

fits significant sine waves to data (continuous data).


function [datafit,Amps,freqs,Fval,sig]=fitlinesc(data,params,p,plt,f0)


 fits significant sine waves to data (continuous data).

 Usage: [datafit,Amps,freqs,Fval,sig]=fitlinesc(data,params,p,plt,f0)

 Note that units of Fs, fpass have to be consistent.
       data        (data in [N,C] i.e. time x channels/trials or a single
       vector) - required.
       params      structure containing parameters - params has the
       following fields: tapers, Fs, fpass, pad
           tapers : precalculated tapers from dpss or in the one of the following
                   (1) A numeric vector [TW K] where TW is the
                       time-bandwidth product and K is the number of
                       tapers to be used (less than or equal to
                   (2) A numeric vector [W T p] where W is the
                       bandwidth, T is the duration of the data and p 
                       is an integer such that 2TW-p tapers are used. In
                       this form there is no default i.e. to specify
                       the bandwidth, you have to specify T and p as
                       well. Note that the units of W and T have to be
                       consistent: if W is in Hz, T must be in seconds
                       and vice versa. Note that these units must also
                       be consistent with the units of params.Fs: W can
                       be in Hz if and only if params.Fs is in Hz.
                       The default is to use form 1 with TW=3 and K=5

            Fs             (sampling frequency) -- optional. Defaults to 1.
               fpass       (frequency band to be used in the calculation in the form
                                   [fmin fmax])- optional. 
                                   Default all frequencies between 0 and Fs/2
            pad            (padding factor for the FFT) - optional (can take values -1,0,1,2...). 
                    -1 corresponds to no padding, 0 corresponds to padding
                    to the next highest power of 2 etc.
                       e.g. For N = 500, if PAD = -1, we do not pad; if PAD = 0, we pad the FFT
                       to 512 points, if pad=1, we pad to 1024 points etc.
                       Defaults to 0.
        p            (P-value to calculate error bars for) - optional. 
                           Defaults to 0.05/N where N is data length.
       plt         (y/n for plot and no plot respectively) - plots the
       Fratio at all frequencies if y
       f0          frequencies at which you want to remove the
                   lines - if unspecified the program
                   will compute the significant lines

       datafit        (linear superposition of fitted sine waves)
       Amps           (amplitudes at significant frequencies)
       freqs          (significant frequencies)
       Fval           (Fstatistic at all frequencies)
       sig            (significance level for F distribution p value of p)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [datafit,Amps,freqs,Fval,sig]=fitlinesc(data,params,p,plt,f0)
0002 % fits significant sine waves to data (continuous data).
0003 %
0004 % Usage: [datafit,Amps,freqs,Fval,sig]=fitlinesc(data,params,p,plt,f0)
0005 %
0006 %  Inputs:
0007 % Note that units of Fs, fpass have to be consistent.
0008 %       data        (data in [N,C] i.e. time x channels/trials or a single
0009 %       vector) - required.
0010 %       params      structure containing parameters - params has the
0011 %       following fields: tapers, Fs, fpass, pad
0012 %           tapers : precalculated tapers from dpss or in the one of the following
0013 %                    forms:
0014 %                   (1) A numeric vector [TW K] where TW is the
0015 %                       time-bandwidth product and K is the number of
0016 %                       tapers to be used (less than or equal to
0017 %                       2TW-1).
0018 %                   (2) A numeric vector [W T p] where W is the
0019 %                       bandwidth, T is the duration of the data and p
0020 %                       is an integer such that 2TW-p tapers are used. In
0021 %                       this form there is no default i.e. to specify
0022 %                       the bandwidth, you have to specify T and p as
0023 %                       well. Note that the units of W and T have to be
0024 %                       consistent: if W is in Hz, T must be in seconds
0025 %                       and vice versa. Note that these units must also
0026 %                       be consistent with the units of params.Fs: W can
0027 %                       be in Hz if and only if params.Fs is in Hz.
0028 %                       The default is to use form 1 with TW=3 and K=5
0029 %
0030 %            Fs             (sampling frequency) -- optional. Defaults to 1.
0031 %               fpass       (frequency band to be used in the calculation in the form
0032 %                                   [fmin fmax])- optional.
0033 %                                   Default all frequencies between 0 and Fs/2
0034 %            pad            (padding factor for the FFT) - optional (can take values -1,0,1,2...).
0035 %                    -1 corresponds to no padding, 0 corresponds to padding
0036 %                    to the next highest power of 2 etc.
0037 %                       e.g. For N = 500, if PAD = -1, we do not pad; if PAD = 0, we pad the FFT
0038 %                       to 512 points, if pad=1, we pad to 1024 points etc.
0039 %                       Defaults to 0.
0040 %        p            (P-value to calculate error bars for) - optional.
0041 %                           Defaults to 0.05/N where N is data length.
0042 %       plt         (y/n for plot and no plot respectively) - plots the
0043 %       Fratio at all frequencies if y
0044 %       f0          frequencies at which you want to remove the
0045 %                   lines - if unspecified the program
0046 %                   will compute the significant lines
0047 %
0048 %
0049 %  Outputs:
0050 %       datafit        (linear superposition of fitted sine waves)
0051 %       Amps           (amplitudes at significant frequencies)
0052 %       freqs          (significant frequencies)
0053 %       Fval           (Fstatistic at all frequencies)
0054 %       sig            (significance level for F distribution p value of p)
0055 data=change_row_to_column(data);
0056 [N,C]=size(data);
0057 if nargin < 2 || isempty(params); params=[]; end;
0058 [tapers,pad,Fs,fpass,err,trialave,params]=getparams(params); 
0059 clear pad fpass err trialave;
0060 if nargin < 3 || isempty(p);p=0.05/N;end;
0061 if nargin < 4 || isempty(plt); plt='n'; end;
0062 if nargin < 5; f0=[]; end;
0063 params.tapers=dpsschk(tapers,N,Fs); % calculate the tapers
0064 [Fval,A,f,sig] = ftestc(data,params,p,plt);
0065 if isempty(f0);
0066    fmax=findpeaks(Fval,sig);
0067    freqs=cell(1,C);
0068    Amps=cell(1,C);
0069    datafit=data;
0070    for ch=1:C;
0071        fsig=f(fmax(ch).loc);
0072        freqs{ch}=fsig;
0073        Amps{ch}=A(fmax(ch).loc,ch);
0074        Nf=length(fsig);
0075 %       fprintf('The significant lines for channel %d and the amplitudes are \n',ch);
0076 %        for nf=1:Nf;
0077 %            fprintf('%12.8f\n',fsig(nf));
0078 %            fprintf('%12.8f\n',real(A(fmax(ch).loc(nf),ch)));
0079 %            fprintf('%12.8f\n',imag(A(fmax(ch).loc(nf),ch)));
0080 %            fprintf('\n');
0081 %        end;
0082        datafit(:,ch)=exp(i*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*fsig/Fs)*A(fmax(ch).loc,ch)+exp(-i*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*fsig/Fs)*conj(A(fmax(ch).loc,ch));
0083    end;
0084 else
0085    indx = zeros( length(f0) );
0086    for n=1:length(f0);
0087        [fsig,indx(n)]=min(abs(f-f0(n)));
0088    end;
0089    fsig=f(indx);
0090    for ch=1:C;
0091        freqs{ch}=fsig;
0092        Amps{ch}=A(indx,ch);
0093        Nf=length(fsig);
0094 %        fprintf('For channel %d the amplitudes and the Fstatistic at f=%f are \n',ch,f0);
0095 %        fprintf('Fstatistic = %12.8f Fthreshold = %12.8f\n',Fval(indx),sig);
0096 %        fprintf('Real part of amplitude = %12.8f\n',real(A(indx,ch)));
0097 %        fprintf('Imaginary part of amplitude = %12.8f\n',imag(A(indx,ch)));
0098        datafit(:,ch)=exp(i*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*fsig/Fs)*A(indx,ch)+exp(-i*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*fsig/Fs)*conj(A(indx,ch));
0099    end;
0100 end;

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