function lfplot(varargin) % Plot (for one or two dimensions) a locfit() fit. % % Usage: % fit = locfit(x,y); % lfplot(fit); % % Plot the fitted smooth curve, and add a scatterplot of the data. % % Required argument: % fit (produced by locfit()). % % Optional arguments: % 'nodata' - don't add data to plot. % 'contour' - for 2-d predictors, use contour instead of surf. % 'direct' - fit directly, instead of using interpolation % (see the predict() function). % 'what' - locfit what argument ('coef', 'infl', 'vari', 'band' etc). % Any additional arguments are passed to Matlab's plot(), contour() % or surf() function as appropriate. % % To add confidence bands, use the lfband() function. % % Author: Catherine Loader. fit = varargin{1}; data =; xdata = data.x; n = size(xdata,1); d = size(xdata,2); fali = fit.fit_points.family_link; ydata = data.y; wdata = data.weights; cdata = data.censor; if (length(cdata)==1) cdata = zeros(n,1); end; showdata = (fit.evaluation_structure.derivative==0); ppargs = {}; plotargs = {}; type = 's'; na = 2; while na <= length(varargin) inc = 0; if (strcmp(varargin{na},'contour')) type = 'c'; inc = 1; end; if (strcmp(varargin{na},'what')) ppargs = {ppargs{:}, 'what', varargin{na+1}}; showdata = 0; inc = 2; end; if (strcmp(varargin{na},'nodata')) showdata = 0; inc = 1; end; if (strcmp(varargin{na},'direct')) ppargs = {ppargs{:} 'direct'}; inc = 1; end; if (inc==0) plotargs = {plotargs{:} varargin{na}}; inc = 1; end; na = na+inc; end; xfit = lfmarg(fit); yfit = predict(fit,xfit,ppargs{:}); yfit = invlink(yfit,fali); fam = mod(fali(1),64); if (fam>4) ydata = ydata ./ wdata; end; if (d==1) plot(xfit{1},yfit,plotargs{:}); if (showdata) hold on; if (length(ydata)==1) ydata = zeros(n,1); end; plotbyfactor(xdata,ydata,cdata); hold off; end; end; if (d==2) x1 = xfit{1}; x2 = xfit{2}; yfit = reshape(yfit,length(x1),length(x2)); if (type=='c') [C h] = contour(x1,x2,yfit',plotargs{:}); clabel(C,h); if (showdata) hold on; plotbyfactor(xdata(:,1),xdata(:,2),cdata); hold off; end; else surf(x1,x2,yfit',plotargs{:}); end; end; return;