function CCF = parseCCF(varargin) % parseCCF % % Parses an XML CCF file. % % Nick Halper % % Blackrock Microsystems % Version % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Version History % % % - Initial release. % % January 18, 2016 - Kian Torab % - Minor bug fix with file loading. % % January 19, 2016 - Kian Torab % - Added a progress bar. % % October 20, 2016 - Saman Hagh-gooie % - Fixed a invalid character bug. % - Bug fixes with file loading % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if nargin ~= 0 fullfilename = varargin{1}; else fullfilename = []; end if ~exist(fullfilename, 'file') [fileName pathName] = getFile('*.ccf', 'Choose a CCF file...'); fullfilename = [pathName fileName]; else [pathName, fileName, ext] = fileparts(fullfilename); pathName = [pathName]; fileName = [fileName, ext]; end prevDecodedXMLCCF = [fullfilename(1:end-3) 'xmld']; if exist(prevDecodedXMLCCF, 'file') == 2 load(prevDecodedXMLCCF, '-mat'); return; end disp('The CCF loading can take up to half an hour the first time. Please be patient.'); OBJ = xmlread(fullfile(pathName,fileName)); removeIndentNodes(OBJ.getChildNodes); CCF = parseChildNodes(OBJ); save(prevDecodedXMLCCF, 'CCF'); %function children = parseChildNodes(OBJ) function children = parseChildNodes(theNode) % Recurse over node children. children = 0; if theNode.hasChildNodes childNodes = theNode.getChildNodes; numChildNodes = childNodes.getLength; allocCell = cell(1, numChildNodes); children = struct( ... 'Name', allocCell, 'Attributes', allocCell, ... 'Data', allocCell, 'Children', allocCell); counter=0; % added by SH 05.oct.2016 for count = 1:numChildNodes theChild = childNodes.item(count-1); children(count) = makeStructFromNode(theChild); counter = counter + 1; if mod(counter,20) == 0 fprintf('.'); end end end %function nodeStruct - makeStructFromNode(OBJ) function nodeStruct = makeStructFromNode(theNode) nodeStruct = struct(... 'Name',char(theNode.getNodeName),... 'Attributes', parseAttributes(theNode),... 'Data','',... 'Children', parseChildNodes(theNode)); if any(strcmp(methods(theNode), 'getData')) nodeStruct.Data = char(theNode.getData); else nodeStruct.Data = ''; end function attributes = parseAttributes(theNode) % Create attributes structure. attributes = []; if theNode.hasAttributes theAttributes = theNode.getAttributes; numAttributes = theAttributes.getLength; allocCell = cell(1, numAttributes); attributes = struct('Name', allocCell, 'Value', ... allocCell); for count = 1:numAttributes attrib = theAttributes.item(count-1); attributes(count).Name = char(attrib.getName); attributes(count).Value = char(attrib.getValue); end end function removeIndentNodes( childNodes ) numNodes = childNodes.getLength; remList = []; counter = 0; for i = numNodes:-1:1 counter = counter + 1; if rem(counter,20) == 0 fprintf('.'); end theChild = childNodes.item(i-1); if (theChild.hasChildNodes) removeIndentNodes(theChild.getChildNodes); else if ( theChild.getNodeType == theChild.TEXT_NODE && ... ~isempty(char(theChild.getData())) && ... all(isspace(char(theChild.getData())))) remList(end+1) = i-1; % java indexing end end end for i = 1:length(remList) childNodes.removeChild(childNodes.item(remList(i))); end