim7_idx,old_RGB,slice_idx); return % load_nii_img %--------------------------------------------------------------------- function [img,hdr] = read_image(hdr,filetype,fileprefix,machine,img_idx,dim5_idx,dim6_idx,dim7_idx,old_RGB,slice_idx) switch filetype case {0, 1} fn = [fileprefix '.img']; case 2 fn = [fileprefix '.nii']; end fid = fopen(fn,'r',machine); if fid < 0, msg = sprintf('Cannot open file %s.',fn); error(msg); end % Set bitpix according to datatype % % /*Acceptable values for datatype are*/ % % 0 None (Unknown bit per voxel) % DT_NONE, DT_UNKNOWN % 1 Binary (ubit1, bitpix=1) % DT_BINARY % 2 Unsigned char (uchar or uint8, bitpix=8) % DT_UINT8, NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8 % 4 Signed short (int16, bitpix=16) % DT_INT16, NIFTI_TYPE_INT16 % 8 Signed integer (int32, bitpix=32) % DT_INT32, NIFTI_TYPE_INT32 % 16 Floating point (single or float32, bitpix=32) % DT_FLOAT32, NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32 % 32 Complex, 2 float32 (Use float32, bitpix=64) % DT_COMPLEX64, NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX64 % 64 Double precision (double or float64, bitpix=64) % DT_FLOAT64, NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64 % 128 uint8 RGB (Use uint8, bitpix=24) % DT_RGB24, NIFTI_TYPE_RGB24 % 256 Signed char (schar or int8, bitpix=8) % DT_INT8, NIFTI_TYPE_INT8 % 511 Single RGB (Use float32, bitpix=96) % DT_RGB96, NIFTI_TYPE_RGB96 % 512 Unsigned short (uint16, bitpix=16) % DT_UNINT16, NIFTI_TYPE_UNINT16 % 768 Unsigned integer (uint32, bitpix=32) % DT_UNINT32, NIFTI_TYPE_UNINT32 % 1024 Signed long long (int64, bitpix=64) % DT_INT64, NIFTI_TYPE_INT64 % 1280 Unsigned long long (uint64, bitpix=64) % DT_UINT64, NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64 % 1536 Long double, float128 (Unsupported, bitpix=128) % DT_FLOAT128, NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT128 % 1792 Complex128, 2 float64 (Use float64, bitpix=128) % DT_COMPLEX128, NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX128 % 2048 Complex256, 2 float128 (Unsupported, bitpix=256) % DT_COMPLEX128, NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX128 % switch hdr.dime.datatype case 1, hdr.dime.bitpix = 1; precision = 'ubit1'; case 2, hdr.dime.bitpix = 8; precision = 'uint8'; case 4, hdr.dime.bitpix = 16; precision = 'int16'; case 8, hdr.dime.bitpix = 32; precision = 'int32'; case 16, hdr.dime.bitpix = 32; precision = 'float32'; case 32, hdr.dime.bitpix = 64; precision = 'float32'; case 64, hdr.dime.bitpix = 64; precision = 'float64'; case 128, hdr.dime.bitpix = 24; precision = 'uint8'; case 256 hdr.dime.bitpix = 8; precision = 'int8'; case 511 hdr.dime.bitpix = 96; precision = 'float32'; case 512 hdr.dime.bitpix = 16; precision = 'uint16'; case 768 hdr.dime.bitpix = 32; precision = 'uint32'; case 1024 hdr.dime.bitpix = 64; precision = 'int64'; case 1280 hdr.dime.bitpix = 64; precision = 'uint64'; case 1792, hdr.dime.bitpix = 128; precision = 'float64'; otherwise error('This datatype is not supported'); end tmp = hdr.dime.dim(2:end); tmp(find(tmp < 1)) = 1; hdr.dime.dim(2:end) = tmp; % move pointer to the start of image block % switch filetype case {0, 1} fseek(fid, 0, 'bof'); case 2 fseek(fid, hdr.dime.vox_offset, 'bof'); end % Load whole image block for old Analyze format or binary image; % otherwise, load images that are specified in img_idx, dim5_idx, % dim6_idx, and dim7_idx % % For binary image, we have to read all because pos can not be % seeked in bit and can not be calculated the way below. % if hdr.dime.datatype == 1 | isequal(hdr.dime.dim(4:8),ones(1,5)) | ... (isempty(img_idx) & isempty(dim5_idx) & isempty(dim6_idx) & isempty(dim7_idx) & isempty(slice_idx)) % For each frame, precision of value will be read % in img_siz times, where img_siz is only the % dimension size of an image, not the byte storage % size of an image. % img_siz = prod(hdr.dime.dim(2:8)); % For complex float32 or complex float64, voxel values % include [real, imag] % if hdr.dime.datatype == 32 | hdr.dime.datatype == 1792 img_siz = img_siz * 2; end %MPH: For RGB24, voxel values include 3 separate color planes % if hdr.dime.datatype == 128 | hdr.dime.datatype == 511 img_siz = img_siz * 3; end img = fread(fid, img_siz, sprintf('*%s',precision)); d1 = hdr.dime.dim(2); d2 = hdr.dime.dim(3); d3 = hdr.dime.dim(4); d4 = hdr.dime.dim(5); d5 = hdr.dime.dim(6); d6 = hdr.dime.dim(7); d7 = hdr.dime.dim(8); if isempty(slice_idx) slice_idx = 1:d3; end if isempty(img_idx) img_idx = 1:d4; end if isempty(dim5_idx) dim5_idx = 1:d5; end if isempty(dim6_idx) dim6_idx = 1:d6; end if isempty(dim7_idx) dim7_idx = 1:d7; end else d1 = hdr.dime.dim(2); d2 = hdr.dime.dim(3); d3 = hdr.dime.dim(4); d4 = hdr.dime.dim(5); d5 = hdr.dime.dim(6); d6 = hdr.dime.dim(7); d7 = hdr.dime.dim(8); if isempty(slice_idx) slice_idx = 1:d3; end if isempty(img_idx) img_idx = 1:d4; end if isempty(dim5_idx) dim5_idx = 1:d5; end if isempty(dim6_idx) dim6_idx = 1:d6; end if isempty(dim7_idx) dim7_idx = 1:d7; end %ROMAN: begin roman = 1; if(roman) % compute size of one slice % img_siz = prod(hdr.dime.dim(2:3)); % For complex float32 or complex float64, voxel values % include [real, imag] % if hdr.dime.datatype == 32 | hdr.dime.datatype == 1792 img_siz = img_siz * 2; end %MPH: For RGB24, voxel values include 3 separate color planes % if hdr.dime.datatype == 128 | hdr.dime.datatype == 511 img_siz = img_siz * 3; end % preallocate img img = zeros(img_siz, length(slice_idx)*length(img_idx)*length(dim5_idx)*length(dim6_idx)*length(dim7_idx) ); currentIndex = 1; else img = []; end; %if(roman) % ROMAN: end for i7=1:length(dim7_idx) for i6=1:length(dim6_idx) for i5=1:length(dim5_idx) for t=1:length(img_idx) for s=1:length(slice_idx) % Position is seeked in bytes. To convert dimension size % to byte storage size, hdr.dime.bitpix/8 will be % applied. % pos = sub2ind([d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7], 1, 1, slice_idx(s), ... img_idx(t), dim5_idx(i5),dim6_idx(i6),dim7_idx(i7)) -1; pos = pos * hdr.dime.bitpix/8; % ROMAN: begin if(roman) % do nothing else img_siz = prod(hdr.dime.dim(2:3)); % For complex float32 or complex float64, voxel values % include [real, imag] % if hdr.dime.datatype == 32 | hdr.dime.datatype == 1792 img_siz = img_siz * 2; end %MPH: For RGB24, voxel values include 3 separate color planes % if hdr.dime.datatype == 128 | hdr.dime.datatype == 511 img_siz = img_siz * 3; end end; % if (roman) % ROMAN: end if filetype == 2 fseek(fid, pos + hdr.dime.vox_offset, 'bof'); else fseek(fid, pos, 'bof'); end % For each frame, fread will read precision of value % in img_siz times % % ROMAN: begin if(roman) img(:,currentIndex) = fread(fid, img_siz, sprintf('*%s',precision)); currentIndex = currentIndex +1; else img = [img fread(fid, img_siz, sprintf('*%s',precision))]; end; %if(roman) % ROMAN: end end end end end end end % For complex float32 or complex float64, voxel values % include [real, imag] % if hdr.dime.datatype == 32 | hdr.dime.datatype == 1792 img = reshape(img, [2, length(img)/2]); img = complex(img(1,:)', img(2,:)'); end fclose(fid); % Update the global min and max values % hdr.dime.glmax = double(max(img(:))); hdr.dime.glmin = double(min(img(:))); % old_RGB treat RGB slice by slice, now it is treated voxel by voxel % if old_RGB & hdr.dime.datatype == 128 & hdr.dime.bitpix == 24 % remove squeeze img = (reshape(img, [hdr.dime.dim(2:3) 3 length(slice_idx) length(img_idx) length(dim5_idx) length(dim6_idx) length(dim7_idx)])); img = permute(img, [1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8]); elseif hdr.dime.datatype == 128 & hdr.dime.bitpix == 24 % remove squeeze img = (reshape(img, [3 hdr.dime.dim(2:3) length(slice_idx) length(img_idx) length(dim5_idx) length(dim6_idx) length(dim7_idx)])); img = permute(img, [2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8]); elseif hdr.dime.datatype == 511 & hdr.dime.bitpix == 96 img = double(img(:)); img = single((img - min(img))/(max(img) - min(img))); % remove squeeze img = (reshape(img, [3 hdr.dime.dim(2:3) length(slice_idx) length(img_idx) length(dim5_idx) length(dim6_idx) length(dim7_idx)])); img = permute(img, [2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8]); else % remove squeeze img = (reshape(img, [hdr.dime.dim(2:3) length(slice_idx) length(img_idx) length(dim5_idx) length(dim6_idx) length(dim7_idx)])); end if ~isempty(slice_idx) hdr.dime.dim(4) = length(slice_idx); end if ~isempty(img_idx) hdr.dime.dim(5) = length(img_idx); end if ~isempty(dim5_idx) hdr.dime.dim(6) = length(dim5_idx); end if ~isempty(dim6_idx) hdr.dime.dim(7) = length(dim6_idx); end if ~isempty(dim7_idx) hdr.dime.dim(8) = length(dim7_idx); end return % read_image