function pRF_CreateParallel4LISA_worker_ephys(... parallel_fun, joblist, parallel_fun_dir, job_name) % This function serves to create parallel Jobs for a given script % to parallalise it for a given list of jobs. % % Therefore, it creates executable sh-scripts, which execute each single % job, as well as one script which passes all the single job scripts to % the cluster computer. (LISA @ SurfSara). % % This version requsts 600MB free on the host machine. If your job does not % require free memory (also matlab already needs quite a bit), use % create_parallel_nomem.m. % % IMPORTANT: The function runs on linux: all pathes must be linux style % % PARAMETERS % parallel_fun: name of the function (e.g. 'example_function', NOT % 'example_script.m', 'example_function()', etc.). This % function must take exactly 1 argument as input. For an % example, see parallel_example_fun.m; % % joblist: a structure with information on what jobs to create, with how % many parallel processes, and how to split volumes in % slice-chunks % % parallel_fun_dir: path to parallel_fun, will be used to add to the % matlab path on the remote machines % % OPTIONAL % job_name: string to identify your job. Subdirectories with this name will % be created inside the specified batch directory and the log % directory, so that multiple jobs can be executed at the same time. % If no jobname is given, the name of prallel_fun together with the % current date and time will be used as job name. %% basic input checks ----------------------------------------------------- % check if parallel_fun ends with .m or () if length(parallel_fun) >= 2 && (strcmp(parallel_fun(end-1:end), '.m') || ... strcmp(parallel_fun(end-1:end), '()')) parallel_fun = parallel_fun(1:end-2); end %% set parameters --------------------------------------------------------- % default name for jobs if ~exist('job_name', 'var') job_name = [parallel_fun '_' datestr(now, 'yyyymmddTHHMMSS')]; end % project_dir on LISA project_dir = '/home/pcklink/PRF'; % must be the ABSOLUTE path % log dir on LISA log_file_dir = [project_dir '/Logs/']; % add jobname % set local log folder log_file_dir_local = [pwd '/Logs/']; % add jobname % job files will be locally written to: cd .. batch_dir = fullfile(pwd, 'Jobs', ['JOBS_' job_name]); % add jobname %% location of scripts ---------------------------------------------------- % set location of execute_matlab_process_sh = ['$TMPDIR/PRF/BashScripts/'... '']; % must be ABSOLUTE path %% PROCESSING STARTS FROM HERE (no more parameters to check) ============== %% create batch & log folder ---------------------------------------------- disp('Creating batch & log folders') [success, message] = mkdir(batch_dir); if ~success error(['Could not create directory for batch_dir: ' message]) end if ispc error('Windows will not work due to path definitions. Run on Linux') else [success, message] = mkdir(log_file_dir_local); if ~success error(['Could not create directory for log_file_dir_local: ' message]) end end %% Check if main batch files already exists ------------------------------- % set initial behaviour, if you want to overwrite sh-files which are there overwrite_file = 'ask'; disp('Creating batch files') % check if main sh-file to start all jobs exists filename_all = sprintf(['send_all_prf-fitting_jobs_' joblist.monkey '.sh']); fullfilename_all = [batch_dir '/' filename_all]; if exist(fullfilename_all, 'file') disp(' ') disp(['File ' fullfilename_all ' already exist.']) overwrite_file = input('Should it be overwritten? [y, n, a (all)]: ', 's'); if ~(strcmpi(overwrite_file, 'y') || strcmpi(overwrite_file, 'a')) error(['File ' filename_all ' already exists and should not be '... 'overwritten. Solve problem and start again.']) end delete(fullfilename_all) end %% Create the batch files ------------------------------------------------- % The main batch file handles passing the single job batch files to the display(['Creating main batch file: ' fullfilename_all]) fid_commit_all = fopen(fullfilename_all, 'w'); % ensure that the right shell is used !#/bin/sh fprintf(fid_commit_all, '#!/bin/bash\n'); % add comment that THIS file submits the stuff to condor fprintf(fid_commit_all, '#\n'); fprintf(fid_commit_all, ['# This bash-script submits all jobs to the server, '... 'instead of running them locally.\n']); fprintf(fid_commit_all, ['# If you want to submit only some jobs to the server,'... 'simply add a "#" in front of \n' ... '#the ones you like to ommit and execute the script then.\n']); fprintf(fid_commit_all, '#\n'); fprintf(fid_commit_all, '\nmkdir -p $HOME/PRF/Logs/slurm\n'); fprintf(fid_commit_all, 'cd $HOME/PRF/Logs/slurm\n'); fprintf(fid_commit_all, 'chmod +x $HOME/PRF/Code/Jobs/*\n\n'); % create all single job batchfiles, and add for each a call in the main % batch file for job_ind = 1:length(joblist.sessinc) for job_ind2 = 1:length(joblist.instances) %% create batchfile for current job ------------------------------- % create/overwrite file filename = sprintf('', joblist.sessions{... joblist.sessinc(job_ind),1},num2str(job_ind2),job_name,joblist.monkey); fullfilename = [batch_dir '/' filename]; disp(['Creating Batch file for Job ' num2str(job_ind) '_' num2str(job_ind2) ': ' fullfilename]) if exist(fullfilename, 'file') if ~strcmpi(overwrite_file, 'a') disp(' ') disp(['File ' fullfilename ' already exist.']) overwrite_file = input('Should it be overwritten? [y, n, a (all)]: ', 's'); if ~(strcmpi(overwrite_file, 'y') || strcmpi(overwrite_file, 'a')) error(['File ' filename ' already exists and should not be '... 'overwritten. Solve problem and start again.']) end end delete(fullfilename) end % open single subject file fid_single = fopen(fullfilename , 'w'); % ==== SLURM ==== % ensure that the right shell is used !#/bin/bash fprintf(fid_single, '#!/bin/bash\n'); % SLURM definitions fprintf(fid_single, '#SBATCH -N 1 --ntasks-per-node=16\n'); fprintf(fid_single, '#SBATCH -t 05:00:00\n'); fprintf(fid_single, '#SBATCH --mail-type=END\n'); fprintf(fid_single, '#SBATCH\n'); fprintf(fid_single, '\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'source ~/.bash_profile\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'source ~/.bashrc\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'umask u+rwx,g+rwx\n\n'); % information fprintf(fid_single, 'echo job id $SLURM_JOBID\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'echo job name $SLURM_JOB_NAME\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'echo submitted by $SLURM_JOB_ACCOUNT\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'echo from $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR\n'); fprintf(fid_single, 'echo the allocated nodes are: $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST\n'); % SLURM requirements fprintf(fid_single, '\nmodule load pre2019\n'); % add a comment what this script does jobnameline = ['\n# INFO: ' job_name '_' joblist.sessions{... joblist.sessinc(job_ind),1} '_' ... joblist.instances{job_ind2} '\n']; try fprintf(fid_single, jobnameline); catch ME disp(ME); end fprintf(fid_single, '\n'); fprintf(fid_single,'mkdir -p $TMPDIR/PRF\n'); fprintf(fid_single,'mkdir -p $TMPDIR/PRF/Logs/\n'); % fprintf(fid_single,['cp -r $HOME/PRF/Data/' joblist.type '/' joblist.monkey '/' ... % joblist.sessions{joblist.sessinc(job_ind),1} '* $TMPDIR/PRF\n']); fprintf(fid_single, 'cp -r $HOME/PRF/Code/* $TMPDIR/PRF\n'); fprintf(fid_single,'cd $TMPDIR/PRF\n\n'); fprintf(fid_single,['chmod +x ' execute_matlab_process_sh '\n\n']); % exec parfun (Monkey,Session,Slices,HRF,numWorkers,modeltype,cv) line = sprintf('%s \\\n\t%s %s %s %s [%s] \\\n\t%s %s %s %s %s \\\n\t', ... execute_matlab_process_sh, parallel_fun, ... joblist.monkey, joblist.sessions{joblist.sessinc(job_ind),1}, ... joblist.instances{job_ind2},... num2str(joblist.sessions{joblist.sessinc(job_ind),2}),... joblist.modeltype,... num2str(joblist.xvalmode),... joblist.resfld,... log_file_dir, parallel_fun_dir); logline= ['$TMPDIR/PRF/Logs/Log_' joblist.monkey '_' ... joblist.sessions{joblist.sessinc(job_ind),1} '_' ... joblist.instances{job_ind2} '_' ... joblist.modeltype ... '_xval' num2str(joblist.xvalmode) '.txt']; fprintf(fid_single, '%s %s %s\n\n', line, '|& tee', logline); fprintf(fid_single,['cp ' logline ' $HOME/PRF/Logs/\n']); % finally: pass exit status of to LISA fprintf(fid_single, 'exit $?\n'); fclose(fid_single); disp(['Adding ' fullfilename ' to original batch file.']); fullfilename2 = ['$HOME/PRF/Code/Jobs/' filename]; line = sprintf('%s %s', 'sbatch ', fullfilename2); fprintf(fid_commit_all, '%s\n', line); end fprintf(fid_commit_all, '\n'); end fclose(fid_commit_all); system(['chmod +x ' fullfilename_all]); end