## Files provided by Cai Lab The directory named segmented_data_3units_100frames contains a stub version of data provided by the Cai Lab to test minian segmentation interface. The data contains timeStamps.csv file with 'Frame Number' and 'Time Stamp (ms)' headers, and a .zarr dataset with the following structure: ``` minian/ ├── A.zarr │ ├── A (3, 608, 608) float64 │ ├── animal () `image_masks` - C: Temporal components of cells. Should have dimensions “frame” and “unit_id”. --> `roi_response_denoised` - b: Spatial footprint of background. Should have dimensions (“height”, “width”). --> `background_image_masks` - f: Temporal dynamic of background. Should have dimension “frame”. --> `roi_response_neuropil` - b0: Baseline fluorescence for each cell. Should have dimensions (“frame”, “unit_id”) and same shape as C --> `roi_response_baseline` - c0: Initial calcium decay, in theory triggered by calcium events happened before the recording starts. Should have dimensions (“frame”, “unit_id”) and same shape as C - S: Deconvolved spikes for each cell. Should have dimensions (“frame”, “unit_id”) and same shape as C --> `roi_response_deconvolved` - max_proj: the maximum projection --> `summary_image`