function varargout = openNEV(varargin) % openNEV % % Opens an .nev file for reading, returns all file information in a NEV % structure. Works with File Spec 2.1 & 2.2 & 2.3 & 3.0. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Use OUTPUT = openNEV(fname, 'noread', 'report', 'noparse', 'nowarning', % 'nosave', 'nomat', 'uV', 'overwrite', 'direct'). % % NOTE: All input arguments are optional. Input arguments may be in any order. % % fname: Name of the file to be opened. If the fname is omitted % the user will be prompted to select a file using an open % file user interface. % DEFAULT: Will open Open File UI. % % 'noread': Will not read the spike waveforms if user passes this argument. % DEFAULT: will read spike waveform. % % 'report': Will show a summary report if user passes this argument. % DEFAULT: will not show report. % % 'parse': The code will not parse the experimental parameters in digital I/O. % See below for guidelines on how to format your parameters. % DEFAULT: will not parse the parameters. % % 'nowarning': The code will not give a warning if there is an error in % parsing. % DEFAULT: will give warning message. % % 'nosave': The code will not save a copy of the NEV structure as a % MAT file. By default the code will save a copy in the same % folder as the NEV file for easy future access. % DEFAULT: will save the MAT file. % % 'nomat': Will not look for a MAT file. This option will force % openNEV to open a NEV file instead of any available MAT % files. % DEFAULT: will load the MAT file if available. % % 'uV': Will read the spike waveforms in unit of uV instead of % raw values. Note that this conversion may lead to loss of % information (e.g. 15/4 = 4) since the waveforms type will % stay in int16. It's recommended to read raw spike % waveforms and then perform the conversion at a later % time. % DEFAULT: will read waveform information in raw. % % '8bits': Indicates that 8 bits on the digital IO port was used % instead of 16 bits. % DEFAULT: will assumes that 16 bits of digital IO were used. % % 't:': Indicats the time window of the NEV file to be read. For % example, if t: is set to 2 (i.e. 't:0.6') % then only the first 2 seconds of the file is to be read. If set % to 2-50 (i.e. 't:2:50) then the time between 2 seconds % and 50 seconds will be read. % DEFAULT: the entire file will be read if 't:xx:xx' is not % passed to the function. % % 'overwrite': If MATLAB loads a NEV file using 'nomat' and a MAT file % already exists, by default it will prompt the user to % allow for overwriting the old MAT. Passing the % 'overwrite' flag will automatically overwrite the newly % opened NEV file ont the old MAT file. % DEFAULT: will ask the user whether to overwrite the old % MAT. % % 'direct': Use this if you are using a CerePlex Direct system % without the typical strobe mode. This will treat the 16th % bit of the digital input as a strobe signal and report % the remaining 15 bits as the digital input value. % % OUTPUT: Contains the NEV structure. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % USAGE EXAMPLE: % % openNEV('report','read'); % % In the example above, the file dialogue will prompt for a file. A % report of the file contents will be shown. The digital data will not be % parsed. The data needs to be in the proper format (refer below). The % spike waveforms are in raw units and not in uV. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DIGITAL PARAMETERS/MARKERS FORMAT: % % In order for this function to parse your experimental parameters they % need to be in the following format: % % *ParamLabel:Parameter1=value1;Parameter2=value2;Parameter3=value3;# % % TWO EXAMPLES: % *ExpParameter:Intensity=1.02;Duration=400;Trials=1;PageSegment=14;# % % *Stimulation:StimCount=5;Duration=10;# % % In the first example, the parameter is of type "ExpParameter". The % parameters are, "Intensity, Duration, Trials, and PageSement." The % values of those parameters are, "1.02, 400, 1, and 14," respectively. % The second example is of type "Stimulation". The name of the parameters % are "StimCount" and "Duration" and the values are "5" and "10" % respectively. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % It can also read single value markers that follow the following format. % % *MarkerName=Value;# % % EXAMPLES: *WaitSeconds=10;# OR *JuiceStatus=ON;# % % The above line is a "Marker". The marker value is 10 in the first % and it's ON in the second example. % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Moreover, the marker could be a single value: % % *MarkerValue# % % EXAMPLES: *JuiceOff# OR *HandsOnSwitches# % ----------------------------------------------------------------------- % The label, parameter name, and values are flexible and can be anything. % The only required formatting is that the user needs to have a label % followed by a colon ':', followed by a field name 'MarkerVal', followed % by an equal sign '=', followed by the parameter value '10', and end % with a semi-colon ';'. % % NOTE: % Every line requires a pound-sign '#' at the very end. % Every line requires a star sign '*' at the very beginning. If you % use LabVIEW by Kian Torab then there is no need for % a '*' in the beginning. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Version History % % % - Major performance boost in reading NEV files when tracking data is % stored in the file. % % % - Updated documentation. % % 5 January 2014 % - Fixed the way DayOfWeek is read in MetaTags. % - Fixed 'noread' argument, so when passed, openNEV will not read the % spike waveforms. % % 25 January 2014 % - Fixed a bug that resulted from passing 'read' to openNEV. % % 28 February 2014 % - Fixed bug related to loading data with t:XX:XX argument. % % 12 June 2014 % - Fixed a typo in the help. % % 13 June 2014 % - Updated the version numbers in the help and in the function itself. % % 02 December 2014 % - Fixed a bug where Application name wasn't being read properly. % - Warnings now don't show up in more places when "nowarning" is used. % - Added field FileExt to MetaTags. % - Added 512 synchronized reading capability. % - Fixed the date in NSx.MetaTags.DateTime. % % 28 March 2015 % - Added the ability to read from networked drives in Windows. % - Fixed the DateTime variable in MetaTags. % - Fixed the date in NSx.MetaTags.DateTime (again). % - Fixed a bug related to >512-ch data loading. % % 1 April 2015 % - Fixed a bug with NeuroMotive when spike window is changed from the % original length. % % June 30 2015 % - Fixed a bug regarding the number of packages when 'no read' is used. % % July 10 2015 % - Fixed a bug with NeuroMotive data reading when both objects and % markers were being recorded. % % June 11 2016 % - Added support for CerePlex Direct strobe mode on digital input. % - Fixed a bug with reading NeuroMotive data that resulted in a crash. % % June 13 2016 % - Fixed a bug with reading NeuroMotive data that resulted in a crash. % - Improved and more detailed parsing of NeuroMotive events. % - Added parsing of comment start time and comment committ time (time % that a comment is entered. % % September 1, 2017 % - Fixed a bug with file path and whent this was passed to the function. % % September 13, 2017 % - Checks to see if there's a newer version of NPMK is available. % - Properly reads the comment colors. % % January 10, 2018 % - Fixed a NeuroMotive bug when AllMarkers was being recorded. % % April 25, 2018 % - Now all comments open in order. % - Fixed a bug with path of file if both NEV and MAT were moved to a new % location. % % January 27, 2020 % - Added support for 64-bit timestamps in NEV and NSx. % - Removed dependency on MATLAB R2016b by removing function 'contains'. % % April 16, 2020 % - Some bug fixes. (David Kluger) % % April 29, 2020 % - Added ability to read all types of recording event types. % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Check for the latest version fo NPMK NPMKverChecker %% Defining structures NEV = struct('MetaTags',[], 'ElectrodesInfo', [], 'Data', []); NEV.MetaTags.openNEVver = ''; NEV.MetaTags = struct('Subject', [], 'Experimenter', [], 'DateTime', [],... 'SampleRes',[],'Comment',[],'FileTypeID',[],'Flags',[], 'openNEVver', [], ... 'DateTimeRaw', [], 'FileSpec', [], 'PacketBytes', [], 'HeaderOffset', [], ... 'DataDuration', [], 'DataDurationSec', [], 'PacketCount', [], ... 'TimeRes', [], 'Application', [], 'Filename', [], 'FilePath', []); NEV.Data = struct('SerialDigitalIO', [], 'Spikes', [], 'Comments', [], 'VideoSync', [], ... 'Tracking', [], 'TrackingEvents', [], 'PatientTrigger', [], 'Reconfig', []); NEV.Data.Spikes = struct('TimeStamp', [],'Electrode', [],... 'Unit', [],'Waveform', [], 'WaveformUnit', []); NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO = struct('InputType', [], 'TimeStamp', [],... 'TimeStampSec', [], 'Type', [], 'Value', [], 'InsertionReason', [], 'UnparsedData', []); NEV.Data.VideoSync = struct('TimeStamp', [], 'FileNumber', [], 'FrameNumber', [], 'ElapsedTime', [], 'SourceID', []); NEV.Data.Comments = struct('TimeStampStarted', [], 'TimeStampStartedSec', [], 'TimeStamp', [], 'TimeStampSec', [], 'CharSet', [], 'Text', []); NEV.Data.Tracking = []; NEV.Data.TrackingEvents = struct('TimeStamp', [], 'TimeStampSec', [], 'ROIName', [], 'ROINum', [], 'Event', [], 'Frame', []); NEV.Data.PatientTrigger = struct('TimeStamp', [], 'TriggerType', []); NEV.Data.Reconfig = struct('TimeStamp', [], 'ChangeType', [], 'CompName', [], 'ConfigChanged', []); Flags = struct; %% Check for multiple versions of openNEV in path if size(which('openNEV', '-ALL'),1) > 1 disp('WARNING: There are multiple openNEV functions in the path. Use which openNEV -ALL for more information.'); end %% Validating input arguments for i=1:length(varargin) switch lower(varargin{i}) case 'report' Flags.Report = varargin{i}; case 'noread' Flags.ReadData = varargin{i}; case 'nomultinsp' Flags.MultiNSP = varargin{i}; case 'read' Flags.ReadData = varargin{i}; case 'nosave' Flags.SaveFile = varargin{i}; case 'nomat' Flags.NoMAT = varargin{i}; case 'direct' Flags.Direct = varargin{i}; case 'nowarning' Flags.WarningStat = varargin{i}; case 'parse' Flags.ParseData = 'parse'; case 'uv' Flags.waveformUnits = 'uV'; case '8bits' Flags.digIOBits = '8bits'; case 'overwrite' Flags.Overwrite = 'overwrite'; case 'nooverwrite' Flags.Overwrite = 'nooverwrite'; otherwise temp = varargin{i}; if length(temp)>3 && ... (strcmpi(temp(3),'\') || ... strcmpi(temp(1),'/') || ... strcmpi(temp(2),'/') || ... strcmpi(temp(1:2), '\\') || ... strcmpi(temp(end-3), '.')) fileFullPath = varargin{i}; if exist(fileFullPath, 'file') ~= 2 disp('The file does not exist.'); varargout{1} = []; return; end elseif length(temp)>3 && strcmpi(temp(1:2),'t:') && ~strcmpi(temp(3), '\') && ~strcmpi(temp(3), '/') temp(1:2) = []; temp = str2num(temp); if length(temp) == 1 fprintf('Only one timepoint (%0.0f) was passed to the function.\n', temp); fprintf('The initial timepoint is set to 0, so data between 0 and %0.0f will be read.\n', temp); temp(2) = temp; temp(1) = 0; end readTime = [temp(1), temp(end)]; Flags.SaveFile = 'nosave'; Flags.NoMAT = 'nomat'; elseif (strncmp(temp, 'c:', 2) && temp(3) ~= '\' && temp(3) ~= '/') Flags.selChannels = str2num(temp(3:end)); %#ok else if ~isnumeric(varargin{i}) disp(['Invalid argument ''' varargin{i} ''' .']); else disp(['Invalid argument ''' num2str(varargin{i}) ''' .']); end clear variables; if nargout varargout{1} = []; end return; end clear temp; end end; clear i; %% Defining and validating variables if ~exist('fileFullPath', 'var') if exist('getFile.m', 'file') == 2 [fileName pathName] = getFile('*.nev;*.nevm', 'Choose a NEV file...'); else [fileName pathName] = uigetfile; end fileFullPath = [pathName fileName]; if fileFullPath==0; clear variables; if nargout varargout{1} = []; end disp('No file was selected.'); return end end [~, ~, fileExt] = fileparts(fileFullPath); %% Loading .x files for multiNSP configuration if strcmpi(fileExt(2:4), 'nev') && length(fileExt) == 5 fileFullPath(1) = fileFullPath(end); fileFullPath(end) = []; end if ~isfield(Flags, 'Report'); Flags.Report = 'noreport'; end if ~isfield(Flags, 'WarningStat'); Flags.WarningStat = 'warning'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'ReadData'); Flags.ReadData = 'read'; end if ~isfield(Flags, 'ParseData'); Flags.ParseData = 'noparse'; end if ~isfield(Flags, 'SaveFile'); Flags.SaveFile = 'save'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'NoMAT'); Flags.NoMAT = 'yesmat'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'waveformUnits'); Flags.waveformUnits = 'raw'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'digIOBits'); Flags.digIOBits = '16bits'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'Overwrite'); Flags.Overwrite = 'nooverwrite'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'MultiNSP'); Flags.MultiNSP = 'multinsp'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'selChannels'); Flags.selChannels = 'all'; end; if ~isfield(Flags, 'Direct'); Flags.Direct = 'nodirect'; end; if strcmpi(Flags.Report, 'report') disp(['openNEV ' NEV.MetaTags.openNEVver]); end syncShift = 0; % Check to see if 512 setup and calculate offset if strcmpi(Flags.MultiNSP, 'multinsp') fiveTwelveFlag = regexp(fileFullPath, '-i[0123]-'); if ~isempty(fiveTwelveFlag) syncShift = multiNSPSync(fileFullPath); else Flags.MultiNSP = 'no'; end end %% Validating existance of parseCommand if strcmpi(Flags.ParseData, 'parse') if exist('parseCommand.m', 'file') ~= 2 disp('This version of openNEV requires function parseCommand.m to be placed in path.'); clear variables; if nargout varargout{1} = []; end return; end end tic; matPath = [fileFullPath(1:end-4) '.mat']; %% Check for a MAT file and load that instead of NEV if exist(matPath, 'file') == 2 && strcmpi(Flags.NoMAT, 'yesmat') && strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp('MAT file corresponding to selected NEV file already exists. Loading MAT instead...'); load(matPath); NEV.MetaTags.FilePath = fileFullPath; if isempty(NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform) && strcmpi(Flags.ReadData, 'read') && strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp('The MAT file does not waveforms. Loading NEV instead...'); else NEV = killUnwantedChannels(NEV, Flags.selChannels); if ~nargout assignin('base', 'NEV', NEV); clear variables; else varargout{1} = NEV; end return; end end %% Reading BasicHeader information from file FID = fopen(fileFullPath, 'r', 'ieee-le'); BasicHeader = fread(FID, 336, '*uint8'); NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID = char(BasicHeader(1:8)'); NEV.MetaTags.FileSpec = [num2str(double(BasicHeader(9))) '.' num2str(double(BasicHeader(10)))]; NEV.MetaTags.Flags = dec2bin(double(typecast(BasicHeader(11:12), 'uint16')),16); Trackers.fExtendedHeader = double(typecast(BasicHeader(13:16), 'uint32')); NEV.MetaTags.HeaderOffset = Trackers.fExtendedHeader; Trackers.countPacketBytes = double(typecast(BasicHeader(17:20), 'uint32')); NEV.MetaTags.PacketBytes = Trackers.countPacketBytes; NEV.MetaTags.TimeRes = double(typecast(BasicHeader(21:24), 'uint32')); NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes = typecast(BasicHeader(25:28), 'uint32'); t = double(typecast(BasicHeader(29:44), 'uint16')); tempApp = BasicHeader(45:76)'; tempApp(find(tempApp == 0):end) = []; NEV.MetaTags.Application = char(tempApp); clear tempApp; NEV.MetaTags.Comment = char(BasicHeader(77:332)'); [NEV.MetaTags.FilePath, NEV.MetaTags.Filename, NEV.MetaTags.FileExt] = fileparts(fileFullPath); Trackers.countExtHeader = typecast(BasicHeader(333:336), 'uint32'); clear BasicHeader; if or(strcmpi(NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID, 'NEURALEV'), strcmpi(NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID, 'BREVENTS')) if exist([fileFullPath(1:end-8) '.sif'], 'file') == 2 METATAGS = textread([fileFullPath(1:end-8) '.sif'], '%s'); NEV.MetaTags.Subject = METATAGS{3}(5:end-5); NEV.MetaTags.Experimenter = [METATAGS{5}(8:end-8) ' ' METATAGS{6}(7:end-7)]; end end if ~any(strcmpi(NEV.MetaTags.FileSpec, {'2.1', '2.2', '2.3', '3.0'})) disp('Unknown filespec. Cannot open file.'); fclose FID; clear variables; if nargout varargout{1} = []; end return; end clear fileFullPath; %% Parsing and validating FileSpec and DateTime variables NEV.MetaTags.DateTimeRaw = t.'; NEV.MetaTags.DateTime = datestr(datenum(t(1), t(2), t(4), t(5), t(6), t(7))); clear t; %% Removing extra garbage characters from the Comment field. NEV.MetaTags.Comment(find(NEV.MetaTags.Comment==0,1):end) = 0; %% Recording after BasicHeader file position Trackers.fBasicHeader = ftell(FID); %#ok % Calculating the length of the data currentLocation = ftell(FID); fseek(FID, -Trackers.countPacketBytes, 'eof'); NEV.MetaTags.DataDuration = fread(FID, 1, 'uint32=>double'); NEV.MetaTags.DataDurationSec = double(NEV.MetaTags.DataDuration) / double(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes); fseek(FID, currentLocation, 'bof'); %% Reading ExtendedHeader information for ii=1:Trackers.countExtHeader ExtendedHeader = fread(FID, 32, '*uint8'); PacketID = char(ExtendedHeader(1:8)'); switch PacketID case 'ARRAYNME' NEV.ArrayInfo.ElectrodeName = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end)); case 'ECOMMENT' NEV.ArrayInfo.ArrayComment = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end)); case 'CCOMMENT' NEV.ArrayInfo.ArrayCommentCont = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end)); case 'MAPFILE' NEV.ArrayInfo.MapFile = char(ExtendedHeader(9:end)); case 'NEUEVWAV' ElectrodeID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10), 'uint16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).ElectrodeID = ElectrodeID; NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).ConnectorBank = char(ExtendedHeader(11)+64); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).ConnectorPin = ExtendedHeader(12); df = typecast(ExtendedHeader(13:14),'int16'); % This is a workaround for the DigitalFactor overflow in NEV % files. Remove once Central is updated if df == 21516 NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).DigitalFactor = 152592.547; else NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).DigitalFactor = df; end % End of workaround NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).EnergyThreshold = typecast(ExtendedHeader(15:16),'uint16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).HighThreshold = typecast(ExtendedHeader(17:18),'int16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).LowThreshold = typecast(ExtendedHeader(19:20),'int16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).Units = ExtendedHeader(21); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).WaveformBytes = ExtendedHeader(22); clear ElectrodeID; case 'NEUEVLBL' ElectrodeID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10), 'uint16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).ElectrodeLabel = char(ExtendedHeader(11:26)); clear ElectrodeID; case 'NEUEVFLT' ElectrodeID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10), 'uint16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).HighFreqCorner = typecast(ExtendedHeader(11:14),'uint32'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).HighFreqOrder = typecast(ExtendedHeader(15:18),'uint32'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).HighFilterType = typecast(ExtendedHeader(19:20),'uint16'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).LowFreqCorner = typecast(ExtendedHeader(21:24),'uint32'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).LowFreqOrder = typecast(ExtendedHeader(25:28),'uint32'); NEV.ElectrodesInfo(ElectrodeID).LowFilterType = typecast(ExtendedHeader(29:30),'uint16'); clear ElectrodeID; case 'DIGLABEL' Mode = ExtendedHeader(25); NEV.IOLabels{Mode+1} = char(ExtendedHeader(9:24).'); clear Mode; case 'NSASEXEV' %% Not implemented in the Cerebus firmware. %% Needs to be updated once implemented into the %% firmware by Blackrock Microsystems. NEV.NSAS.Freq = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10),'uint16'); NEV.NSAS.DigInputConf = char(ExtendedHeader(11)); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh1Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(12)); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh1Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(13:14),'uint16'); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh2Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(15)); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh2Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(16:17),'uint16'); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh3Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(18)); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh3Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(19:20),'uint16'); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh4Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(21)); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh4Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(22:23),'uint16'); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh5Conf = char(ExtendedHeader(24)); NEV.NSAS.AnalCh5Detect = typecast(ExtendedHeader(25:26),'uint16'); case 'VIDEOSYN' cnt = 1; if (isfield(NEV, 'VideoSyncInfo')) cnt = size(NEV.VideoSyncInfo, 2) + 1; end NEV.VideoSyncInfo(cnt).SourceID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10),'uint16'); NEV.VideoSyncInfo(cnt).SourceName = char(ExtendedHeader(11:26))'; NEV.VideoSyncInfo(cnt).FrameRateFPS = typecast(ExtendedHeader(27:30),'single')'; clear cnt; case 'TRACKOBJ' cnt = 1; if (isfield(NEV, 'ObjTrackInfo')) cnt = size(NEV.ObjTrackInfo, 2) + 1; end NEV.ObjTrackInfo(cnt).TrackableType = typecast(ExtendedHeader(9:10),'uint16'); NEV.ObjTrackInfo(cnt).TrackableID = typecast(ExtendedHeader(11:14), 'uint32'); NEV.ObjTrackInfo(cnt).TrackableName = char(ExtendedHeader(15:30))'; clear cnt; otherwise disp(['PacketID ' PacketID ' is invalid.']); disp('Please make sure this version of openNEV is compatible with your current NSP firmware.') fclose(FID); clear variables; if nargout varargout{1} = []; end return; end end NEV.MetaTags.ChannelID = [NEV.ElectrodesInfo.ElectrodeID]; clear ExtendedHeader PacketID ii; %% Recording after ExtendedHeader file position and calculating Data Length % and number of data packets fseek(FID, 0, 'eof'); Trackers.fData = ftell(FID); Trackers.countDataPacket = (Trackers.fData - Trackers.fExtendedHeader)/Trackers.countPacketBytes; NEV.MetaTags.PacketCount = Trackers.countDataPacket; %% Flags.UnparsedDigitalData = 0; %% Reading packet headers and digital values Timestamp = []; PacketIDs = []; tempClassOrReason = []; tempDigiVals = []; if NEV.MetaTags.PacketCount ~= 0 fseek(FID, Trackers.fExtendedHeader, 'bof'); if strcmpi(NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID, 'NEURALEV') tRawData = fread(FID, [10 Trackers.countDataPacket], '10*uint8=>uint8', Trackers.countPacketBytes - 10); Timestamp = tRawData(1:4,:); Timestamp = typecast(Timestamp(:), 'uint32').' + syncShift; timeStampBytes = 4; elseif strcmpi(NEV.MetaTags.FileTypeID, 'BREVENTS') tRawData = fread(FID, [14 Trackers.countDataPacket], '14*uint8=>uint8', Trackers.countPacketBytes - 14); Timestamp = tRawData(1:8,:); Timestamp = typecast(Timestamp(:), 'uint64').' + syncShift; timeStampBytes = 8; end %% Calculate the number of packets that need to be read based on the time input parameters if ~exist('readTime', 'var') Trackers.readPackets = [1, length(Timestamp)]; else [tmp,tempReadPackets] = find(Timestamp > readTime(1)*NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes,1,'first'); if ~isempty(tempReadPackets) Trackers.readPackets(1) = tempReadPackets; else Trackers.readPackets(1) = NaN; end if isnan(Trackers.readPackets(1)) fprintf('The file contains %0.2f seconds of data. The requested begining timestamp of %0.2f seconds is longer than the duration.\n', ... double(Timestamp(end))/double(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes), ... readTime(1)); clear variables; if nargout varargout{1} = []; end return; end [tmp,tempReadPackets] = find(Timestamp < readTime(2)*NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes,1,'last'); if ~isempty(tempReadPackets) if readTime(2)*NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes > Timestamp(end) fprintf('The file contains %0.2f seconds of data. The requested end duration of %0.2f seconds will be adjusted to %0.2f seconds.\n', ... double(Timestamp(end))/double(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes), ... readTime(2),... double(Timestamp(end))/double(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes)); end Trackers.readPackets(2) = tempReadPackets; else Trackers.readPackets(2) = NaN; end clear tmp, tempReadPackets; end PacketIDs = tRawData(timeStampBytes+1:timeStampBytes+2,Trackers.readPackets(1):Trackers.readPackets(2)); PacketIDs = typecast(PacketIDs(:), 'uint16').'; tempClassOrReason = uint8(tRawData(timeStampBytes+3,Trackers.readPackets(1):Trackers.readPackets(2))); if strcmpi(Flags.digIOBits, '16bits') tempDigiVals = tRawData(timeStampBytes+5:timeStampBytes+6,Trackers.readPackets(1):Trackers.readPackets(2)); tempDigiVals = typecast(tempDigiVals(:), 'uint16'); else tempDigiVals = uint16(tRawData(timeStampBytes+5,Trackers.readPackets(1):Trackers.readPackets(2))); end clear tRawData; else Trackers.readPackets = zeros(1,2); end %% Defining PacketID constants digserPacketID = 0; neuralIndicesPacketIDBounds = [1, 16384]; commentPacketID = 65535; videoSyncPacketID = 65534; trackingPacketID = 65533; patientTrigPacketID = 65532; logEventPacketID = 65531; reconfigPacketID = 65530; recEventPacketID = 65529; %% Parse read digital data. Please refer to help to learn about the proper % formatting if the data. digserIndices = find(PacketIDs == digserPacketID); neuralIndices = find(neuralIndicesPacketIDBounds(2) >= PacketIDs & PacketIDs >= neuralIndicesPacketIDBounds(1)); commentIndices = find(PacketIDs == commentPacketID); videoSyncPacketIDIndices = find(PacketIDs == videoSyncPacketID); trackingPacketIDIndices = find(PacketIDs == trackingPacketID); patientTrigPacketIDIndices = find(PacketIDs == patientTrigPacketID); logEventPacketIDIndices = find(PacketIDs == logEventPacketID); reconfigPacketIDIndices = find(PacketIDs == reconfigPacketID); recEventPacketIDIndices = find(PacketIDs == recEventPacketID); clear digserPacketID neuralIndicesPacketIDBounds commentPacketID ... videoSyncPacketID trackingPacketID patientTrigPacketID reconfigPacketID; digserTimestamp = Timestamp(digserIndices); NEV.Data.Spikes.TimeStamp = Timestamp(neuralIndices); NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode = PacketIDs(neuralIndices); clear PacketIDs; NEV.Data.Spikes.Unit = tempClassOrReason(neuralIndices); %clear neuralIndices; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.InsertionReason = tempClassOrReason(digserIndices); clear tempClassOrReason; DigiValues = tempDigiVals(digserIndices); clear tempDigiVals; %% Reads the waveforms if 'read' is passed to the function if strcmpi(Flags.ReadData, 'read') allExtraDataPacketIndices = [commentIndices, ... videoSyncPacketIDIndices, ... trackingPacketIDIndices, ... patientTrigPacketIDIndices, ... logEventPacketIDIndices,... reconfigPacketIDIndices,... recEventPacketIDIndices]; if ~isempty(allExtraDataPacketIndices) % if there is any extra packets fseek(FID, Trackers.fExtendedHeader, 'bof'); fseek(FID, (Trackers.readPackets(1)-1) * Trackers.countPacketBytes, 'cof'); tRawData = fread(FID, [Trackers.countPacketBytes Trackers.readPackets(2)], ... [num2str(Trackers.countPacketBytes) '*uint8=>uint8'], 0); if ~isempty(commentIndices) [NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStamp, orderOfTS] = sort(Timestamp(commentIndices)); NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampSec = double(NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStamp)/double(NEV.MetaTags.TimeRes); tempCharSet = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3, commentIndices); NEV.Data.Comments.CharSet = tempCharSet(orderOfTS); clear tempCharSet; colorFlag = tRawData(timeStampBytes+4, commentIndices); NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted = tRawData(timeStampBytes+5:timeStampBytes+8, commentIndices); tempTimeStampStarted = typecast(NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted(:), 'uint32').'; NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted = tempTimeStampStarted(orderOfTS); clear tempTimeStampStarted; tempText = char(tRawData(timeStampBytes+9:Trackers.countPacketBytes, commentIndices).'); NEV.Data.Comments.Text = tempText(orderOfTS,:); clear tempText; % Transferring NeuroMotive Events to its own structure neuroMotiveEvents = find(NEV.Data.Comments.CharSet == 255); NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.TimeStamp = NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStamp(neuroMotiveEvents); NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.TimeStampSec = double(NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.TimeStamp)/double(NEV.MetaTags.TimeRes); % Parsing NeuroMotive Events events = NEV.Data.Comments.Text(neuroMotiveEvents,:); for idx = 1:size(events,1) splitEvent = strsplit(events(idx,:), ':'); NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.ROIName{idx} = splitEvent{1}; NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.ROINum(idx) = str2double(splitEvent{2}); NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.Event{idx} = splitEvent{3}; NEV.Data.TrackingEvents.Frame(idx) = str2double(splitEvent{4}); end NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStamp(neuroMotiveEvents) = []; NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampSec(neuroMotiveEvents) = []; NEV.Data.Comments.CharSet(neuroMotiveEvents) = []; NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted(neuroMotiveEvents) = []; NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStartedSec = double(NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted)/double(NEV.MetaTags.TimeRes); NEV.Data.Comments.Text(neuroMotiveEvents,:) = []; colorFlag(neuroMotiveEvents) = []; % Figuring out the text color of the comments that had color NEV.Data.Comments.Color = dec2hex(NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted); NEV.Data.Comments.Color(colorFlag == 1,:) = repmat('0', size(NEV.Data.Comments.Color(colorFlag == 1,:))); NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStampStarted(colorFlag == 0) = NEV.Data.Comments.TimeStamp(colorFlag == 0); clear commentIndices; end if ~isempty(videoSyncPacketIDIndices) NEV.Data.VideoSync.TimeStamp = Timestamp(videoSyncPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.VideoSync.FileNumber = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3:timeStampBytes+4, videoSyncPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.VideoSync.FileNumber = typecast(NEV.Data.VideoSync.FileNumber(:), 'uint16').'; NEV.Data.VideoSync.FrameNumber = tRawData(timeStampBytes+5:timeStampBytes+8, videoSyncPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.VideoSync.FrameNumber = typecast(NEV.Data.VideoSync.FrameNumber(:), 'uint32').'; NEV.Data.VideoSync.ElapsedTime = tRawData(timeStampBytes+9:timeStampBytes+12, videoSyncPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.VideoSync.ElapsedTime = typecast(NEV.Data.VideoSync.ElapsedTime(:), 'uint32').'; NEV.Data.VideoSync.SourceID = tRawData(timeStampBytes+13:timeStampBytes+16, videoSyncPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.VideoSync.SourceID = typecast(NEV.Data.VideoSync.SourceID(:), 'uint32').'; clear videoSyncPacketIDIndices; end if ~isempty(trackingPacketIDIndices) tmp.TimeStamp = Timestamp(trackingPacketIDIndices); tmp.TimeStampSec = double(tmp.TimeStamp)/30000; % This portion is commented out because it does not contain any % information as of yet. tmp.ParentID = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3:timeStampBytes+4, trackingPacketIDIndices); tmp.ParentID = typecast(tmp.ParentID(:), 'uint16').'; tmp.NodeID = tRawData(timeStampBytes+5:timeStampBytes+6, trackingPacketIDIndices); tmp.NodeID = typecast(tmp.NodeID(:), 'uint16').'; tmp.NodeCount = tRawData(timeStampBytes+7:timeStampBytes+8, trackingPacketIDIndices); tmp.NodeCount = typecast(tmp.NodeCount(:), 'uint16').'; tmp.MarkerCount = tRawData(timeStampBytes+9:timeStampBytes+10, trackingPacketIDIndices); tmp.MarkerCount = typecast(tmp.MarkerCount(:), 'uint16').'; tmp.rigidBodyPoints = tRawData(timeStampBytes+11:NEV.MetaTags.PacketBytes, trackingPacketIDIndices); tmp.rigidBodyPoints = reshape(typecast(tmp.rigidBodyPoints(:), 'uint16'), size(tmp.rigidBodyPoints, 1)/2, size(tmp.rigidBodyPoints, 2)); if (isfield(NEV, 'ObjTrackInfo')) for IDX = 1:size(NEV.ObjTrackInfo,2) emptyChar = find(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName == 0, 1); NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName(emptyChar:end) = []; if ~(~isempty(strfind(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName, '1')) || ... ~isempty(strfind(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName, '2')) || ... ~isempty(strfind(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName, '3')) || ... ~isempty(strfind(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName, '4'))) nameLength = min(length(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX-1).TrackableName(1:end-1)), length(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName(1:end-1))); if ~strcmpi(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX-1).TrackableName(1:nameLength-1), NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName(1:nameLength-1)) objectIndex = 1; else objectIndex = objectIndex + 1; end NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName(emptyChar) = num2str(objectIndex); end indicesOfEvent = find(tmp.NodeID == IDX-1); if ~isempty(indicesOfEvent) NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).TimeStamp = tmp.TimeStamp(indicesOfEvent); NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).TimeStampSec = tmp.TimeStampSec(indicesOfEvent); NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).ParentID = tmp.ParentID(indicesOfEvent); NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).NodeCount = tmp.NodeCount(indicesOfEvent); NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCount = tmp.MarkerCount(indicesOfEvent); NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCoordinates(size(NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).TimeStamp,2)).X = []; NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCoordinates(size(NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).TimeStamp,2)).X = []; for xyIDX = 1:size(NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).TimeStamp,2) NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCoordinates(xyIDX).X = ... tmp.rigidBodyPoints(1:2:NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCount(xyIDX)*2, indicesOfEvent(xyIDX)); NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCoordinates(xyIDX).Y = ... tmp.rigidBodyPoints(2:2:NEV.Data.Tracking.(NEV.ObjTrackInfo(IDX).TrackableName).MarkerCount(xyIDX)*2, indicesOfEvent(xyIDX)); end end end end clear trackingPacketIDIndices tmp; end if ~isempty(patientTrigPacketIDIndices) NEV.Data.PatientTrigger.TimeStamp = Timestamp(patientTrigPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.PatientTrigger.TriggerType = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3:timeStampBytes+4, patientTrigPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.PatientTrigger.TriggerType = typecast(NEV.Data.PatientTrigger.TriggerType(:), 'uint16').'; clear patientTrigPacketIDIndices; end if ~isempty(reconfigPacketIDIndices) NEV.Data.Reconfig.TimeStamp = Timestamp(reconfigPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.Reconfig.ChangeType = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3:timeStampBytes+4, reconfigPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.Reconfig.ChangeType = typecast(NEV.Data.Reconfig.ChangeType(:), 'uint16').'; NEV.Data.Reconfig.CompName = char(tRawData(timeStampBytes+5:timeStampBytes+20, reconfigPacketIDIndices)); NEV.Data.Reconfig.ConfigChanged = char(tRawData(timeStampBytes+21:Trackers.countPacketBytes, reconfigPacketIDIndices)); clear reconfigPacketIDIndices; end if ~isempty(logEventPacketIDIndices) NEV.Data.LogEvent.TimeStamp = Timestamp(logEventPacketIDIndices); tmp.Mode = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3:timeStampBytes+4, logEventPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.LogEvent.Mode = typecast(tmp.Mode(:), 'uint16').'; NEV.Data.LogEvent.Application = char(tRawData(timeStampBytes+5:timeStampBytes+20, logEventPacketIDIndices).'); end if ~isempty(recEventPacketIDIndices) NEV.Data.RecordingEvents.TimeStamp = Timestamp(recEventPacketIDIndices); tmp.EventCode = tRawData(timeStampBytes+3:timeStampBytes+4, recEventPacketIDIndices); NEV.Data.RecordingEvents.EventCode = typecast(tmp.EventCode(:), 'uint16').'; end end % end if ~isempty(allExtraDataPacketIndices) clear Timestamp tRawData count idx; % now read waveform fseek(FID, Trackers.fExtendedHeader + 12, 'bof'); % Seek to location of spikes fseek(FID, (Trackers.readPackets(1)-1) * Trackers.countPacketBytes, 'cof'); NEV.Data.Spikes.WaveformUnit = Flags.waveformUnits; NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform = fread(FID, [(Trackers.countPacketBytes-12)/2 Trackers.readPackets(2)], ... [num2str((Trackers.countPacketBytes-12)/2) '*int16=>int16'], 12); NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform(:, [digserIndices allExtraDataPacketIndices]) = []; clear allExtraDataPacketIndices; if strcmpi(Flags.waveformUnits, 'uv') elecDigiFactors = double(1000./[NEV.ElectrodesInfo(NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode).DigitalFactor]); NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform = bsxfun(@rdivide, double(NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform), elecDigiFactors); if strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') fprintf(1,'\nThe spike waveforms are in unit of uV.\n'); fprintf(2,'WARNING: This conversion may lead to loss of information.'); fprintf(1,'\nRefer to help for more information.\n'); end end end clear digserIndices; %% Parse digital data if requested if ~isempty(DigiValues) if strcmpi(Flags.ParseData, 'parse') try DigiValues = char(DigiValues); Inputs = {'Digital'; 'AnCh1'; 'AnCh2'; 'AnCh3'; 'AnCh4'; 'AnCh5'; 'PerSamp'; 'Serial'}; AsteriskIndices = find(DigiValues == '*'); DataBegTimestamp = digserTimestamp(AsteriskIndices); splitDigiValues = regexp(DigiValues(2:end), '*', 'split')'; for idx = 1:length(splitDigiValues) try if isempty(find(splitDigiValues{idx} == ':', 1)) splitDigiValues{idx}(find(splitDigiValues{idx} == '#')) = []; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Value = splitDigiValues{idx}; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Type = 'Marker'; else [tempParsedCommand error] = parseCommand(splitDigiValues{idx}); if ~error pcFields = fields(tempParsedCommand); NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Value = splitDigiValues{idx}; for fidx = 1:length(pcFields) NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).(pcFields{fidx}) = tempParsedCommand.(pcFields{fidx}); end else NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Value = splitDigiValues{idx}; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(idx).Type = 'UnparsedData'; Flags.UnparsedDigitalData = 1; end end catch disp(['Error parsing: ' splitDigiValues{idx}]); disp('Please refer to the help for more information on how to properly format the digital data for parsing.'); end end % Populate the NEV structure with Timestamp and inputtypes for the % digital data if ~isempty(DataBegTimestamp) c = num2cell(DataBegTimestamp); [NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO(1:length(NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO)).TimeStamp] = deal(c{1:end}); c = num2cell(DataBegTimestamp/NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes); [NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStampSec] = deal(c{1:end}); c = {Inputs{NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.InsertionReason(AsteriskIndices)}}; [NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.InputType] = deal(c{1:end}); end clear Inputs DigiValues digserTimestamp; catch disp(lasterr); disp('An error occured during reading digital data. This is due to a problem with formatting digital data.'); disp('Refer to help ''help openNEV'' for more information on how to properly format the digital data.'); disp('Try using openNEV with ''noparse'', i.e. openNEV(''noparse'').'); end else NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStamp = digserTimestamp; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStampSec = double(digserTimestamp)/30000; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData = DigiValues; if strcmpi(Flags.Direct, 'direct') % Finding the members that have bit 16 as the strobe high DShighs = find(NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData >= bin2dec('1000000000000000')); uniqueDShighs = DShighs([1; find(diff(DShighs)>1)+1]); DShighUniqueBin = dec2bin(NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData(uniqueDShighs)); DShighUniqueDec = bin2dec(DShighUniqueBin(:,2:16)); % Removing the non-strobed-high values from SerialDigitalIO extraMembers = setxor(uniqueDShighs, 1:length(NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData)); NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStamp(extraMembers) = []; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.TimeStampSec(extraMembers) = []; NEV.Data.SerialDigitalIO.UnparsedData = DShighUniqueDec; clear DShighs DShighUniqueBin DShighUniqueDec extraMembers; end clear digserTimestamp DigiValues end else if strcmpi(Flags.ReadData, 'read') if strcmpi(Flags.Report, 'report') disp('No digital data to read.'); end end end if strcmpi(Flags.ParseData, 'parse') if Flags.UnparsedDigitalData && strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') fprintf(2, 'WARNING: The NEV file contains unparsed digital data.\n'); end end %% Show a report if 'report' is passed as an argument if strcmpi(Flags.Report, 'report') % Displaying report disp( '*** FILE INFO **************************'); disp(['File Name = ' NEV.MetaTags.Filename]); disp(['Filespec = ' NEV.MetaTags.FileSpec]); disp(['Data Duration (min) = ' num2str(round(NEV.MetaTags.DataDuration/NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes/60))]); disp(['Packet Counts = ' num2str(Trackers.countDataPacket)]); disp(' '); disp( '*** BASIC HEADER ***********************'); disp(['Sample Resolution = ' num2str(NEV.MetaTags.SampleRes)]); disp(['Date and Time = ' NEV.MetaTags.DateTime]); disp(['Comment = ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(1:64) ]); disp([' ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(65:128) ]); disp([' ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(129:192)]); disp([' ' NEV.MetaTags.Comment(193:256)]); disp(['The load time was for NEV file was ' num2str(toc, '%0.1f') ' seconds.']); end %% Saving the NEV structure as a MAT file for easy access if strcmpi(Flags.SaveFile, 'save') if exist(matPath, 'file') == 2 && strcmpi(Flags.Overwrite, 'nooverwrite') if strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp(['File ' matPath ' already exists.']); overWrite = input('Would you like to overwrite (Y/N)? ', 's'); else overWrite = 'n'; end if strcmpi(overWrite, 'y') if strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp('Saving MAT file. This may take a few seconds...'); end save(matPath, 'NEV', '-v7.3'); else if strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp('File was not overwritten.'); end end elseif exist(matPath, 'file') == 2 && strcmpi(Flags.Overwrite, 'overwrite') if strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp(['File ' matPath ' already exists.']); disp('Overwriting the old MAT file. This may take a few seconds...'); end save(matPath, 'NEV', '-v7.3'); else if strcmpi(Flags.WarningStat, 'warning') disp('Saving MAT file. This may take a few seconds...'); end save(matPath, 'NEV', '-v7.3'); end clear overWrite; end NEV = killUnwantedChannels(NEV, Flags.selChannels); if ~nargout assignin('base', 'NEV', NEV); else varargout{1} = NEV; end fclose(FID); clear Flags Trackers FID matPath; function NEV = killUnwantedChannels(NEV, selectedChannels) if ~strcmpi(selectedChannels, 'all') if any(selectedChannels < 1) disp('Invalid channel. Channels cannot be 0 or negative values. Channel selection ignored.'); else uniqueChannels = unique(NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode); if ~isempty(setdiff(selectedChannels, uniqueChannels)) disp('Some of the selected channels in c:xxx command are not in the data file. These will not be loaded.') end unWantedChannels = setdiff(uniqueChannels, selectedChannels); for idx = 1:length(unWantedChannels) NEV.Data.Spikes.Waveform(:, NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode == unWantedChannels(idx)) = []; NEV.Data.Spikes.Unit(NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode == unWantedChannels(idx)) = []; NEV.Data.Spikes.TimeStamp(NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode == unWantedChannels(idx)) = []; NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode(NEV.Data.Spikes.Electrode == unWantedChannels(idx)) = []; end end end