function [SortedStruct, SortedIndeces] = sortNEV(STRUCT, field, TestValue, Report) % This function extracts information out of a structure based on the field % values. The outputs can be the sorted structure and the indeces of those % extracted fields. % % Use [SortedStruct, SortedIndeces] = sortNEV(STRUCT, field, TestValue, Report) % % STRUCT: The structure to be used for extraction. % % field: The field in STRUCT that is set as criteria for extraction. % This parameter is optional. If not passed, the function % will prompt the user to provide the name of the field. % % TestValue: The value that "field" needs to be equal to in order to % get extracted. % This parameter is optional. If not passed, the function % will prompt the user to provide the value. % % Report: If this flag is set to 1 the function will show a short % summary of the data that was processed. % This parametere is optional. % DEFAULT: will not show report. % % OUTPUT % % SortedStruct: The sorted structure output. % % SortedIndeces: The indeces to the sorted elements. % % Example: % % [NewStruct, Indeces] = sortNEV(MainStruct, 'TestField', 3, 1); % % In the example above, the MainStruct is the structure containing all % elements. The function will search through MainStruct and extract all % elements that have their 'TestField' field set to '3'. It will also % show a report of how many elemenets were processed and how many were % extracted. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems % % Version %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Validates all passed on parameters and will prompt user for any missing % parameter. if ~exist('field', 'var') field = input('What is the name of the field of interest? '); end while ~isfield(STRUCT, field) display('The field name does not exist. Try again.'); field = input('What is the name of the field of interest? '); end if ~exist('TestValue', 'var') TestValue = input('What value does the field need to be equal to (string format)? '); end if ~exist('Report', 'var') Report = 0; end %% Searches through the structure to extract the elements of interest. SortedIndeces = NaN(1,length(STRUCT)); if isa(TestValue, 'double') % display(['Please verify to make sure the field ' field ' does not contain any [] data or the sort will not be successful.']) for strIDX = 1:length(STRUCT) if find(STRUCT(strIDX).(field) == TestValue) SortedIndeces(strIDX) = 1; else SortedIndeces(strIDX) = 0; end end SortedStruct = STRUCT(find(SortedIndeces==1)); else for strIDX = 1:length(STRUCT) if strcmpi(STRUCT(strIDX).(field), TestValue) SortedIndeces(strIDX) = 1; else SortedIndeces(strIDX) = 0; end end SortedStruct = STRUCT(find(SortedIndeces==1)); end %% Will define as an empty structure of no instances were found. if ~exist('SortedStruct', 'var') display('No instances found.'); SortedStruct = struct([]); else %% If the flag is set, it will show a report of how many files were % processed. if Report == 1 if isempty(SortedStruct) display('No instances found.'); else display([num2str(length(SortedStruct)) ' many instances were found and extracted.']); end end %% Will force the function to send an output argument to the caller % environment. if (nargout == 0) assignin('caller', 'SortedStruct', SortedStruct); end end