function [dataFilename dataFolder] = getFile(filterSpec, title) % getFile % % Similar to uigetfile, it opens a dialogue to get a file, but it also % remembers the last folder location, so the user will not need to navigate % to the same folder multiple times. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Use [dataFilename dataFolder] = getFile(filterSpec) % % filterSpec: The type of file to show. For example, if set to '*.txt' % (OPTIONAL) only text files will be visible for choosing. % DEFAULT: *.*, so all files are shown. % % title: This parameter will be the title of the dialogue box. % (OPTIONAL) DEFAULT: No title will be shown. % % dataFilename: The name of the chosen file. % % dataFolder: The path of the chosen file. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % USAGE EXAMPLE: % % [fileName pathName] = getFile('*.jpg'); % % In this example a dialogue will open and only show all jpg files. The % name of the chosen file and the path to it are stores in fileName and % pathName respectively. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Kian Torab % % Blackrock Microsystems % Salt Lake City, UT % Contributors: % % Version - October 29, 2010 % Last edit by: Kian Torab %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if ~exist('filterSpec', 'var') filterSpec = '*.*'; end if ~exist('title', 'var') title = ''; end settingFileFullPath = getSettingFileFullPath('getFile'); %% Opens the getFolder.ini file to see what the last accessed folder was if exist(settingFileFullPath, 'file') == 2 settingsFID = fopen(settingFileFullPath, 'r'); defaultOpenLocation = fscanf(settingsFID, '%200c'); fclose(settingsFID); [dataFilename dataFolder] = uigetfile([defaultOpenLocation filterSpec], title); else [dataFilename dataFolder] = uigetfile(filterSpec, title); end %% Saves the last opened folder in the getFolder.ini file for later use if ischar(dataFolder) settingsFID = fopen(settingFileFullPath, 'w'); fprintf(settingsFID, '%s', dataFolder); fclose(settingsFID); end