# Bruker TIF format This format consists of multiple OME-TIF image files (.ome.tif files) and configuration parameters in XML format (.xml and/or .env files). Each OME-TIF file can contain a single frame (single page tiffs), or they can contain stacks of images (multi-page tiffs). Each folder contains an XML file with the order and timing of images, the number of optical channels, the number of imaging planes and other useful information. The following examples were shared with us by the Pinto lab. ## NCCR32_2023_02_20_Into_the_void_t_series_baseline-000 This folder contains an XML file and the first 10 `.ome.tif` files from a 2P recording with a single imaging plane (and one color channel). ## NCCR32_2022_11_03_IntoTheVoid_t_series-005 This folder contains an XML file and the first 10 `.ome.tif` files (5 frames from two imaging planes) from a volumetric 2P recording. ## NCCR62_2023_07_06_IntoTheVoid_t_series_Dual_color-000 This folder contains an XML file and 2 `.ome.tif` files (10-10 frames for each optical channel) from a 2P recording with a single imaging plane and two channels.