# Miniscope format The Miniscope acquisition software enables simultaneous recording from a microscope and a behavioral camera. The data recorded by the software is saved in a folder structure based on the data and time of recording. Depending on the version of Miniscope the data structure can be different. ## Miniscope V4 ### C6-J588_Disc5 The folder structure for Miniscope V3 recordings, based on the example session received from the Tye lab, is organized as follows: C6-J588_Disc5/ (main folder) ├── 15_03_28/ (subfolder corresponding to the recording time) │ ├── Miniscope/ (subfolder containing the microscope video stream) │ │ ├── 0.avi (microscope video) │ │ ├── metaData.json (metadata for the microscope device) │ │ └── timeStamps.csv (timing of this video stream) │ ├── BehavCam_2/ (subfolder containing the behavioral video stream) │ │ ├── 0.avi (bevavioral video) │ │ ├── metaData.json (metadata for the behavioral camera) │ │ └── timeStamps.csv (timing of this video stream) │ └── metaData.json (metadata for the recording, such as the start time) ├── 15_06_28/ │ ├── Miniscope/ │ ├── BehavCam_2/ │ └── metaData.json └── 15_12_28/ For testing purposes each video file (`0.avi`) includes the first five frames from the corresponging recording.