

Helper function to create an event triggered matrix from a single


function data=createdatamatpt(data,E,win)


 Helper function to create an event triggered matrix from a single
 channel of spike times. 
 Usage:  data=createdatamatpt(data,E,win)
 data   (input spike times as a structural array or as a column vector) - required
 E      (events to use as triggers) - required 
 win    (window around triggers to use data matrix -[winl winr]) - required 
          e.g [1 1] uses a window starting 1 sec before E and
              ending 1 sec after E if E and data are in secs.
 Note that E, win and data must have consistent units
 data      (event triggered data as a structural array - times are stored
 relative to the E-winl


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function data=createdatamatpt(data,E,win)
0002 % Helper function to create an event triggered matrix from a single
0003 % channel of spike times.
0004 % Usage:  data=createdatamatpt(data,E,win)
0005 % Inputs:
0006 % data   (input spike times as a structural array or as a column vector) - required
0007 % E      (events to use as triggers) - required
0008 % win    (window around triggers to use data matrix -[winl winr]) - required
0009 %          e.g [1 1] uses a window starting 1 sec before E and
0010 %              ending 1 sec after E if E and data are in secs.
0011 % Note that E, win and data must have consistent units
0012 % Outputs:
0013 % data      (event triggered data as a structural array - times are stored
0014 % relative to the E-winl
0015 %
0016 if nargin < 3; error('Need all input arguments'); end;
0017 if isstruct(data);
0018    fnames=fieldnames(data);
0019    eval(['dtmp=data.' fnames{1} ';'])
0020 else
0021    dtmp=data(:);
0022 end;
0023 NE=length(E);
0024 winl=win(1);
0025 winr=win(2);
0026 data2(1:NE)=struct('times',[]);
0027 for n=1:NE,
0028     indx=find(dtmp > E(n)-winl & dtmp<= E(n)+winr);
0029     if ~isempty(indx)
0030        data2(n).times=dtmp(indx)-E(n)+winl;
0031     else
0032        data2(n).times=[];
0033     end
0034 end
0035 data=data2;

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