classdef KTUEAImpedanceFile % Plots a graphical representation of the impedance data collected by % Cerebus and saved in a text file. % % Usage: % % plotImpedances(mapfile) % % WHERE: % % mapfile: Is the mapfile structure obtained with mapfileLoader % function that maps the electrodes to channel numbers. If % mapfile is not provided then a default map will be used. % % To see a list of methods type methods(plotImpedances). % % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems % Version 1.1.0 % % Ideas borrowed from Sergey Stavisky, The BrainGate Project properties (Hidden, SetAccess = private, GetAccess = private) chanCount = 96; impedanceDataValues = NaN(1, 96); Mapfile fileHandle pathHandle end methods(Hidden) function obj = KTUEAImpedanceFile(Mapfile) if ~exist('Mapfile', 'var') obj.Mapfile = KTUEAMapFile; else obj.Mapfile = Mapfile; end if ~obj.Mapfile.isValid; return; end; if exist('getFile.m', 'file') == 2 [obj.fileHandle obj.pathHandle] = getFile('*.txt', 'Open an impedance file...'); else [obj.fileHandle obj.pathHandle] = uigetfile('*.txt', 'Open an impedance file...'); end if ~obj.fileHandle; disp('No file was selected.'); return; end; impedanceDataCell = importdata([obj.pathHandle obj.fileHandle], ' ', 200); impedanceDataCell(1:9) = []; impedanceDataCell(97:end) = []; impedanceDataCellParsed = regexp(impedanceDataCell, '\t', 'split'); for i = 1:size(impedanceDataCellParsed, 1) impedanceSingleCell = impedanceDataCellParsed{i,:}(2); impedanceSingleText = impedanceSingleCell{:}; obj.impedanceDataValues(i) = str2double(impedanceSingleText(1:end-4)); end end end methods function FilePath = PathName(obj) FilePath = obj.pathHandle; end function FileName = Filename(obj) FileName = obj.fileHandle; end function validFlag = isValid(obj) if any(isnan(obj.getChannelImpedances)) validFlag = 0; else validFlag = 1; end end function impedanceDataValues = getImpedances(obj) impedanceDataValues = obj.impedanceDataValues; end function impedanceDataValue = getChannelImpedance(obj, chanNum) if ~exist('chanNum', 'var') disp('Channel number is a required argument.'); return; end impedanceDataValue = obj.impedanceDataValues(chanNum); end function analyzedStat = getImpedanceMean(obj) analyzedStat = mean(obj.impedanceDataValues); end function analyzedStat = getImpedanceMedian(obj) analyzedStat = median(obj.impedanceDataValues); end function analyzedStat = getImpedanceRange(obj) analyzedStat = obj.getImpedanceMax-obj.getImpedanceMin; end function analyzedStat = getImpedanceSTD(obj) analyzedStat = std(obj.impedanceDataValues); end function analyzedStat = getImpedance975Perc(obj) sortedImpedances = sort(obj.impedanceDataValues, 'ascend'); analyzedStat = sortedImpedances(round(obj.chanCount*0.975)); end function analyzedStat = getImpedance750Perc(obj) sortedImpedances = sort(obj.impedanceDataValues, 'ascend'); analyzedStat = sortedImpedances(round(obj.chanCount*0.75)); end function analyzedStat = getImpedance250Perc(obj) sortedImpedances = sort(obj.impedanceDataValues, 'ascend'); analyzedStat = sortedImpedances(round(obj.chanCount*0.25)); end function analyzedStat = getImpedance25Perc(obj) sortedImpedances = sort(obj.impedanceDataValues, 'ascend'); analyzedStat = sortedImpedances(round(obj.chanCount*0.025)); end function analyzedStat = getImpedanceMin(obj) analyzedStat = min(obj.impedanceDataValues); end function analyzedStat = getImpedanceMax(obj) analyzedStat = max(obj.impedanceDataValues); end function plotStatistics(obj) figure('Name', 'Array Statistics'); title('Array Impedance Values Statistics'); set(gcf, 'Position', [657 540 288 287]); axis off; text(0,0.9, 'Mean'); text(0.6,0.9, num2str(obj.getImpedanceMean, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.8, 'Median'); text(0.6,0.8, num2str(obj.getImpedanceMean, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.7, 'Range'); text(0.6,0.7, num2str(obj.getImpedanceRange, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.6, 'STD'); text(0.6,0.6, num2str(obj.getImpedanceSTD, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.5, '97.5th Percentile'); text(0.6,0.5, num2str(obj.getImpedance975Perc, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.4, '75th Percentile'); text(0.6,0.4, num2str(obj.getImpedance750Perc, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.3, '25th Percentile'); text(0.6,0.3, num2str(obj.getImpedance250Perc, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.2, '2.5th Percentile'); text(0.6,0.2, num2str(obj.getImpedance25Perc, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.1, 'Min'); text(0.6,0.1, num2str(obj.getImpedanceMin, '%5.1f')); text(0,0.0, 'Max'); text(0.6,0.0, num2str(obj.getImpedanceMax, '%5.1f')); end function plotHistogram(obj, binCount, maxRange) if ~exist('binCount', 'var') binCount = 20; end if ~exist('maxRange', 'var') if max(obj.impedanceDataValues) > 10000 maxRange = 10000; else maxRange = max(obj.impedanceDataValues); end end hist(obj.impedanceDataValues, min(obj.impedanceDataValues):... maxRange/binCount:... maxRange,1); title('Impedance Values Histogram'); xlabel('Impedance Values (kOhm)'); ylabel('Impedance Occurances'); end function plotBoxPlot(obj, boxStyle) if ~exist('boxStyle', 'var'); boxStyle = 'traditional'; end sortedImpedances = sort(obj.impedanceDataValues); boxplot(obj.impedanceDataValues); title(['Box Plot (' boxStyle ')']); ylabel('Impedance Values (kOhm)'); set(gca, 'xTickLabel', ' '); xlim([0.9, 1.1]); set(gcf, 'Position', [632 356 235 398]); end function plotImpedances(obj, yelThreshold, redThreshold) if ~exist('yelThreshold', 'var') yelThreshold = 100; end if ~exist('redThreshold', 'var') redThreshold = 800; end plotFigure = KTFigure; plotFigure.EnlargeFigure; plotFigure.MakeBackgroundWhite; hold on; for channelIDX = 1:obj.chanCount if obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX) > redThreshold spColor = [1,0,0]; fColor = [1,1,1]; elseif obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX) < redThreshold && obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX) > yelThreshold spColor = [0,0,0]; fColor = [1,1,1]; elseif obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX) < yelThreshold spColor = [1,1,0]; fColor = [0,0,0]; end obj.Mapfile.GenerateChannelSubplot(channelIDX); obj.Mapfile.GenerateChannelSubplotNames(channelIDX, fColor); text(0.05, 0.7, [num2str(obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX)) ' kOhm'], 'Color', fColor, 'FontSize', 10, 'FontWeight', 'bold'); axis on; obj.Mapfile.setAxisBackgroundColor(spColor); obj.Mapfile.setAxesColor(spColor); end hold off; plotFigure.ShowFigure; end function plotImpedancesColorBackground(obj) for channelIDX = 1:obj.chanCount obj.Mapfile.GenerateChannelSubplot(channelIDX); axis on; obj.Mapfile.setAxisBackgroundColor([0,obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX)/max(max(obj.impedanceDataValues)),0]); end end function plotImpedancesComparison(obj) changeThreshold = 0.2; yelThreshold = 100; secImpedanceFile = KTUEAImpedanceFile(obj.Mapfile); secImpedanceValues = secImpedanceFile.getChannelImpedances; plotFigure = KTFigure; plotFigure.EnlargeFigure; plotFigure.MakeBackgroundWhite; hold on; for channelIDX = 1:obj.chanCount percentChange = (obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX) - secImpedanceValues(channelIDX))/obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX); if abs(percentChange) > changeThreshold && percentChange > 0 % Lime Green -- If impedance is increased by more % than threshold. if abs(percentChange) > 2 * changeThreshold spColor = [34,139,34] ./255; fColor = [1,1,1]; else spColor = [154,205,50] ./255; fColor = [0,0,0]; end elseif abs(percentChange) > changeThreshold && percentChange < 0 % Chocolate orange -- If impedance is dropped by more % than threshold. if abs(percentChange) > 2 * changeThreshold spColor = [210,105,30] ./255; fColor = [1,1,1]; else spColor = [245,222,179] ./255; fColor = [0,0,0]; end else % Honeydew -- If threshold change is less than % threshold. spColor = [240,255,240] ./255; fColor = [0,0,0]; end obj.Mapfile.GenerateChannelSubplot(channelIDX); patchHandle = patch([0.5, 0.5, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 1], spColor); obj.Mapfile.GenerateChannelSubplotNames(channelIDX, fColor); text(0.05, 0.7, ['1: ' num2str(obj.impedanceDataValues(channelIDX)) ' kOhm'], 'Color', fColor, 'FontSize', 10, 'FontWeight', 'bold'); text(0.05, 0.5, ['2: ' num2str(secImpedanceValues(channelIDX)) ' kOhm'], 'Color', fColor, 'FontSize', 10, 'FontWeight', 'bold'); end hold off; plotFigure.ShowFigure; end end end