# Lightning Pose format The directory named "outputs" contains the pose estimation data after running [Lightning Pose]( https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.28.538703) pose estimation algorithm on the example data provided in their own [GitHub repo](https://github.com/danbider/lightning-pose) on 2023-11-09. The example data is located here: https://github.com/danbider/lightning-pose/tree/main/data/mirror-mouse-example The output was generated from this [notebook](https://colab.research.google.com/github/danbider/lightning-pose/blob/main/scripts/litpose_training_demo.ipynb) ### Example directory structure ``` /outputs/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS/ └── video_preds/    ├── labeled_videos/    ├── test_vid.csv    ├── test_vid_pca_multiview_error.csv   ├── test_vid_pca_singleview_error.csv    └── test_vid_temporal_norm.csv ``` * `video_preds/`: contains the predictions and metrics from videos. * `video_preds/labeled_videos/`: the labeled mp4 videos * `video_preds/test_vid.mp4`: the original video * `video_preds/test_vid.csv`: the predictions on labeled data (x, y coordinates and confidence) * `video_preds/test_vid_pca_multiview_error.csv`: the pca multiview reprojection error between predictions and labeled keypoints * `video_preds/test_vid_pca_singleview_error.csv`: pca singleview reprojection error between predictions and labeled keypoints * `video_preds/test_vid_temporal_norm.csv`: the temporal norm between predictions and labeled key points