function outdata=specscopepp(indata) global acq; h=hamming(5); mins=5e-008; maxs=1e-004; % record and plot audio spectrogram % % Usage: outdata=specscope(indata) % % Input: indata (optional) % Displays a recorded piece of data, if an argument is passed % Otherwise displays audio data from an attached microphone % % Output: outdata (optional) % If present, will return up to 10 minutes % of captured audio data. % % Note: Parameters such as sampling frequency, number of tapers % and display refresh rate may be set below if desired. % You can also acquire data from a national instruments card. % close all; %======================================================================= % Check toolboxes %======================================================================= % Check for toolboxes if not(exist('analoginput','file')); fprintf('You need to install the DAQ toolbox first\n'); return end if not(exist('mtspecgramc','file')); fprintf('You need to install the Chronux toolbox first from\n'); return end %======================================================================= % Set parameters %======================================================================= % Set defaults acq.params.Fs = 44100; acq.pause = 0; acq.skips = 0; acq.stop = 0; acq.restart = 0; acq.plot_frequency = 20; acq.samples_acquired = 0; acq.spectra = []; acq.times = []; defaults audio_instr; fig=create_ui; %======================================================================= % Check arguments, start DAQ %======================================================================= if nargout % save up to ten minutes data, preallocated... fprintf('Pre-allocating memory for data save - please be patient.\n'); outdata=zeros( (acq.params.Fs * 60 * 10), 1 ); end if nargin == 1; acq.indata = indata; = 0; else % Create and set up and start analog input daq input=1; if input==1; = analoginput('winsound'); addchannel(, 1 ); else = analoginput('nidaq', 1); addchannel(, 0); set(,'InputType','SingleEnded') set(,'TransferMode','Interrupts') set(,'TriggerType','Manual'); end set(, 'SampleRate', acq.params.Fs ) acq.params.Fs = get(, 'SampleRate' ); acq.samples_per_frame = acq.params.Fs / acq.plot_frequency; set(, 'SamplesPerTrigger', inf ) start( = 1; if input==2; trigger(; end end %======================================================================= % The scope main loop %======================================================================= acq.t0=clock;; % Loop over frames to acquire and display while 1; % Check for quit signal if acq.stop; break; end % Calculate times calctime = acq.samples_acquired / acq.params.Fs; acq.samples_acquired = acq.samples_acquired + acq.samples_per_frame; acq.t1 = clock; elapsed = etime(acq.t1,acq.t0); % Get a small snippet of data if ( ) data = getdata(, acq.samples_per_frame ); else while elapsed < acq.samples_acquired / acq.params.Fs pause( acq.samples_acquired / (acq.params.Fs) - elapsed ); acq.t1=clock; elapsed = etime(acq.t1,acq.t0); end if acq.samples_acquired + 2 * acq.samples_per_frame >= length( acq.indata ) acq.stop=1; end data = acq.indata(floor(acq.samples_acquired+1):floor(acq.samples_per_frame+acq.samples_acquired)); end if nargout outdata(floor(acq.samples_acquired+1):floor(acq.samples_acquired+length(data))) = data(:); end if acq.restart; acq.restart = 0; acq.spectra = []; acq.times = []; end data=conv(h,data); data=sign(data-acq.threshold); % Calculate spectrogram of data snippet if acq.deriv [s, t, f] = mtspecgramc(abs(diff(data)), acq.moving_window, acq.params ); else [s, t, f] = mtspecgramc(diff(data), acq.moving_window, acq.params ); end % Add new spectra to that already calculated acq.times = [acq.times t+calctime]; if acq.log acq.spectra = [acq.spectra log(s')]; else acq.spectra = [acq.spectra s']; end % Remove old spectra once window reaches desired size while acq.times(1,end) - acq.times(1,1) > acq.display_size; % Ring buffer! y = length(t); acq.times(:,1:y) = []; acq.spectra(:,1:y) = []; end % Only plot if display is keeping up with real time and not paused show_plot=1; if nargin==0 if get(, 'SamplesAvailable' ) > 10 * acq.samples_per_frame && acq.pause==0 show_plot=0; end else if elapsed > calctime + 0.5 show_plot=0; end end if acq.pause show_plot=0; end if show_plot if acq.bgsub acq.mean_spectra = mean( acq.spectra, 2 ); end % Normalize until full screen passes by if requested if acq.normalize>=1; if acq.normalize==1; acq.normalize=2; end if etime(clock,>1.25*acq.display_size acq.normalize=0; end mins = min(min(acq.spectra)); maxs = max(max(acq.spectra)); end % Scale the spectra based upon current offset and scale if acq.bgsub scaled_spectra = acq.offset + ( acq.scale ) * ( acq.spectra - repmat( acq.mean_spectra, [1,size(acq.spectra,2)]) ) / ( maxs - mins ); else scaled_spectra = acq.offset + acq.scale * ( acq.spectra - mins ) / ( maxs - mins ); end % Draw the image to the display image( acq.times, f, scaled_spectra, 'parent', acq.ax1 ); axis([acq.ax1],'xy'); drawnow; else % Keep track of skipped displays acq.skips = acq.skips + 1; end end %======================================================================= % Clean up %======================================================================= acq.t1=clock; elapsed = etime(acq.t1,acq.t0); fprintf( 'Elapsed time %f seconds\n', elapsed ); % Warn if many skips were encountered if acq.skips > 5; fprintf( '\nWARNING:\nThis program skipped plotting %d times to keep pace.\n', acq.skips ) fprintf( 'Run again without keyboard interaction or changing the figure size.\n' ) fprintf( 'If this message reappears you should reduce the plot frequency parameter.\n\n' ); end % Clean up the analoginput object if stop(;delete( );clear; end % Clean up the figure delete(fig); delete(gcf); if nargout % save up to ten minutes data, preallocated... fprintf('Saving output data\n'); outdata=outdata(1:floor(acq.samples_acquired)); end return; % % %======================================================================= % Functions called %======================================================================= % % %======================================================================= % Handle Keypresses %======================================================================= % Handle figure window keypress events function keypress(varargin) global acq; keypressed=get(gcf,'CurrentCharacter'); % ignore raw control, shift, alt keys if keypressed; % Offset changes increment=1; if strcmp( keypressed, 'l'); acq.offset = acq.offset - increment; elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'o'); acq.offset = acq.offset + increment; % Scale changes elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'x'); acq.scale = acq.scale - increment; elseif strcmp( keypressed, 's'); acq.scale = acq.scale + increment; % Reset defaults elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'd'); defaults acq.restart=1; % Normalize spectra elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'n'); request_normalize % Quit elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'q'); request_quit % Pause elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'p'); request_pause % Help elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'h'); audio_instr elseif strcmp( keypressed, 't'); acq.threshold = acq.threshold + 0.01; elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'g'); acq.threshold = acq.threshold - 0.01; % Change colormaps for 0-9,a-c elseif strcmp( keypressed, '0' ); colormap( 'jet' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '1' ); colormap( 'bone' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '2' ); colormap( 'colorcube' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '3' ); colormap( 'cool' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '4' ); colormap( 'copper' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '5' ); colormap( 'gray' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '6' ); colormap( 'hot' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '7' ); colormap( 'hsv' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '8' ); colormap( 'autumn' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, '9' ); colormap( 'pink' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'a' ); colormap( 'spring' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'b' ); colormap( 'summer' ); elseif strcmp( keypressed, 'c' ); colormap( 'winter' ); end update_display end return %======================================================================= % Defaults %======================================================================= % Reset defaults function defaults() global acq; acq.params.raw_tapers = [3 5]; acq.moving_window = [0.02 0.01]; acq.params.tapers=dpsschk(acq.params.raw_tapers,round(acq.params.Fs*acq.moving_window(1)),acq.params.Fs); acq.offset = 0; acq.scale = 500; acq.display_size = 3; acq.params.fpass = [50 20000]; acq.deriv=1; acq.log=0; acq.bgsub = 1; acq.params.pad= 0; acq.normalize = 0; acq.threshold=0; return function update_display() global acq; set(acq.tapers_ui,'String',sprintf( '%.0f %.0f', acq.params.raw_tapers(1), acq.params.raw_tapers(2) )); set(acq.window_ui,'String',sprintf( '%.2f %.2f', acq.moving_window(1), acq.moving_window(2) )); set(acq.offset_ui,'String',sprintf( '%d', acq.offset )); set(acq.scale_ui,'String',sprintf( '%d', acq.scale )); set(acq.display_size_ui,'String',sprintf( '%.1f', acq.display_size )); set(acq.frequency_ui,'String',sprintf( '%.1f %.1f', acq.params.fpass(1), acq.params.fpass(2) )) set(acq.derivative_ui,'Value',acq.deriv); set(acq.log_ui,'Value',acq.log); set(acq.bgsub_ui,'Value',acq.bgsub); set(acq.threshold_ui,'String',sprintf( '%.2f', acq.threshold )); return %======================================================================= % Update ui controls %======================================================================= function request_quit(varargin) global acq; acq.stop=1; return function request_pause(varargin) global acq; acq.pause = not( acq.pause ); return function request_normalize(varargin) global acq; acq.normalize = 2; return function update_defaults(varargin) global acq; defaults update_display acq.restart=1; return function update_tapers(varargin) global acq; acq.params.raw_tapers = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f %d')'; acq.params.tapers=dpsschk(acq.params.raw_tapers,round(acq.params.Fs*acq.moving_window(1)),acq.params.Fs); % check tapers return function update_window(varargin) global acq; acq.moving_window = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f %f'); acq.params.tapers=dpsschk(acq.params.raw_tapers,round(acq.params.Fs*acq.moving_window(1)),acq.params.Fs); acq.restart = 1; return function update_offset(varargin) global acq; acq.offset = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f'); return function update_scale(varargin) global acq; acq.scale = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f'); return function update_display_size(varargin) global acq; acq.display_size = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f'); return function update_fpass(varargin) global acq; acq.params.fpass = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f %f'); acq.restart = 1; return function update_deriv(varargin) global acq; acq.deriv=get( gco, 'Value' ); acq.normalize=1; return function update_log(varargin) global acq; acq.log=get( gco, 'Value' ); acq.normalize=1; return function update_bgsub(varargin) global acq; acq.bgsub=get( gco, 'Value' ); return function update_threshold(varargin) global acq; acq.threshold = sscanf(get( gco, 'string' ),'%f'); return %======================================================================= % UI display %======================================================================= function fig=create_ui() global acq; bgcolor = [.7 .7 .7]; % ===Create main figure========================== fig = figure('Position',centerfig(800,600),... 'NumberTitle','off',... 'Name','Real-time spectrogram',... 'doublebuffer','on',... 'HandleVisibility','on',... 'Renderer', 'openGL', ... 'KeyPressFcn', @keypress, ... 'Color',bgcolor); acq.ax1 = axes('position', [0.05,0.1,0.9,0.85]); colormap( 'autumn' ); % ===text========== uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'tapers',... 'Position',[225 20 45 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'moving win',... 'Position',[300 20 70 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'offset',... 'Position',[375 20 30 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'scale',... 'Position',[410 20 30 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 't axis',... 'Position',[445 20 30 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'f axis',... 'Position',[480 20 40 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'abs',... 'Position',[550 20 35 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'log',... 'Position',[580 20 35 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'bgsub',... 'Position',[610 20 35 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); uicontrol(gcf,'Style','text',... 'String', 'thresh',... 'Position',[645 20 35 20],... 'BackgroundColor',bgcolor); % ===The quit button=============================== uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Position',[5 5 45 20],... 'String','Quit',... 'Interruptible','off',... 'BusyAction','cancel',... 'Callback',@request_quit); % ===The pause button=============================== uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Position',[55 5 45 20],... 'String','Pause',... 'Interruptible','off',... 'BusyAction','cancel',... 'Callback',@request_pause); % ===The defaults button=============================== uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Position',[105 5 50 20],... 'String','Defaults',... 'Interruptible','off',... 'BusyAction','cancel',... 'Callback',@update_defaults); % ===The normalize button=============================== uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',... 'Position',[160 5 60 20],... 'String','Normalize',... 'Interruptible','off',... 'BusyAction','cancel',... 'Callback',@request_normalize ); % ===Tapers============================================ acq.tapers_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%.0f %.0f', acq.params.raw_tapers(1), acq.params.raw_tapers(2) ),... 'Position',[225 5 70 20],... 'CallBack', @update_tapers); % ===Window============================================ acq.window_ui=uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%.2f %.2f', acq.moving_window(1), acq.moving_window(2) ),... 'Position',[300 5 70 20],... 'CallBack', @update_window); % ===Offset============================================ acq.offset_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%d', acq.offset ),... 'Position',[375 5 30 20],... 'CallBack', @update_offset); % ===Scale============================================ acq.scale_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%d', acq.scale ),... 'Position',[410 5 30 20],... 'CallBack', @update_scale); % ===display size====================================== acq.display_size_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%.1f', acq.display_size ),... 'Position',[445 5 30 20],... 'CallBack', @update_display_size); % ===frequency axis===================================== acq.frequency_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%.1f %.1f', acq.params.fpass(1), acq.params.fpass(2) ),... 'Position',[480 5 80 20],... 'CallBack', @update_fpass); % ===derivative===================================== acq.derivative_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','checkbox',... 'Value',acq.deriv,... 'Position',[565 5 20 20],... 'CallBack', @update_deriv); % ===log===================================== acq.log_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','checkbox',... 'Value',acq.log,... 'Position',[590 5 20 20],... 'CallBack', @update_log); % ===bgsub===================================== acq.bgsub_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','checkbox',... 'Value',acq.bgsub,... 'Position',[615 5 20 20],... 'CallBack', @update_bgsub); % ===threshold====================================== acq.threshold_ui = uicontrol(gcf,'Style','edit',... 'String', sprintf( '%.2f', acq.threshold ),... 'Position',[640 5 40 20],... 'CallBack', @update_threshold); return %======================================================================= % Assorted functions %======================================================================= function pos = centerfig(width,height) % Find the screen size in pixels screen_s = get(0,'ScreenSize'); pos = [screen_s(3)/2 - width/2, screen_s(4)/2 - height/2, width, height]; return function audio_instr() % Show instructions fprintf('INSTRUCTIONS:\n'); fprintf('Click on figure window first to activate controls.\n') fprintf('Adjust tapers, windows, scales, offsets and axes using the gui\n'); fprintf('The abs checkbox toggles abs of the data\n'); fprintf('The log checkbox toggles a log of the spectrum\n'); fprintf('Press d or use defaults button to reset most parameters to defaults.\n') fprintf('Press n or use normalize button to normalize spectra based upon values in current display.\n') fprintf('Press 0-9,a-c to choose a colormap (default 0).\n') fprintf('Press p to pause and unpause display.\n') fprintf('Press t and g to adjust threshold, or use offset textbox on gui.\n'); fprintf('Press o and l to adjust offset, or use offset textbox on gui.\n'); fprintf('Press s and x to adjust scale, or use scale textbox on gui.\n'); fprintf('Press h for this message.\n') fprintf('Press q to quit, or use quit button on gui.\n\n') return