function [map,num,typ,scheme] = brewermap_view(N,scheme) %#ok<*ISMAT> % An interactive figure for ColorBrewer colormap selection. With demo! % % (c) 2014-2020 Stephen Cobeldick % % View Cynthia Brewer's ColorBrewer colorschemes in a figure. % % * Two colorbars give the colorscheme in color and grayscale. % * A button toggles between 3D-cube and 2D-lineplot of the RGB values. % * A button toggles an endless demo cycle through the colorschemes. % * A button reverses the colormap. % * 35 buttons select any ColorBrewer colorscheme. % * Text with the colorscheme's type (Diverging/Qualitative/Sequential) % * Text with the colorscheme's number of nodes (defining colors). % %%% Syntax: % brewermap_view % brewermap_view(N) % brewermap_view(N,scheme) % brewermap_view([],...) % brewermap_view(axes/figure handles,...) % see "Adjust Colormaps" % [map,scheme] = brewermap_view(...) % % Calling the function with an output argument blocks MATLAB execution until % the figure is deleted: the final colormap and colorscheme are then returned. % %% Adjust Colormaps of Figures or Axes %% % % Only R2014b or later. Provide axes or figure handles as the first input % and their colormaps will be updated in real-time by BREWERMAP_VIEW. % %%% Example: % % >> S = load('spine'); % >> image(S.X) % >> brewermap_view(gca) % %% Input and Output Arguments %% % %%% Inputs (*=default): % N = NumericScalar, an integer to define the colormap length. % = *[], colormap length of one hundred and twenty-eight (128). % = NaN, same length as the defining RGB nodes (useful for Line ColorOrder). % = Array of axes/figure handles. R2014b or later only. % scheme = CharRowVector, a ColorBrewer colorscheme name. % %%% Outputs (these block code execution until the figure is closed!): % map = NumericMatrix, the colormap defined when the figure is closed. % num = NumericVector, the number of nodes defining the ColorBrewer colorscheme. % typ = CharRowVector, the colorscheme type: 'Diverging'/'Qualitative'/'Sequential'. % % See also BREWERMAP CUBEHELIX RGBPLOT COLORMAP COLORMAPEDITOR COLORBAR UICONTROL ADDLISTENER %% Input Wrangling %% % persistent ax2D ln2D ax3D pt3D txtH is2D cbAx cbIm pTxt pSld bEig bGrp bRev scm isr % new = isempty(ax2D)||~ishghandle(ax2D); dfn = 128; upd = false; upb = false; hgv = []; nmr = dfn; % err = 'First input must be a real positive scalar numeric or [] or NaN.'; if nargin==0 || isnumeric(N)&&isequal(N,[]) N = dfn; elseif isnumeric(N) assert(isscalar(N),'SC:brewermap_view:NotScalarNumeric',err) assert(isnan(N)||isreal(N)&&isfinite(N)&&fix(N)==N&&N>0,... 'SC:brewermap_view:NotRealPositiveNotNaN',err) N = double(N); elseif all(ishghandle(N(:))) % R2014b or later assert(isgraphics(N(:),'axes')|isgraphics(N(:),'figure'),... 'SC:brewermap_view:NotAxesNorFigureHandles',... 'First input may be an array of figure or axes handles.') hgv = N(:); nmr = arrayfun(@(h)size(colormap(h),1),hgv); N = nmr(1); else error('SC:brewermap_view:UnsupportedInput',err) end % [mcs,mun,pyt] = brewermap('list'); % % Check BREWERMAP output: tmp = find([any(diff(double(char(pyt)),1),2);1]); assert(isequal(tmp,[9;17;35]),'SC:brewermap_view:SchemeSequence',... 'The BREWERMAP function returned an unexpected scheme sequence.') % % Default pseudo-random colorscheme: if nargin==0 || new isr = false; scm = mcs{1+mod(round(now*1e7),numel(mcs))}; end % Parse input colorscheme: if nargin==2 assert(ischar(scheme)&&ndims(scheme)==2&&size(scheme,1)==1,... 'SC:brewermap_view:NotCharacterVector',... 'Second input must be a 1xN char vector.') % Check if a reversed colormap was requested: isr = strncmp(scheme,'*',1); scm = scheme(1+isr:end); end % if isnan(N) N = mun(strcmpi(scm,mcs)); end % %% Ensure Figure Exists %% % % LHS and RHS slider bounds/limits, and slider step sizes: lbd = 1; rbd = dfn; stp = [1,10]; % [minor,major] % % Define the 3D cube axis order: xyz = 'RGB'; % choose order [~,xyz] = ismember(xyz,'RGB'); % if new % Create a new figure. % % Figure parameters: M = 9; % buttons per column gap = 0.01; % gaps bth = 0.04; % demo button height btw = 0.10; % demo button width bgh = 0.40; % button group height cbw = 0.23; % colorbar width (both together) cbh = 1-3*gap-bth; % colorbar height axh = 1-bgh-2*gap; % axes height axw = 1-cbw-2*gap; % axes width bgw = axw-btw-gap; % button group width % figH = figure('HandleVisibility','callback', 'Color','white',... 'IntegerHandle','off', 'NumberTitle','off', 'Units','normalized',... 'Name','ColorBrewer Interactive ColorScheme Selector',... 'MenuBar','figure', 'Toolbar','none', 'Tag',mfilename); % % Add 2D lineplot: ax2D = axes('Parent',figH, 'Position',[gap,bgh+gap,axw,axh], 'Box','on',... 'ColorOrder',[1,0,0; 0,1,0; 0,0,1; 0.6,0.6,0.6], 'HitTest','off',... 'Visible','off', 'XLim',[0,1], 'YLim',[0,1], 'XTick',[], 'YTick',[]); ln2D = line([0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0;1,1,1,1], 'Parent',ax2D,... 'Visible','off', 'Linestyle','-', 'Marker','.'); % % Add 3D scatterplot: ax3D = axes('Parent',figH, 'OuterPosition',[0,bgh,axw+2*gap,1-bgh],... 'Visible','on', 'XLim',[0,1], 'YLim',[0,1], 'ZLim',[0,1], 'HitTest','on'); pt3D = patch('Parent',ax3D, 'XData',[0;1], 'YData',[0;1], 'ZData',[0;1],... 'Visible','on', 'LineStyle','none', 'FaceColor','none', 'MarkerEdgeColor','none',... 'Marker','o', 'MarkerFaceColor','flat', 'MarkerSize',10, 'FaceVertexCData',[1,1,0;1,0,1]); view(ax3D,3); grid(ax3D,'on') lbl = {'Red','Green','Blue'}; xlabel(ax3D,lbl{xyz(1)}) ylabel(ax3D,lbl{xyz(2)}) zlabel(ax3D,lbl{xyz(3)}) % % Add warning text: txtH = text('Parent',ax2D, 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[1,1],... 'HorizontalAlignment','right', 'VerticalAlignment','top', 'Color','k'); % % Add demo button: demo = uicontrol(figH, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[1-cbw/2,1-bth-gap,cbw/2-gap,bth], 'String','Demo',... 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@bmvDemo); %#ok % Add 2D/3D button: is2D = uicontrol(figH, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[1-cbw/1,1-bth-gap,cbw/2-gap,bth], 'String','2D / 3D',... 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@bmv2D3D); % Add reverse button: bRev = uicontrol(figH, 'Style','togglebutton', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[bgw+2*gap,bgh-bth,btw,bth], 'String','Reverse',... 'Max',1, 'Min',0, 'Callback',@bmvRevM); % % Add colorbars: C(1,1,:) = [1,1,1]; cbAx(2) = axes('Parent',figH, 'Visible','off', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[1-cbw/2,gap,cbw/2-gap,cbh], 'YLim',[0.5,1.5],... 'YDir','reverse', 'HitTest','off'); cbAx(1) = axes('Parent',figH, 'Visible','off', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[1-cbw/1,gap,cbw/2-gap,cbh], 'YLim',[0.5,1.5],... 'YDir','reverse', 'HitTest','off'); cbIm(2) = image('Parent',cbAx(2), 'CData',C); cbIm(1) = image('Parent',cbAx(1), 'CData',C); % % Add parameter slider, listener, and corresponding text: sv = mean([lbd,rbd],2); pTxt = uicontrol(figH,'Style','text', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[bgw+2*gap,bgh-2*bth-gap,btw,bth], 'String','X'); pSld = uicontrol(figH,'Style','slider', 'Units','normalized',... 'Position',[bgw+2*gap,gap,btw,bgh-2*bth-gap], 'Min',lbd(1), 'Max',rbd(1),... 'SliderStep',stp(1,:)/(rbd(1)-lbd(1)), 'Value',sv(1)); addlistener(pSld, 'Value', 'PostSet',@bmvSldr); % % Add colorscheme button group: bGrp = uibuttongroup('Parent',figH, 'BorderType','none', 'Units','normalized',... 'BackgroundColor','white', 'Position',[gap,gap,bgw,bgh-gap]); % Determine button locations: Z = 1:numel(mcs); Z = Z+(Z>17); C = (ceil(Z/M)-1)/4; R = (M-1-mod(Z-1,M))/M; % Add colorscheme buttons to group: for jj = numel(mcs):-1:1 bEig(jj) = uicontrol('Parent',bGrp, 'Style','Toggle', 'String',mcs{jj},... 'Unit','normalized', 'Position',[C(jj),R(jj),1/4,1/M]); end set(bGrp,'SelectionChangeFcn',@bmvChgS); % end % %% Nested Functions %% % function str = makeName() str = '*'; str = [str(isr),scm]; end % function bmvUpDt() % Update all graphics objects in the figure. % % Get ColorBrewer colormap and grayscale equivalent: [map,num,typ] = brewermap(N,makeName()); mag = map*[0.298936;0.587043;0.114021]; % % Update colorbar values: set(cbAx, 'YLim', [0,abs(N)+(N==0)]+0.5); set(cbIm(1), 'CData',reshape(map,[],1,3)) set(cbIm(2), 'CData',repmat(mag,[1,1,3])) % % Update 2D line / 3D patch values: if get(is2D, 'Value') % 2D set(ln2D, 'XData',linspace(0,1,abs(N))); set(ln2D,{'YData'},num2cell([map,mag],1).'); else % 3D set(pt3D,... 'XData',map(:,xyz(1)),... 'YData',map(:,xyz(2)),... 'ZData',map(:,xyz(3)),... 'FaceVertexCData',map) end % % Update reverse button: set(bRev, 'Value',isr) % % Update warning text: str = {[typ,' '];sprintf('%d Nodes ',num)}; set(txtH,'String',str); % % Update parameter value text: set(pTxt(1), 'String',sprintf('N = %.0f',N)); % % Update external axes/figure: nmr(1) = N; for k = 1:numel(hgv) colormap(hgv(k),brewermap(nmr(k),makeName())); end % drawnow() end % function bmv2D3D(h,~) % Switch between 2D-line and 3D-cube representation. % if get(h,'Value') % 2D set(ax3D, 'HitTest','off', 'Visible','off') set(ax2D, 'HitTest','on', 'Visible','on') set(pt3D, 'Visible','off') set(ln2D, 'Visible','on') else % 3D set(ax2D, 'HitTest','off', 'Visible','off') set(ax3D, 'HitTest','on', 'Visible','on') set(ln2D, 'Visible','off') set(pt3D, 'Visible','on') end % bmvUpDt(); end % function bmvChgS(~,e) % Change the colorscheme. % scm = get(e.NewValue,'String'); % bmvUpDt() end % function bmvRevM(h,~) % Reverse the colormap. % isr = logical(get(h,'Value')); % bmvUpDt() end % function bmvSldr(~,~) % Update the slider position. % if ~upd return end % N = round(get(pSld,'Value')); % bmvUpDt() end % function bmvDemo(h,~) % Display all ColorBrewer colorschemes sequentially. % cnt = 0; while ishghandle(h)&&get(h,'Value') cnt = mod(cnt+1,pow2(53)); % if mod(cnt,23)<1 ids = 1+mod(find(strcmpi(scm,mcs)),numel(mcs)); scm = mcs{ids}; try %#ok set(bGrp, 'SelectedObject',bEig(ids)); end end % if mod(cnt,69)<1 isr = ~isr; end % upb = (upb || N<=1) && N set(pSld, 'Value',N) bmvUpDt() end upd = true; % % Faster/slower: pause(0.1); end % end % %% Initialize the Figure %% % set(bGrp,'SelectedObject',bEig(strcmpi(scm,mcs))); set(pSld,'Value',max(lbd,min(rbd,N))); upd = true; bmvUpDt() % if nargout waitfor(ax2D); scheme = makeName(); else clear map end % end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%brewermap_view % % Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Stephen Cobeldick % % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); % you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. % You may obtain a copy of the License at % % % % Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software % distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, % WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. % See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%license