classdef KTNSPOnline % UEAMAPFILE -- Defines a class that contains information on a UEA % electrode array using CMP files provided by Blackrock Microsystems. % % To load a CMP file type 'MapName = UEAMapFile' where MapName is the name % of the variable that will be created and will contain the map class. % % Example: myArrayMap = UEAMapFile; % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % METHODS: % % There are several available methods for mapfiles. Here's a list and a % description of what they perform. % % Electrode2Channel(Electrode): % Will return the Channel number corresponding to a passed Electrode. % % Channel2Electrode(Channel): % Will return the Electrode number corresponding to a passed Channel. % % GetChannelBankID(Channel): % Returns the BankID for a passed Channel. % % GetChannelPin(Channel): % Returns the Pin for a passed Channel. % % GetChannelLabel(Channel): % Returns the Label for a passed Channel. % % GenerateChannelSubplot(Channel): % Returns a subplot handle for the passed Channel to be used in plotting % UEA-like maps. % % GenerateChannelSubplotNames(Channel): % Plots the names of channels and electrodes on the subplot corresponding % to the passed Channel. % % GetChannelColumnRow(Channel): % Returns the Column and Row positions of the passed number that is used % to plot UEA-like maps. % % PlotCMP: % Will plot a map of the CMP Map with all the electrode and channel % names. % % Kian Torab % % Version %% properties (Hidden) NSPHandle dataCollectionFlag contCollection allSpikeData allLFPData end methods (Hidden) function obj = KTNSPOnline disp('Initializing NSP Connection...'); try cbmex('open'); catch fprintf(2,'Error connecting to NSP... Please make sure the NSP or nPlayServer is running and try again.\n'); return; end obj.contCollection = 0; obj.dataCollectionFlag = 0; obj.dataCollectionStart; end end methods %% NSP Interface Mthods function closeConnection(obj) cbmex('close'); end function openConnection(obj) cbmex('open'); end function NSPTime = getNSPTimeSeconds(obj) NSPTime = cbmex('time'); end function NSPTime = getNSPTimeSamples(obj) NSPTime = cbmex('time') * 30000; end %% Data Recording Methods function recordingStart(obj, fileName, userComment) if ~exist('userComment', 'var') userComment = 'KTNSPOnline triggered.'; end if ~exist('fileName', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('Filename is a required parameter.'); else cbmex('fileconfig', fileName, userComment, 1); pause(0.1); cbmex('fileconfig', fileName, userComment, 1); end end function recordingStop(obj) cbmex('fileconfig', '', '', 0); end %% Output Methods function sendNSPComment(obj, comment) if ischar(comment) cbmex('comment', 0, comment); else fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('The comment should be an ASCII string.'); end end function sendNSPMarker(obj, markerValue) if isnumeric(markerValue) && markerValue <= 255 cbmex('comment', markerValue); else fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('The marker value should be a number less than 255.'); end end function setDigOutTTLHigh(obj, digOutPortNum) digOutPortNum = digOutPortNum + 152; cbmex('digitalout', digOutPortNum, 1); end function setDigOutTTLLow(obj, digOutPortNum) digOutPortNum = digOutPortNum + 152; cbmex('digitalout', digOutPortNum, 0); end function setDigOutPulse(obj, digOutPortNum, pulseCount, frequency, pulseWidth) if ~exist('digOutPortNum', 'var') || ... ~exist('pulseCount', 'var') || ... ~exist('frequency', 'var') || ... ~exist('pulseWidth', 'var') fprintf(2,'The function requires the following inputs:\n'); disp('1. Digital Output (digOutPortNum): The digital out port to be triggered.'); disp('2. Pulse Count (pulseCount): The number of pulses to be sent out of digital out.'); disp('3. Frequency (frequency): The frequency of the output signal.'); disp('4. Pulse Width (pulseWidth): The width of the output TTL pulse.'); disp('Example: object.setDigOutPulse(1, 10, 100, 0.01);'); else digOutPortNum = digOutPortNum + 152; for idx = 1:pulseCount cbmex('digitalout', digOutPortNum, 1); pause(pulseWidth); cbmex('digitalout', digOutPortNum, 0); pause(1/frequency - pulseWidth); end end end function setAnaOutPulse(obj, anaOutPortNum, pulseCount, frequency, pulseWidth) if ~exist('anaOutPortNum', 'var') || ... ~exist('pulseCount', 'var') || ... ~exist('frequency', 'var') || ... ~exist('pulseWidth', 'var') fprintf(2,'The function requires the following inputs:\n'); disp('1. Analog Output (anaOutPortNum): The analog out port to be triggered.'); disp('2. Pulse Count (pulseCount): The number of pulses to be sent out of analog out.'); disp('3. Frequency (frequency): The frequency of the output signal.'); disp('4. Pulse Width (pulseWidth): The width of the output TTL pulse in milliseconds.'); disp('Example: object.setAnaOutPulse(1, 10, 100, 0.01);'); else anaOutPortNum = anaOutPortNum + 144; cbmex('analogout', anaOutPortNum, 'pulses', [pulseCount 0 pulseWidth pulseWidth 4000 0 0 0], 'ms', 'mv') end end %% Data Collection Methods % function status = dataCollectionIsActive(obj) % try % activeFlag = cbmex('trialdata', 1) % catch % status = 0; % disp('Data collection is not active.'); % return; % end % disp('Data is currently being collected...'); % status = 1; % end function status = dataCollectionStart(BA) % if ~BA.dataCollectionIsActive disp('Starting to collect data now...'); cbmex('trialconfig', 1); % end % BA.dataCollectionFlag = 1; end function dataCollectionStop(obj) % if obj.dataCollectionIsActive disp('Data collection is now stopped.'); cbmex('trialconfig', 0); % end % obj.dataCollectionFlag = 0; end % function dataCollectionSetContActive(obj) % disp('Continuous data collection is now active.'); % fprintf(2, 'Do not change any channel sampling frequency while continuous data collection is active.\n'); % obj.ContCollection = 1; % end function [spikeData, startTime, LFPData] = dataCollectionReadBuffer(obj) try [spikeData, startTime, LFPData] = cbmex('trialdata', 1); catch fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('Data collection is not active.'); disp('Use dataCollectionStart method to start locating.'); end % if obj.contCollection % numChannelsRead = size(LFPData,1); % if isempty(obj.allLFPData) % obj.allLFPData = LFPData; % else % for idx = 1:numChannelsRead % obj.allLFPData{idx, 3} = [obj.allLFPData{idx, 3}; LFPData{idx, 3}]; % end % end % end end % function data = getDataLFPContinuous(obj) % data = obj.allLFPData; % end %% Detection Methods function spikedChannels = detectChannelsFired(obj, units) if ~exist('units', 'var') units = 1:5; end spikeData = dataCollectionReadBuffer(obj); spikeData(:,1) = []; spikedChannels = ~cellfun(@isempty, spikeData(:,units)); end function fireFlag = detectChannelUnitFiredAny(obj, channels, units) if ~exist('units', 'var') units = 1:5; end spikedChannels = obj.detectChannelsFired(units); fireFlag = any(any(spikedChannels(channels, units))); end function fireFlag = detectChannelUnitFiredAll(obj, channels, units) if ~exist('units', 'var') units = 1:5; end spikedChannels = obj.detectChannelsFired(units); fireFlag = all(all(spikedChannels(channels, units))); end function fireFlag = detectWhenChannelUnitFiredAny(obj, channels, units, timeWindow) fireFlag = 0; if ~exist('units', 'var') units = 1:5; end if ~exist('timeWindow', 'var') timeWindow = 0.02; end while ~fireFlag pause(timeWindow); fireFlag = detectChannelUnitFiredAny(obj, channels, units); end end % function fireFlag = detectWhenChannelUnitFiredAll(obj, channels, units, timeWindow) % fireFlag = 0; % if ~exist('units', 'var') % units = 1:5; % end % if ~exist('timeWindow', 'var') % timeWindow = 0.02; % end % while ~fireFlag % pause(timeWindow); % fireFlag = detectChannelUnitFiredAll(obj, channels, units); % end % end function [bitValues, bitTimestamps] = detectDigInWord(obj) readData = obj.dataCollectionReadBuffer; bitValues = readData{151,3}; bitTimestamps = readData{151,2}; end function [bitValues, bitTimestamps] = detectDigInBinary(obj) readData = obj.dataCollectionReadBuffer; bitValues = dec2bin(readData{151,3}); bitTimestamps = readData{151,2}; end % % % % function fireFlag = detectDigInBit(obj, bitDetect) % % % % fireFlag = 0; % % % % if ~exist('bitDetect', 'var') % % % % disp('Please specify a bit that needs to be detected.'); % % % % disp('Example: detectDigInBit(3)'); % % % % return; % % % % end % % % % spikedChannels = obj.detectChannelsFired([1:5]); % % % % if (bitDetect < 0) || (bitDetect > 15) % % % % disp('The bit value can be between 0 and 15, inclusive.'); % % % % else % % % % fireFlag = any(any(spikedChannels(136, 1:5))); % % % % end % % % % end function fireFlag = detectWhenDigInWord(obj, wordValue, timeWindow) fireFlag = 0; if ~exist('wordValue', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('Please specify a word value that needs to be detected.'); disp('Example: detectDigInBit(128)'); return; end if ~exist('timeWindow', 'var') timeWindow = 0.02; end while ~fireFlag pause(timeWindow); readWordValue = detectDigInWord(obj); if wordValue == readWordValue fireFlag = 1; end end end function fireFlag = detectWhenDigInBit(obj, bitsValue, timeWindow) fireFlag = 0; if ~exist('bitValue', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('Please specify a bit pattern that needs to be detected.'); disp('Example: detectDigInBit(13)'); return; end if ~exist('timeWindow', 'var') timeWindow = 0.02; end while ~fireFlag pause(timeWindow); bitsValue = detectDigInBit(obj, bitDetect); if strcmpi(bitsValue, readWordValue) fireFlag = 1; end end end %% Get Configuration Values function configValue = getAllChannelLabels(obj) configStream = cbmex('chanlabel'); configValue = configStream(:,1); end function configValue = getChannelLabel(obj, channel) configStream = cbmex('chanlabel', channel); configValue = configStream{1}; end function isFlag = isChannelSpikeExtractionEnabled(obj, channel) configStream = cbmex('chanlabel', channel); isFlag = configStream{2}; end function isFlag = isChannelUnitEnabled(obj, channel, unit) configStream = cbmex('chanlabel', channel); isFlag = configStream{unit}; end function ampRejRange = getAmplitudeRejectionRange(obj, channel) configStream = cbmex('config', channel); ampRejRange = [configStream{12,2}, configStream{13,2}]; end function setAmplitudeRejectionRange(obj, channel, newValue) if ~exist('newValue', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('newValue is a required argument.'); return; end if length(newValue)<2 || length(newValue)>2 fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('The passed argument to this function should have two values: lower and higher amplitude rejection values, respectively.'); return; end if newValue(1)>=newValue(2) fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('The low amplitude rejection value should be smaller than the high value.'); return; end configStream = cbmex('config', channel, 'amplrejneg', newValue(1)); configStream = cbmex('config', channel, 'amplrejpos', newValue(2)); end function spikeThresh = getSpikeThresholdValue(obj, channel) configStream = cbmex('config', channel); spikeThresh = ceil(configStream{10, 2}/4); end function setSpikeThresholdValue(obj, channel, newValue) if ~exist('newValue', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('newValue is a required argument.'); return; else configStream = cbmex('config', channel, 'spkthrlevel', newValue * 4); end end function refChan = getDigitalReferenceChannel(obj, channel) configStream = cbmex('config', channel); refChan = configStream{14,2}; end function refChan = setDigitalReferenceChannel(obj, channel, newValue) if ~exist('newValue', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('newValue is a required argument.'); return; else configStream = cbmex('config', channel, 'refelecchan', newValue); end end %% Data Analysis Methods function onlineSpectogram(obj, frequencyRange) if ~exist('frequencyRange', 'var') fprintf(2,'Error...\n'); disp('You need to define a frequency range for this function.'); disp('Example: onlineSpectrogram([0.3, 7500]) to show the spectrogram in the range of 0.3 Hz to 7500 Hz.'); return; end frequencyRange = linspace(frequencyRange(1), frequencyRange(end), 150); % All durations are in second sampleCollectionDuration = 0.02; refreshRate = 0.05; % Setting up a default frequency range, if none is specified if ~exist('frequencyRange', 'var') disp('Frequency range was not specified. A default range of 0.3:1:7500 will be used.'); frequencyRange = 0.3:1:7500; end % Setting up the figure procFigure = figure; set(procFigure, 'Name', 'Close this figure to stop'); % Setting up collection variable timeDisplay = tic; timeCollection = tic; flagCollection = 1; % Collection dataCollectionStart(obj); while ishandle(procFigure) pause(0.001); if flagCollection timeCollectionET = toc(timeCollection); if timeCollectionET > sampleCollectionDuration [spikeData, startTime, contData] = dataCollectionReadBuffer(obj); nGraphs = size(contData,1); if ishandle(procFigure) for idx = 1:nGraphs fs0 = contData{idx, 2}; data = contData{idx, 3}; collectSize = min(size(data), sampleCollectionDuration * fs0); x = data(1:collectSize); if isempty(frequencyRange) [psd, f] = periodogram(double(x),[],'onesided',512,fs0); else [psd, f] = periodogram(double(x),[],frequencyRange,fs0); end subplot(nGraphs,1,idx,'Parent',procFigure); psdLog = 10*log10(psd); plot(f, psdLog, 'b'); title(sprintf('fs = %d t = %f',fs0, startTime)); xlabel('Frequency (Hz)'); xlim([frequencyRange(1), frequencyRange(end)]); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); end drawnow; end flagCollection = 0; end end timeCollectionET = toc(timeDisplay); if timeCollectionET >= refreshRate; timeDisplay = tic; timeCollection = tic; flagCollection = 1; end end dataCollectionStop(obj); end end end